For once, Knighthawk was filled with confidence since he was going to use his last resort. This move had been effective throughout his career. After all, it involved threatening someone's life.

And he was going to use the same thing on Satoshi. Even though this was just a competition between a teacher and a student, he didn't want to lose. 'Besides, I'm just going to use a dummy, not a real one. I'm sure he'd fall prey to my lies. After all, my poker face had always been the best.'

Knighthawk formulated a plan in his mind as Satoshi lassoed him a second time. The lasso whipped him on his ankles, causing him to jump up.

'Just you wait, I'm going to humiliate you by making you surrender.' Knighthawk muttered to himself as he used his taser.

On his back, he got two wooden sticks. He didn't bother using it though since the taser was much better than two wooden sticks. As long as he wielded one taser, he wouldn't resort to using his wooden sticks, especially at Satoshi who specializes in most if not all martial arts.

Without wasting time, Knighthawk reached into his back pocket, causing Satoshi to move forward since he was about to do something.

Gritting his teeth, Satoshi extended his lasso, whipping it at Knighthawk's right hand as he reached into his back pocket.

It was all just an act, though, and Knighthawk immediately knew where the lasso would whip.

He immediately knew where the lasso would whip, and he reached for it with his bare hands.

The pain instantly shot to his head as the lasso whipped around his hand. He winced, but he managed to grab the lasso before it unwrapped.

"Gotcha!" Knighthawk uttered as he pulled Satoshi.

Taken off-guard, Satoshi was thrown forward as Knighthawk pulled with all his might.

Once he was within arm's reach, Knighthawk smoothly grabbed his 'last resort' from his back pocket. It looked like a collar.

Since Satoshi was thrown off-balance, he wasn't able to react in time as Knighthawk slid the collar onto his neck and locked it.

And before Satoshi could do anything, Knighthawk let go of his lasso and jumped backward. It was obvious that he had done this collar thing before. He was so smooth that Satoshi wasn't even able to react in time.

"And now we're done," Knighthawk said to himself, smiling at Satoshi as he patted himself on the back.

Some of the audience began wondering if Knighthawk had a weird fetish, while a small portion of them knew exactly what Knighthawk was doing.

Long story short, Satoshi was in trouble. The collar was not just any other collar. It was actually a bomb.

"I just strapped a bomb on your neck," Knighthawk announced. "Not only that, I made it trigger automatically. "Try to approach me, and that bomb would slowly heat up until your neck's burnt to a crisp. Try to attack me, and your head's going to be blown to bits."

Satoshi stopped short in his tracks as he stared at Knighthawk who was smiling from ear to ear. Obviously, he was telling the truth. The moment he moved forward, the bomb slowly heat up, making him wince in pain. He moved backward, and the bomb cooled down.

Unbeknownst to him, Knighthawk was actually lying. It would heat up when he tried to approach Knighthawk, but it won't explode no matter what he did. Then again, it would burn his neck to a crisp, but it wasn't life-threatening.

"That's cheating!"

"Get outta here!"

"Using deadly weapons against a kid, you're deplorable!'

"Somebody disqualify that man!"

"He has no conscience! He's going to kill a child!"

The audience started booing at Knighthawk who was fighting underhandedly. But Knighthawk didn't listen to their complaints. This was his fight, his rules, and anything goes as long as he could defeat Satoshi and hold onto his pride like a spoiled kid.

"What are you going to do about it?" Knighthawk responded to the audience as he shrugged at them.

Satoshi clenched his teeth. He couldn't move forward, and he couldn't move backward since that would also activate the heat on the collar. He wasn't sure whether the collar would really go off, but based on Knighthawk's expression, he knew that he wasn't lying.

"What are you going to do? Just stand here and waste our time? Or are you going to forfeit this match?" Knighthawk taunted, extending his hand as he signaled for Satoshi to take a step forward.

"Then? You can't also approach me, right? There's no way you can do it either, right?" Satoshi felt the clouds open up as he found a sliver of hope. He had no idea if his bluff would work, but he risked saying it nevertheless.

"What are you talking about?" Knighthawk scoffed as he took a step forward. "Now, get a load of this."

As Knighthawk took one step, Satoshi felt his throat burning up. He gasped for air, but the temperature just continued to rise, burning his neck and literally toasting his throat.

"You see, it works the other way around as well. If I approach you, the temperature would rise up as well. That's why you don't want me walking towards you." Knighthawk explained, taking another step forward.

Satoshi almost fell to the ground due to the excruciating pain, but he got up and jumped backward, gaining some distance from Knighthawk.

"That won't work, you know," Knighthawk told him as he increased his pace.

While Knighthawk tried to approach him, Satoshi continued retreating. He couldn't afford Knighthawk to get near him. His neck was already burning, and he could tell that his skin had already suffered some serious damage.

"Don't be ridiculous, Satoshi, give up now. I'll remove the collar." Knighthawk continued.

Satoshi was about to raise his hand and give up... however, he felt a sharp pang in his mind, and he heard a voice speaking at him.

From a distance, he saw Kuroe looking at him, mouthing out the words that gave him newfound confidence.

This time, without hesitation, he charged at Knighthawk.

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