Sighing, the purple-haired milf said, "There's nothing we can do, the cube can't suck the energy from that portal..."

Lux and Nyx exchanged confused glances, but Ryan understood exactly what that meant. With his sharp eyes slightly clenched, Ryan could only think of how big a problem an impact portal must be.

'That thing managed to destroy a gigantic portal... What exactly are we going to fight,' he thought.

For the time being, there was nothing that could be done. Ryan knew that any action should only be taken after the portal was initiated; in the meantime, he should prepare. Nyx remained observing the guild director's meeting, she had spoken several important pieces of information regarding the operation of the base, but nothing that related to the impact portal. Meanwhile, Lux was going through the information on the base, the girl had been given the objective of finding a room with magic locks for Rin.

As the beautiful black-haired girl flew around the room, she realized how large the place was. The number of people was astonishing, both employees and official members of the guild, which only further demonstrated how the guild was dealing with it.

"Just like the water base..." Ryan thought aloud.

"What?" Aether asked, confused.

Denying it with his head, he said it was nothing more. However, it had already become apparent to the blond that his colleague was hiding some information. With his eyes narrowed, he walked past Ryan as he said. "You're a terrible liar."

'Aether's help would be interesting, but I can't let this start leaking out,' he thought, as he ignored the boy's taunts. 

After exploring the base extensively, Lux finally found what they were looking for. The angel girl was standing in front of a drawer with a gigantic magical lock, the place was a luxurious office, with a gigantic armchair on the table next to this small log of documents.

Confirming that the target had been located, Rin appeared next to Lux. The girl materialized as easily as Nyx would have. Walking while using a camouflage skill, she easily opened the drawer, in the first of which were some personal documents and photos of Katelyn.

"Is that... a vibrator?" Rin said startled, there was a small pink clitoral sex toy at the end of the drawer, hidden among some papers. Withdrawing her hand at the same moment, she closed the drawer and began looking in the other one below.Please visit website to read fastest update

As the paper passed through her hands, Rin's eyes grew increasingly wide. She needed to get this information to Ryan as soon as possible, the guild's plan was far more terrifying than anyone could have predicted.

"This... I can't believe it," she said to herself.

Suddenly, the sound of the office door echoed through the room. One of the guild's suits entered with a trolley, walking nonchalantly, the man whistling as he left some metal boxes near the office entrance.

Rin's heart was beating at an astonishing rate. The chance of her being recognized was low, but not zero. Trying to hide behind the desk, she continued to rummage through the papers. 


"With that the application is ready..." said the guild official. Pressing his radio, he began to transmit some interesting information.


<'Why don't you do as Eliot said, use a portal so you can send messages out of here?>

Nodding his head slightly, Ryan answered Nyx mentally, 'If I use a portal, they'll be able to read my magical signature. It's not worth the risk, even with camouflage. The best I can do is this"

Holding out his hand, he put the cell phone into his inventory. Looking at his system window, he sighed tiredly.


'Ask Lux to send the messages for me, Ayumi will be in charge of doing the investigations together with Rin. And you'll stay here as backup for me'

<Oh! That's adorable! You need me!>

'Of course I do, now get straight to work'

<Yes! Ma'am>

'What the fuck was that?' Ryan thought, as he watched the girl disappear.

Seconds later, new information arrived in his mind. Rin had escaped safely from the base with Lux, and the two of them were heading towards the Silvermoons' palace to begin preparations for the portal. As Ryan was about to enter the battle, the girls were going to create a domain with a different time flow, so they could give themselves more freedom for their training.

Rin and Lux went first to Neodrazzil to gather Ryan's wives and servants for one last training session. In addition, Laila's help in creating a domain would be very important, Syl could also help in understanding the effect of the smaller portals while Arthemis would do additional repairs on the items he would take to the portal. With that, the plan of action began at a surprising speed. 

"Why do you keep your eyes closed for so long?" Said Alexa, Alice Lightstone's mother.

"It helps me concentrate a bit," Ryan said, that was the best excuse he could give. The blonde nodded as if she understood and then sat down next to her Son-in-Law.

"I thought you were asleep, it's not uncommon for travelers to have disturbed sleep," said the golden-haired milf.

Ryan shrugged, "I have trouble sleeping for other reasons, far removed from life as a traveler."

"I'm still thinking about what John Wrynn said, if you have the ability to increase a limiter, it might be interesting to play around with it before the fight. Would you accept?" she asked.

Surprised, he turned to milf "Do you want to fuck me?"

The blonde nodded, her breasts bouncing up and down in sync with the movement. "I don't have many ways to get stronger, I'm single and you're handsome."

She was direct, much more direct than Alice or any other girl Ryan had talked to. 

"All right then, we can fuck"

Alexa stood up "When we get out of here we'll do it, if you want we can call Alice. I don't want to leave my daughter with jealousy".

Seconds later, she had already walked away. Her waist swayed as her feathers moved back and forth in that extremely sexy walking rhythm. Staring at her gigantic ass, Ryan sighed as he remembered that they still had a few hours at the base.

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