When he came back to his senses, he noticed all those stares he was getting. Those stares made him flinch a bit.

'Why are they looking at me in such a way?' He couldn't help but ponder why they were looking at him so weirdly. Hiro was utterly clueless. Just then before he could think any further, Akira announced the end of the session, drawing everyone's attention to him, providing him a moment of respite from those stares. "Okay everyone, let's wrap up for now"

They were both surprised and relieved to hear the announcement. Wasn't it ending so soon? Well, the earlier the better. "Ah right before you leave, clean the mess. As for who has to clean, you can decide among yourselves," saying so, Akira walked out of the field alongside his fellow peers. Organizing the equipment wasn't a tedious task. And, they had more than enough energy left to spare. Yet, many weren't willing to do the cleanup. It's not that they didn't want to do the cleanup. But the question was who was going to do the cleanup? The coach had asked them to decide among themselves. But who in the right mind would volunteer for such stuff?

Even before deciding on the people, some players from the winning side were already leaving the field, acting as if it wasn't their responsibility. "Where are you all going without finishing the cleanup?" asked one of the players, dissatisfiedly. Most of the players who were leaving the field were the old players who had been on the team for the longest. But that didn't mean that only the older players were leaving. Some players from the losing side were also walking away. We all are responsible for the task. Yet, why do they get to evade the responsibility? If they are not obliged then why must we adhere to the command?

That was what most players who had stayed back to do the cleanup were thinking at the moment. They were unsatisfied with the attitude of the players who were leaving. "Huh? Cleanup? Why must we do it? We won, right? So, it's only fair for the losing side to do the cleanup. Didn't you learn that in school?" tersely responded one of the players who was walking away. But his response didn't sit well with most of the players from the losing end. After all, they weren't told that the losing side should do the cleanup. They had been told to discuss among themselves. So, who were they to decide? Just because they were seniors didn't mean that they had the right to boss around. They were furious at their response. But couldn't muster the courage to speak up. They could only tuck in their fury and comply. Well, Hiro wasn't planning to argue from the beginning. It didn't matter to him if any stayed behind or not. He was going to volunteer for the cleanup. And, speaking out of place would only get him in trouble. So, he helplessly shook his head as he heard the debate, 'Hierarchy, it's unavoidable no matter where you go'

Also, what's wrong with staying behind to do the cleanups? It's not like he had any urgent matter to attend to. So, despite the scuffle happening in front of him, he chose to remain silent. But the one who had questioned the leaving players was fuming. Furrowing his brows, he stood tight-lipped with his palm tightly clenched into a fist. 'Wherever he goes, trouble is unavoidable' Hiro thought as he ignored him. The person who was trying to stand up against the hierarchy right now, Hiro was familiar with him. He was called Kenta Ishikawa, a twenty-year-old winger/forward who played for FC Tokyo. He had a rather fierce temper. And, while playing against him, he had clashed with him often despite being a newcomer. Well, he had a pretty nasty reputation in the league, colliding against almost at least a player from every single team in the league. But since he delivered consistently, it was rather hard to point a finger at him. "So, you've got any more complaints rookie?" He wasn't the type to lower his head. However, he had no other choice than to comply this time. So, he unwillingly backed down. If only another player stood up, he wouldn't have backed down. But since he was all alone, he had no choice but to retreat. Well, even if his club teammates weren't stepping up for him then why must other players step up?

"Seems like you don't"

The older players then turned to leave. As the commotion died down, it got eerily silent for a while. The silence, however, only lasted for a while before Kenta's furious growl tore through the silence. "And, where do you think you are going?" he yelled, calling out to Tominaga who was leaving the field silently. However, Tominaga remained unresponsive as he steadily walked to the exit without even turning back to look at him. It was as if he couldn't even hear him. His unresponsiveness only further infuriated Kenta. Furious, he stomped his way in front of Tominaga, blocking his path. Glaring at him with his bloodshot eyes, he yelled, "Didn't you hear me?"

If Kenta was fire then so was Tominaga. "Huh? Who are you to block my way?" he responded coldly. His cold gaze remained unchanged as he looked him in the eye without any fear in his heart. A clash seemed unavoidable at this moment. The air became thick with tension as the two faced each other. Other players, silently observed their debate. It seemed as if no one was willing to confront the two at the moment. Most probably, they wanted to stay away from the trouble. If words of their disagreement got to the ear of the coaches, it'd for sure get them into some serious trouble. So, why must they intervene? They didn't want to get involved. And, it was only the safest route for them to stay out of trouble. Hence they remained as a mere spectator to the clash happening right in front of their eyes.

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