Although Ryan and the rest of the girls were eager to fuck, their reaction to the alcohol made it impossible at the moment. Even with the detox magic, the girls still had a headache and a hangover, which meant that the desire to fuck had to be put off until another time.

"Ryan! Toki... Toki wanted to fuck...." 

"Master! Pona wanted to fuck you..." 

The two dwarf sisters were clamoring for their carnal desires while vomiting into iron buckets. Even after the detox magic, the effects still hadn't completely left their bodies. Even dwarves find it difficult to cope with such large quantities of alcohol, although they have more resistant bodies than humans or elves.Please visit website to read fastest update

Maki only seemed to blush, although she had less resistance than her sisters, she hadn't had enough for detoxification to become a problem. Aiden and Brigitte were also feeling unwell, but they looked even better than Maki.

"It's hard for something like this to make me so ill, I've already built up a bit of an antibody against alcohol," said Brigitte.

<But antibodies don't work against alcohol> Nyx asked in confusion.

Ryan laughed at the girl's words and said mentally, "Sometimes it's better not to question the thoughts of a woman like her"

 Thinking of the girls' welfare, Ryan handed a concentrated energy crystal to Maki, "Use this as a source of mana and apply detox magic to the girls, but under no circumstances channel the energy from here," he said, holding out his hand.

The crystal fell into the girl's palm, who was a little startled by its weight, "So I should only use it as a catalyst?" she asked.

Nodding his head, Ryan took another crystal from his pocket to use as an example. "You just make the mana flow out of the crystal, the mana from the crystal will flow through your body without passing through the core. You just direct the energy to the other hand"

The crystal in Ryan's hand quickly fell apart, and to make it easier to teach, Ryan let that energy flow incorrectly through his body. It was then possible to see a red light running from the center of the shrinking crystal to the fingers of his other hand.

Soon, a small sphere of fire the size of a snooker ball appeared. The small sphere was absurdly hot, although its glow wasn't that strong. That little sun slowly disappeared along with the crystal, which broke into hundreds of pieces in Ryan's hand.

"See, you just need to use healing magic instead. Don't try to absorb the energy, it can and will kill you, the amount is too great...." he said.

Maki swallowed some saliva in fright, but she knew that Ryan had asked her to do this because he trusted her abilities. With the crystal, the elf could use healing magic without worrying about depleting her own mana.

With that, she began to walk from place to place while tending to the sick girls. This process would take a long time, but at least Ryan wouldn't have to think about his lovely servants getting sick.


Sighing, Ryan looked down at his fist where he had cast [Judgement of the Sun], one of his first combat skills. All his mind could think about was how he had used up all the energy of a crystal with that sphere, Maki hadn't realized it, but that little sphere could easily destroy the whole village if he threw it on the ground.

That concentrated energy was so intense that, with a larger crystal, the temperature of the sphere could be compared to the temperature of the sun. The thought of this possibility made him widen his eyes when he saw the level of power he was dealing with. 

"I need to be careful about selling these crystals," he said, as he put his hand in his trouser pocket and walked into the room where Rin was.

"Yes, he can use a kind of magical engineering of the dwarves..."

"That's bizarre"

"Why did he come to a branch? I thought S ranks had direct portals to the gaps"

"Maybe he's evaluating something"

Ryan listened to each of the questions and although he felt like answering those curious minds, he walked towards the portal that had opened to the meeting place.

'How secret must this be for them to avoid creating a link by the clock?' he thought.

Looking at his wrist, Ryan observed the magical mechanism that could easily throw him where the guild wanted him. But that simple glance was enough to give him the answer to his question.

'So they don't want me to be able to trace the magic ballast to find the location... How convenient' 

"Mr. Whitemane, please follow me," said a woman in a black suit and sunglasses. Her blue hair fell to her waist, but what was most striking were her wolf ears. Every second, the girl's ears moved from side to side, as if she was on the lookout for anything that might intervene along the way.

Observing this was enough for Ryan to understand what was going on, she needed to be quick and she was afraid of spies. 

'She behaves just like you' 

>So that's how my ears move...< Ayumi replied.

<But this one has a bigger ass>

>She's got her tail tucked inside her pants, so it's obvious that her ass is bigger<

'Quiet' Ryan said mentally.

Opening the door, the guild employee revealed a small room with a dimensional rift. 

"Enter the portal and stay silent until the lights are turned on"

As soon as Ryan stepped through, he was thrown into a completely dark room.

Activating his Demon Sight, he began to assess those in the room. Every second, more portals opened and closed as different people entered the room. 

'That's definitely John Wrynn and next to him is the secretary... Aether is here too... But I can't recognize anyone else...'

Suddenly, a portal appeared, revealing what sounded like a scream in the darkness. An energy so great that it was incomprehensible to Ryan whether it was a person or the boss of a red portal.

The person walked over to the wall and leaned against it, waiting for the meeting to begin. After a few minutes, John Wrynn's voice echoed throughout the room.

"This is the guild's most important convocation, those who have the possibility of denying this invitation should extend their arms now. The rest will be sorted for our request"

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