My Supermodel Wife

Chapter 988 - I Hate Her!

After Paul and Indra left, the large room immediately became empty and silent.

Merry carefully looked at Chris' face and tilted her head. "Brother, why don't you trust your own father? If it wasn't for him today, I might be really in trouble with that woman."

At this time, Chris slowly calmed down.

After thinking about it, there was a wave of irritation in his heart.

Did he really misunderstand his father?!

Merry looked at Chris' cold face, tiptoed and rubbed his cheek. "Don't be so serious, Uncle just pretended to be angry with you!"

Chris. "..."

He sighed, pulled Merry's little hand, and dragged the chair next to him, then carried the little girl on his lap as he sat down. "Did Emma bother you?"

Merry immediately sighed, and in the end, she frowned in annoyance. "If it weren't for me being too impulsive, Anna wouldn't have been beaten! Brother, my dad has gone too far today, and he's looking even more like an asshole! So I decided to stop calling him daddy until this matter is resolved!"

"How could he be that stupid? Mom and I were clearly at odds with him, but he only had Emma in his eyes. If this continues, I will tell my mother to remarry! I'd rather live with a new father than the current one!"

After those words were finished, Paul appeared in the little girl's mind.

That uncle... should be a good father!

But Merry only dared to imagine it in her heart, she did not have the courage to speak about it.

What a shame!

Listening to the little girl's complaint, Chris' brows furrowed.

It was as if he didn't expect Samuel, who was usually strong and decisive, to be so indecisive in handling his family affair.

Apart from Emma, ??they had long treated Erika as the mistress of the Hiroshi family.

How long it will take for him to get everyone's approval… it's not that hard to see.

But Samuel…. why don't you understand!

Chris sighed wearily, took the cigarette case out of his pocket, and asked the little girl to sit next to him. When he lit a cigarette, his eyes looked gloomy.

At this moment, what made him quite confused was the old man's attitude towards Merry!

Beyond his comprehension, Chris had always believed that his father could not do anything good.

For some time, the door to the room opened again.

Merry looked back and saw the person who had entered, and stood up in surprise. "Brother Alex, why are you here too?!"

It was Alex who opened the door and entered.

He held the doorknob with one hand, and his eyes swept over Chris and Merry. "So you let me wait for you downstairs just to be alone with Merry?"

Chris beckoned him with a cigarette butt. "Sit down!"

Alex raised his eyebrows, slammed the door and dragged his chair to sit next to Chris.

He rarely smoked, so when he saw Chris' gloomy look, he bluntly asked. "I just saw your father! Did you fight with him again??"

After seeing this, Merry sat quietly on the chair. Her big eyes flashed at the two men, openly eavesdropping.

It turned out that Chris's relationship with his father was really not harmonious! Even Alex knew about it...

At this time, Chris returned to suck his cigarette and exhale the smoke.

Alex glanced at Merry faintly, not continuing the topic.

At this time, the atmosphere was so quiet that the little girl couldn't sit still.

It seems that Chris and Alex have something to talk about. Is she a hindrance?!

The little girl knew what she was doing, so she stood up and muttered, "Looks like Wood is still outside the door, I'll go see him."

When the words came out, she hurriedly walked towards the door.

Alex narrowed his eyes then said to stop her. "Merry, he's gone."


Merry stopped, raised her hand and scratched her face. Her little smart head began to ponder to find another reason to leave.

By this time, the cigarette in Chris' hand had run out.

He stubbed it out in the ashtray, stretched his arms out and stood up. "I'll take her home first. You go to the club and wait for me!"

Alex raised his eyebrows and didn't get up, then suggested instead, "It's getting too late, how about I go to your company tomorrow morning?"

He saw that Chris looked worried, and in this state, it was not suitable to continue talking about business matters.

Hearing this, Chris nodded his head after thinking for a while. "Okay, I'll go first then. Send my regards to your sister, I'll invite her to dinner another day to make up for it!"

Alex smiled. "You're exaggerating. She hasn't left the house, so no one was harmed. She was…. Anyway…"

As he spoke, Alex glanced at Merry, then leaned forward, lowered his voice and added. "Alan takes great care of my sister, and he goes to my sister's company almost every day and eats lunch together with her. Therefore, the marriage of the two of them is basically a foregone conclusion, so you can rest assured!"

Chris patted Alex on the shoulder as he said, "Then, we will meet tomorrow."

"Be careful on the road, escort Merry until she enters the house. I asked Clifford earlier and have heard everything that happened this evening. Samuel had taken the woman away and left Erika alone, this was completely unreasonable. If the situation worsens, take Merry and Erika to a safe place!"

Chris nodded and promised. "Okay, I'll go first!"

After that, Chris took Merry and left the restaurant.


After half an hour, they arrived at the Hiroshi family's house.

When the car stopped, Merry also lifted her head from her phone's screen at the right moment. "My father… looks like he hasn't come back yet."

Chris' thin lips tilted slightly, his hands still on the wheel. He then looked at the little girl's eyebrows who were very sad, then raised his hand and stroked her hair. "It's okay, this is his house anyway, he will definitely come back."

Merry threw her cell phone back into her pocket with a sigh. Her face was grim. "What's the use of that woman coming back? Coming to admit that she's my mother… I don't care about that! Not only did she slander me, but also kidnap my father! I hate her!!"

Chris looked at Merry then spoke sharply, "If he can be kidnapped, then it's not your father!"

Merry was silent for a moment, suddenly feeling very reasonable.

After a while, after setting her mood better, the two got out of the car.

In the living room of the main house, under the dazzling crystal chandelier, Erika sat next to Anna, carefully applying the ointment on her cheeks.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, she rolled her eyes in confusion and saw Chris' figure. She put down the ointment and stood up.

"Chris, you are here!"

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