My System Allows Me to Copy Talents

Chapter 474: Tension off the pitch!

As they heard, everybody's attention shifted to the person who had spoken up. Earlier while they had gone on with their rants this individual had remained relatively silent.

In fact, he hadn't even joined them earlier on the pitch.

However, right now, none of it mattered. What he said immediately piqued their interest, making them forget about his lack of participation.

This individual stood at a height of 5'11" with a lean, athletic build. Possessing sharp, dark eyes, and a clean-shaven face, he often wore a friendly smile on his face.

He had a rather gentle appearance.

Even now, upon looking at his face, one might wonder how someone could speak of something so devious with such calmness.

But they weren't unfamiliar with this person. After all, he was one of the few players from the club outside Japan. With multiple caps under his name, he was sort of like a legendary figure in the national team.

He went by the name Daichi Kurosawa.

Having won the Swiss Super League multiple times with his club FC Basel, he was sort of a celebrity figure in the team. However, precisely because he played for a club outside the top 5, his popularity wasn't as high.

But among his peers, he was pretty well-known.

"Exactly, we need to teach him that the world isn't so simple"

After hearing him, one of the senior players roared. Soon, everybody came to a unanimous conclusion.

As for Daichi, he quietly faded into the background. He didn't participate further in their cause. It was as if those were the only words he was planning on saying.

Nonetheless, it triggered those players who were momentarily caught in a dilemma. If not for his intervention, mostly they'd have forgotten about it.

But due to his intervention, their resolve was more resolute than ever.

Just then while they were still active, other players who had nothing to do with their cause arrived in the locker room.

It was Tominaga, another player who was solitary by nature.

Tominaga directly barged into the room, unbothered. He didn't even glance at those bunches who were being quite loud.

The appearance of Tominaga startled the bunch. It would be a problem if their intention were to be revealed. Hence, upon noticing him, immediately they shut their mouth.

They pretended as if they were simply having a conversation to deceive Tominaga.

Well, even if they were planning something devious, it didn't concern him. So, Tominaga willingly avoided those bunches.

While the bunches were still cautious of him, he changed his attire and left the locker room, acting as if their stares didn't bother him in the slightest.

Finally, as he left the room, those bunches heaved a sigh of relief.

"Did he leave?"

"He didn't hear our plan, did he?"

Although they were quite relieved now that he had left the locker room, they were also worried about him overhearing their plan.

That's why they couldn't help but feel anxious. After all, if he were to reveal what they were talking about in the locker room to the coach, calamity would befall upon them. And for such obvious reasons, they couldn't help but feel anxious.

"Let's be optimistic about it"

"Even if he did hear it why would he care? After all, his relationship with Hiro isn't great anyway. In fact, we'd be doing him a favor by eliminating him."

A moment ago at least they were trying to hide their intention. But now, they were openly discussing it. They also had the audacity to justify their actions.

If such talks were to find their way to the ear of the coaches it wouldn't end well for those bunches. Moreover, if it were to be known by the public, only god knows what awaits.

As for Tominaga though he hadn't managed to hear everything, he had heard the mention of Hiro. And from the earlier fuss, he could tell that they were planning to obstruct Hiro's progress.

He could tell that they were up to something.

But why would he care about it?

Whatever they intended on doing, it had nothing to do with him. Hence, he turned a blind eye to their gesture.

After a while, Hiro and the rest walked out of the pitch as well. Though Hiro didn't wish to get involved in any troubles the same couldn't be said to Seko.

He was hot-headed after all.

But he was also professional. His personality was rather mysterious. Like he was a

troublemaker but he knew where to act smart as well.

The respect he had for the coaches was unprecedented.

And so was his work ethic.

If somebody came finding trouble with him, he wouldn't step back from getting his hands dirty. But if somebody came extending their hand for a handshake, he wouldn't step away from taking the person's hand either.

A friend for a friend and a foe for a foe.

That would be the correct way to define him.

"I'm telling you, don't find unnecessary trouble"

On their way to the locker room, Naoto kept on reminding him to avoid unnecessary troubles.

It's not that he didn't care for Hiro.

But he didn't want either of his friends to get kicked out because of some minor

misunderstandings in the pitch.

Hence, he kept warning him repeatedly.

Hiro wouldn't get provoked easily. So, he didn't have to worry about him. But Tatsuki was a

different case. It wouldn't take much to provoke him.

So, Naoto was rather fearful that he might get into trouble.

Arriving into the locker room they were greeted with the sight of those bunches who had openly expressed their dissatisfaction a moment ago.

Tatsuki was disgusted by their sight.

Though he had shared the same field with those bunches, he never truly liked those bunches. Some of them acted quite haughty even during his earlier days.

So, he had come to dislike their personality.

But having been forced to share the same field, he was forced to adapt. That's how he adapted

to the team.

Though he was disgusted by their sight, he wasn't someone who willingly got into trouble. Also remembering the words of Naoto, he avoided them and proceeded with his task.

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