Throughout the decades, interplanetary attacks and alien invasions have become a regular occurrence on earth. No one was shocked when a village or so would be reported in the news, wiped out with little to no survivors. Alien invasions could be stopped, of course, but that didn't mean there weren't any consequences. Sometimes, entire villages would be deleted, and there's nothing the superhero agencies could do about it.

After all, superheroes aren't omnipotent or gods, and it's normal for them to be helpless in specific scenarios. Of course, there will always be hate when it comes to heroes with subpar results, but that would more or less be overlooked, given the overall success rate of superheroes when it comes to fending off invasions.

Five Years Ago, a similar invasion happened in a village on the shores of Japan. It was a small village spanning over three hectares of land. Since a forest surrounded the village, civilization was cut off from it, but it's still well in its time since a road leads to a nearby city.

It all started when the entire village noticed a metallic ship descending towards the sea. It didn't look alien, so the people assumed that there was nothing to worry about. The ship looked like it was built by humans, and despite its weird color and shape, the people didn't mind it at all. They figured that it was probably a space cruiser making an emergency landing nearby— this is a regular occurrence around the world, so the villagers didn't bother reporting it to the authorities, much less the Superheroes Association Organization.

Then tragedy struck.


"Gasp!" Jana bolted from her bed as cold sweat trickled down her neck. She was breathing heavily, her eyes darting all over the place as if she was in a daze.

When the door creaked open, Jana opened her mouth in an attempt to scream. While her surroundings looked like her room, she was convinced that she was still in her nightmare. She should've been used to it by now, but she just couldn't do it. Her nightmares would always entice her to scream her heart out. And this time, it was no different.

A head then peeked out of the door, and it was none other than her mom. She had the same black hair as Jana, and her eyes had the same big pupils, making her look cuter than she already was. Seeing her daughter's expression prompted her to enter her room and give her a warm embrace of assurance. She knew that her daughter had been having nightmares, but she could do nothing but calm her down when she woke up.

"Are you all right? You looked like you've seen a ghost." Jana's mother asked, gently stroking her hair.

"It's getting nearer, mom. Every time I dream... it's closer..." Jana whimpered.

"How close is it this time?" Jana's mom whispered in her ear, hugging her even tighter.

"It was right on my face. Right here, a few inches close, it'd have touched me." Jana explained.

"You're awake now. You don't have to worry about it, okay? Now, why don't we head to the kitchen? Your father cooked breakfast this time."

Hoisting her daughter up, she then assisted Jana to the dining area. There, her husband looked back, holding a spatula in his hand as he greeted both of them with a good morning. It was obvious that he enjoyed cooking for both his wife and daughter. He was preparing a feast.

"Aren't you cooking a little bit too much, honey? Can we even finish all that?" Jana's mom said, accompanying her husband to cook after assisting Jana to sit down. Giving her husband a peck on the cheeks, she then grabbed the bowl of eggs, beating them while her husband deep-fried some karaages.

Even though Jana had little to no clue about what her dad was cooking, she could tell that he was cooking something delicious based on the smell. The fragrance that enveloped the house smelled homey and somehow calmed Jana a little bit. She took a whiff of the aroma that wafted in the air. A smile was written on her face.

"Your dad's going to Tokyo today." Jana's dad said, flexing his biceps at his daughter. "Apparently, the Superhero License Test is bound to happen soon. I'm going to apply. I can feel it! This is the year for sure!" He continued, clenching his fist.

"How many times have you taken the Superhero License Test, dad? Isn't this the third time?" Jana didn't mean anything bad by her comment. She just stated the fact that her dad had already failed twice. But then again, she didn't mind her dad's enthusiasm at all since he was happiest when talking about superheroes.

"This time, for sure! I'm going to become a superhero. Just you wait. Once I get my first paycheck, we're all going to move to Tokyo!" He continued before laughing out loud.

"So that's why you were cooking a lot. You wanted this to be an advanced celebration?" Jana's mom teased, to which her dad responded with a shake of his head.

"No, no, this is just so you won't miss me while I'm gone. I'm a better cook than you, remember, honey? Our Jana's going to miss my cooking while I'm gone." He teased.

"I won't." Jana pretended to act all serious as she took a sip of water. She couldn't disagree with her father, that's why she pretended to be disinterested in the topic.



The sudden flash of black and white made Jana feel a little dizzy. She managed to keep herself together, but that's after she dropped her glass of water on the floor. The glass shattered into tiny pieces as it hit the ground, causing both her parents to flinch.


Jana gasped as another flash of black and white invaded her eyes. This time, the flash went by a little longer, and she recognized the figure standing in front of her while the flashing of light occurred.

"It's... it's here..." Utter terror was written on her face as she panicked, muttering the words under her breath.

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