The heat that emanated from the training room was intense even though it was somewhat cold outside. Ever since the Black Fog and his faction appeared at White Mist's Dojo/Training Camp's doorstep, everyone proceeded to train non-stop, even cutting their sleep so they could add more time to their regimen. The beast masters White Mist and Jean Grey didn't feel like taking a break either, and they continued to train their Dual Beast Integration but to no avail.

Even with their constant improvement in their power output control, they could still barely hold the Dual Beast Integration for a minute or so. And even then, they could only keep their Dual Beast Integration if they don't move. The moment they take just one step forward, their Dual Beast Integration would deactivate, and they'd have to expend even more energy to reactivate it again.

Satoshi noticed that Shoyo's improvement was surprising. It would be an understatement to say that Shoyo's actually a beginner when it comes to being a beast tamer. He was a genius, and his improvements far exceeded the beast masters despite his young age.

It had only been a few days since Satoshi took over the training camp, and ever since then, Shoyo had looked up to him as if he was his legitimate master. Not only would Shoyo go as far as to offer food and drinks to Satoshi, but he would also go out of his way to make him comfortable, giving him a pillow to sit on whenever he wanted to sit down, and even following him around to take care of small inconveniences. On the other hand, Satoshi looked at Shoyo as if he was his friend, and that's why he never felt uncomfortable with how he usually acted around him.

As the sun dipped down westward, marking the afternoon, Satoshi felt a little bit suffocated inside the training camp. He couldn't really go all out with his practice since there were a lot of people watching, and if he were to leave, the others would think that he was skipping his training. It would look bad since he had become everyone's trainer against his will. Even though he somewhat hated being the 'acting leader' he still decided to set a good example for everyone.

That's when Satoshi caught a glimpse of Emma by the poolside. She was with Shiroi and the others and they seemed to be having a good time, wallowing in the water and splashing at each other as if they were in the middle of a romcom manga. Satoshi was glad that Aira was enjoying herself even though he wasn't there to look after her... and he could tell that Aira had grown closer to Emma and Shiroi.

Satoshi excused himself from everyone. And before Jean Grey or anyone else could say anything, he went outside to meet up with Emma and the others...

... or so that's what everybody thought.

Apparently, Satoshi wanted everyone to think that he wanted to spend some time with Aira, Emma, and Shiroi... when in fact, he just wanted some time alone. He hasn't let loose ever since they started training in the training camp. Quite frankly, Satoshi felt as if everyone in there was holding him back... but he didn't say anything since they were eager to learn.

Back in Tokyo, Satoshi had plenty of time to let his superpowers loose, especially when he does his special training with his dad. But now, there was no morning training, and every beast tamer in the training camp expects him to teach them. Satoshi felt a tad bit stressed, and he wanted to go somewhere where he'd be able to use his full power without anyone bothering him.

As soon as he exited the facility, Satoshi called out to his familiar, Ghast, and he immediately asked him to teleport him to the Beast Dimension. In a blink of an eye, Satoshi found himself in an all-too-familiar place filled with molten rocks and wastelands. The usual heat brushed against his skin and even though it made him sweat a little bit, he felt an odd sense of relief.

Here, he was alone, and there was no one to bother him. He also didn't have to look after a dozen or so beast tamers who were practicing the Dual Beast Integration. While he found their effort commendable, it actually took all of Satoshi's patience to suppress his impatience (yeah, no doubt). There were times when he wanted to scream at them due to stress, but he managed to hold it off.

"I knew it... right from the start I already knew it... I guess I really am not cut out to be a teacher." Satoshi said to himself.

There was no one in the Beast Dimension aside from the beasts that freely roamed the area. Without hesitation, Satoshi let out a scream before he collapsed to the ground. Now he felt refreshed, even though the heat from the molten rocks continued to plague him.

For a couple of seconds, Satoshi just closed his eyes and rested there, ignoring the beasts around him. Thanks to his superpower, he could somehow sense the beasts that roamed all over the place. That's why he wasn't worried if a stronger beast shows up. He'd simply get up and leave if something were to happen.

Satoshi doubted it though. There was no way he won't be able to defend himself against any beast. He was strong enough to integrate with all of his familiars at once so taking care of one beast should be relatively easy.

"Finally, inner peace," Satoshi said to himself as he heaved a sigh of satisfaction. The drowning noise of the beast tamers who trained in his proximity was gone... and now he could relax without anyone judging his actions. "I wonder if this is what a master feels when his disciples always bug him or her... maybe this is what Master Sh*fu felt back then in that classic and popular animated series about a panda."

Slowly, Satoshi opened his eyes to slowly let his eyes adjust to the brightness of the place. When he did so, he realized that Dex was staring right in front of him, floating above his face. "Ah, Dex, how are you doing?"

[Satoshi, I have summarized all the information regarding your familiars/tamed beasts. You can view it at any time.]

"Really? Thanks, you're really awesome Dex." Satoshi complimented as he hoisted himself upwards. When he finally assumed a sitting position, Dex slowly descended beside him.

From a third person's viewpoint, Satoshi and Dex looked like a student with his retro computer beside him. "I guess I'll take a look at it right now before anything else. I've already studied the White Lion's skills and stats as well as the Nailgun's... for now... can you put up Sera and Ghast's stats?"

[Of course, Satoshi]

[Sera: SS-Grade

Description: (All descriptions are based on the perception of Midoriyama Satoshi. Henceforth, this is a biased description) Sera looks like a cute teru teru bozu (look it up if you don't know what a teru teru bozu looks like). She has seven cogs as halos floating over her head. Her main weapon is a staff, but she never uses it.


Area Debuff— Debuffs specific targets in a wide radius. The effective area varies and it is unclear as to how much area Sera's debuff can cover. (Sera's debuff range from decreased movement speed, physical attack, attack speed, etc.)

Area Buff—Buffs specific targets in a wide radius. The effective area varies and it is unclear as to how much area Sera's buff can cover. (Sera's buff range from increased movement speed, physical attack, attack speed, etc.)

Area Heal— Heals specific targets in a wide area. One of the most common buffs that

Heal— HEAL!!! (No one should get this reference)

Instant Regeneration— Grants a specific target instant regeneration. Be it a lost limb, or a lost lower body, Sera can regenerate it in an instant as long as she has enough energy.

Special Abilities:

Locked ????

Locked ????

Locked ????]


Satoshi hasn't even finished reading the entirety of Sera's skills and stats information when Dex suddenly closed the window that appeared in front of him. Surprised, Satoshi turned towards Dex, expecting an explanation from him. He hasn't taken a look at Ghast's stats either, that's why he found it weird that Dex closed it before he said anything.

Just when Satoshi was about to ask Dex why he did that out of the blue... Satoshi felt all the hairs on his back rise up. His throat constricted and he felt like choking when incredible bloodlust enveloped his body. At that moment, Satoshi knew that there was a beast behind him, and it was unlike any beast that he met before. "Dex... mind explaining what's going on here?" Satoshi asked. He didn't even dare turn around for fear that the beast was already closely staring at the back of his head.

[I'm sorry, Satoshi... but I think... we just ran into a Representative]

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