My Supermodel Wife

Chapter 993 - Bring Him Here!

"So Jade's first kidney came from Emma?" Merry mumbled her own question while looking at the screen.

"It should be!"

Chris was also very surprised by the news.

All this time he thought this woman had a vile heart, but it was shocking that she was willing to do this for Jade.

Currently, Merry is not in the mood to continue reading the contents. She put the phone back in Chris' hands and looked at him excitedly. "So… she wanted my kidney to save Jade..."

Chris worriedly looked at her, then gently stroked her back. "Jade's post-surgery condition is quite serious. Even now, Emma still couldn't find a suitable kidney, and she no longer dared to act rashly. She checked your figure three months ago and used her personal contact to transfer a copy of your medical report from a hospital in the United States. Right now, it seems that your blood type is the same as Jade's. The chances of succeeding will be very high."

After the words fell, Merry quietly covered her waist.

Chris caught a glimpse of her slight movement, and his palm fell, covering the back of her hand. "Don't worry, I won't give her this chance!"

No matter what, donating this kidney is the choice of the donor!

Even if Emma did this for Jade, it didn't mean that Merry had to make an unselfish decision.

She never fulfilled her duty as a mother, what right did she have to let the little girl sacrifice her health to save her son?!

At this moment, Merry was silent for a long time. She shivered suddenly and looked at Chris a bit confused. "Brother, is... my father going to let Emma take me to save her child?"

She has no faith in her blind father now!

Chris saw her panicking and wanted to shake his head on instinct, but he hesitated again.

Now, he... really doesn't dare to say anything regarding this matter.

Judging from Samuel's favor for Emma right now… this situation might actually happen.

Thinking of this, Chris' cheeks instantly turned cold, he tightened his arms and hugged the little girl. "No, he won't do it. But if… I mean if he really wants to do it, I definitely won't let this happen."

He will not hesitate to fight Samuel.

Chris is not a kind, loving and kind person, and Jade's life and death have nothing to do with him.

The little girl is his heart, no one can take her as they please!


In the afternoon, Merry was in a bad mood. She looked worried all day long, and she fell asleep on the couch without eating her lunch.

Chris put his coat on her, and when he went out to smoke, his phone rang.

Looking at the caller ID, Chris was shocked. His father had not contacted him in a long time, but what seemed to make him do so now?

Chris hesitated for a moment as he grabbed the phone, lowered his voice and asked, "What's wrong?"

Paul was about to throw his phone away when he heard her nonchalant tone.

He neutralized his thoughts and opened his mouth in the same low, cold tone. "Is Merry with you?"

Hearing his voice, Chris looked back at the little girl who was sleeping, and walked out of the office. His tone became more intense as he said, "Dad, what else do you want to do?"

"I'm just asking, if she's with you, you just have to answer!" Paul repeated sharply again.

Chris frowned, walked away from the office and replied coldly, "She's in my office, what's wrong?"

"Let him talk on the phone!"

"She's busy!"

The father and son exchanged brief thoughts, and they hardly had a good talk.

On the phone, Paul was silent for a moment, and suddenly sighed. "Take her home tonight. I have something to tell her."

At this moment, Chris was standing in front of the window and narrowed his eyes dangerously. "If you want to say something, you can say it through me."

"Chris, fix your attitude! I'm your father!"

Paul's cold tone couldn't make Chris budge. "Apparently, you are still aware that you are my father. Then… don't you dare to touch Merry!"

Seeing that they were about to be caught in an endless fight, Indra who was behind Paul immediately beckoned him with his eyes to let himself explain to Chris.

Upon seeing this, Paul coldly hummed and threw the phone at him, turned his wheelchair, and sulked.

Indra hastily cleared his throat, picked up the cell phone and laughed softly. "Young Master, you have misunderstood your father again. The person we sent to escort Emma has secretly reported some news. Since it is related to Miss Merry, your father would like to remind her. Since Miss Merry is currently not free now, you better take her to come and visit in the evening. Actually..."

At this point, Indra turned to Paul who looked displeased, then grabbed the receiver and whispered, "Your father really likes Miss Merry, so please don't constantly misunderstand him. Master will never hurt her. Not only that, hasn't he stopped talking about your marriage to the Vander family? Didn't you notice it?"

A few minutes later, Chris hung up stiffly, and Indra's words seemed to ring in his ears.

His father likes Merry?!

Is that possible?!

Chris looks at his phone's screen suspiciously, constantly speculating about Paul's goals.

Is this the man's ploy again?!

He might not want to trust his father easily after everything that happened between them. At least for now….


At five o'clock in the afternoon, Merry and Chris walked to the door of the Hartanto family's house hand in hand.

Today was different. Out of respect for Paul, the little girl bought a special basket of fruit.

In the backyard, Paul was seen sitting at the stone table reading.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, he raised his eyes and ran his gaze to the figures of the two people holding hands.

He didn't speak, and after glancing at Chris, his eyes fell on Merry's figure. "Come here!"

"Uncle!" Merry shouted sharply, took the basket of fruit from Chris' hands, and hugged it. She walked and stopped in front of Paul. "I didn't know what you like, so I bought you a lot of fruit! Eat these fruits so that you can always be healthy!"

She hoped Paul would eat the fruit in hope that they would be at peace.

The little girl didn't dare say this sentence directly, but just muttered it in her heart.

Paul looked at the fruit basket with satisfaction, and said looking at the empty chair, "Sit down."

Chris, who had been left in the cold, felt that his father's behavior was too absurd!

He touched the bridge of his nose, walked up to Merry decisively, and after sitting up bravely, Paul also spoke at the right moment. "Go and wash the fruit."

Chris, who had just sat up firmly. "…"

He narrowed his eyes, but when he was about to refuse, Merry was worried that the two of them would fight again, so she immediately got up and said, "Brother, let me go wash it."

When the words fell, Chris had already picked up the fruit basket on the table without a word, walked away, and led himself to the kitchen.

The old man was deliberately kicking him out, he better not think he doesn't know!

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