My Sword Intent Can Be Infinitely Improved

Chapter 215 - 215: Organizing and Harvesting, Planning the Cosmos! (6)

Chapter 215: Organizing and Harvesting, Planning the Cosmos! (6)

Translator: Daoist6fubtiW

Human cultivators could purchase cultivation resources once a month, and the quantity they could buy in a single purchase was definitely thirty percent more than what they needed.

For instance, if a Nascent Soul realm cultivator required 30 drops of Elemental Spirit Liquid in a month, they could purchase 40 drops in one go, which would be more than enough for their one-month cultivation.

As for what they did with the surplus resources, Su Yang didn’t concern himself with that.

Once the one-month cooldown period passed, they could make another purchase.

A few might choose to resell the excess, which could be a lucrative business for human cultivators.

Su Yang had imposed these restrictions to avoid mass reselling of resources.

Now that Su Yang had done what he needed to do, he no longer had to worry about it.

With Gu Xiu in charge, he would handle the SwordNet Cores and Daxia Merchant House. In this regard, Su Yang had great trust in Gu Xiu.

Furthermore, Su Yang had already solved most of the challenges. If Gu Xiu couldn’t handle it, it would cast doubt on Gu Xiu’s abilities.

“Gu Lao, you’ll be in charge of the tasks going forward. If you encounter any issues you can’t resolve, feel free to consult me.”

“Understood, Master of the Sword.

Su Yang nodded slightly and then disappeared from the spot. He needed to continue dealing with the Evil Spirit Nests.

In the entire Black Snake Plain, he had managed to destroy thirty percent of the Evil Spirit Nests. However, the remaining seventy percent were still intact.

Leaving other areas aside, he had previously set a goal to eradicate all the Evil Spirit Nests on the Black Snake Plain.

This was a goal he had set for himself, and now it needed to be achieved.

Based on his previous experience, annihilating one-tenth of the Evil Spirit Nests on the Black Snake Plain could yield around 4 to 5 billion drops of sentient will.

By wiping out the remaining seventy percent, he could accumulate a substantial amount of sentient will.

As for whether to move on to other areas or deal with other matters after eradicating all the Evil Spirit Nests in the Black Snake Plain, that could wait until he was less busy.

After Su Yang left, Gu Xiu began his own actions.

However, with Su Yang establishing his influence and offering assistance free of charge, they wanted to benefit from it as well.

These individuals weren’t entirely aware of the abilities of the Daxia Immortal Sect disciples. Presently, the abilities of the Daxia Immortal Sect disciples allowed them to operate efficiently within smaller worlds, even some regular-sized worlds.

However, in more powerful realms or even smaller worlds like the Qianqian World, their abilities fell short. Nonetheless, this was only the case at the moment. In due time, things might change.

Gu Xiu didn’t give an immediate response to Li Wen’s request but didn’t outright refuse it either. He had a good understanding of the current situation within the Daxia Immortal Sect.

Opening up the entire Black Corner Nebula to the Daxia Immortal Sect disciples would suffice to keep them occupied for a while.

Expanding further would have to wait. Gu Xiu couldn’t make this decision by himself.

“I’ll consult with the Sect Master when I have the chance, and if he approves, there shouldn’t be any issue.”

“Thank you, Senior.”

Li Wen was quite pleased with Gu Xiu’s response. To him, it was nearly the same as getting approval.

The request merely needed to follow the proper channels. The city lords of many cities were keen to inform Su Yang of this decision, but they were apprehensive about approaching him directly. Having Gu Xiu serve as an intermediary was a favorable option.

Gu Xiu, on the other hand, wasn’t particularly concerned. In his estimation, the Sect Master probably intended to deploy Daxia Immortal Sect disciples throughout the entire starry space.

The only issue was that the disciples’ abilities hadn’t fully matured yet. The decision to deploy them within the Black Corner Nebula was an indicator that the Sect Master might have a similar plan.

The one issue currently was that the Daxia Immortal Sect disciples had collected so much sect contribution that they hadn’t yet had the time to digest it all.

Even with an infinite supply of resources, it would take time to refine them. However, Gu Xiu was uncertain whether the Sect Master had a solution for this problem.

Gu Xiu decided he would bring up this matter the next time he met with Su Yang, or he might contact him independently if Su Yang didn’t appear for a long period.

After completing the task related to the SwordNet Core, Gu Xiu turned his attention to the Daxia Merchant House.

This task wasn’t particularly difficult. He selected some individuals to enter the star markets and set up the Daxia Merchant House.

Then, he displayed resources like Elemental Spirit Liquid, Starlight Essence, and Void Qi. Other items would be sorted and added later.

With the official opening of the Daxia Merchant House, many curious beings in the star markets began taking action.

Most of these beings were extraterrestrial. They were eager to see what the Daxia Merchant House had to offer.

In the Black Snake Plain, Su Yang continued to exterminate Evil Spirit Nests for some time.

However, he felt that progress was slow. Hence, he decided to research the art of creating avatars.

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