My Special Ability is Perfect Replication

Chapter 245: Time Rewind, Time Deletion

Chapter 245: Time Rewind, Time Deletion

Why evolve a stellar system in the elixir field? What was the purpose?

Of course, it was to accumulate dark bio-energy.

As far as arcanists were concerned, dark bio-energy was the driving force for them to release arcanas and conduct battles, just like fuel to tractors and excavators, and the internal strength to martial arts masters.

The more fuel in the tank and the stronger the internal strength, the longer the tractor and excavator can work, and the longer the martial art masters can fight.

The same is true: the more dark bio-energy accumulated, the longer an arcanist can fight.

This is a simple truth.

“Since you know the purpose of evolving a stellar system, you should understand that the more cores you condense in the elixir field, the more complex the evolved stellar system and the more dark bio-energy accumulated, right?” Leoux asked.

“Exactly.” Ling Jiu nodded.

Each core is an energy aggregate formed by the compression of massive amounts of dark bio-energy. The more the cores, the more dark bio-energy accumulated in the elixir field. There is no doubt about this.

“And your solar system is just a very simple star system. Even if you count Pluto, which is the farthest planet from the sun, there are only nine planets in total. With the two hundred moons of the nine planets, the entire solar system has only nine plus two hundred celestial bodies.” Leoux shook its head. “Such a star system is too simple. If you use the solar system as a template to evolve a stellar system, the level of accumulated dark bio-energy will not be high. So you are regarded as an ordinary stellar being at best, not a perfect stellar being.”

Ling Jiu nodded helplessly. “Then tell me, how does the star system of a perfect stellar being evolve?”

“The universe is vast, giving birth to countless stars, and each star is a stellar system. In the endless number of stellar systems, a vast majority of them are of the most ordinary type. But there is no shortage of perfect stellar systems, too.”

A light flashed in Leoux’s eyes. “The most perfect stellar system often comprises multiple stars. We call the system comprising two stars a binary stellar system. A system comprising three stars is called a triple-star system, a system comprising four stars is called a quadruple star system, and a system comprising five stars is called a five-star system.

“By analogy, the most perfect star system is the nine-star system. The entire system comprises nine stars, with each star having nine planets, and each planet having eighty-one moons. So there are nine stars plus 81 planets plus 6,561 moons in a nine-star system.”

“Nine stars, 81 planets, and 6,561 moons!” Ling Jiu could not help gasping. “How much dark bio-energy must be absorbed to condense so many celestial bodies?”

Ling Jiu became disheartened. He had only formed the old Gene Arcana core since his first arcana awakening.

Now, did he have to form eight more of such a core?

This was not all. He had to form 81 smaller new cores and 6,561 even smaller, satellite-level cores. How much time would this take and how much dark bio-energy would it need to consume?

“You don’t have to worry about dark bio-energy.” Leoux let out a faint smile. “The Leoux can continuously generate dark bio-energy crystals by being near to the white hole. It is entirely up to you how long it would take. Maybe hundreds of years. Maybe thousands of years. The long and short of it, it is up to you.”

“But I have still got to comprehend the law of dimensions.” Ling Jiu spread his hands. “How can I have time to comprehend the law of dimensions if I use all my time to form cores?”

“The cultivation of stellar beings includes these two aspects. It is up to you to manage your time,” Leoux said. “But I can share with you the self-cultivation program of the best Emissian warrior. I believe you will find it useful.”

“I am all ears.”

Ling Jiu rubbed his temples, feeling a little headache. All of a sudden, he understood why Leoux did not allow him to comprehend both the law of dimensions and the law of time. Time was really limited. What could he do in just 1,000 years?

“In our Emissian civilization...”

Leoux started telling him about the Emissian warrior self-cultivation program.

Ling Jiu listened attentively as these self-cultivation experiences and insights were more advanced than that of the big guys on Earth. They were worth learning.

Time flew. Three days had passed in a blink of an eye.

“You should have some ideas after hearing about those outstanding warriors’ self-cultivation program, right?” Leoux asked with a smile.

“Yup.” Ling Jiu nodded. “I think the most suitable program for me is going for both laws at the same time. I can form a duplicate body, letting the duplicate comprehend the law of dimensions while I focus on forming the core. By working together like this will maximize the efficiency of self-cultivation.”

“You decide for yourself. I will not interfere. But it is really a bug that you can form duplicates of yourself,” Leoux said. “Your self-cultivation efficiency will be multiple times higher than others’. It not only improves self-cultivation efficiency but also saves time. Next is the third thing. I have captured all the stellar and galactic life forms in the Ganymede ocean. You can take them if you need them.”

“Good job.” Ling Jiu was champing at the bit, licking his lips. “I am going to swallow all the Class-One stellar direbeasts to replenish my consumed bio-energy.”

“Are you sure?”

“Is there a problem?” Ling Jiu frowned.

“There are 4,763 Class-One stellar beings. Are you sure you want to swallow them all?” Leoux asked, grinning.

“So many of them?” Ling Jiu was shocked.


Leoux nodded. “There are 4,763 Class-One, 3,981 Class-Two, and 3,329 Class-Three stellar beings.”

“I can’t believe it!” It really shocked Ling Jiu now—so much so that he started mumbling to himself. “Who would have thought that a small moon could sustain so many stellar life forms?”

“The environment is just too conducive,” Leoux said. “If Earth also possesses such rich dark bio-energy, even pigs can become a stellar life form, I guess.”

“You may have a point.” Ling Jiu nodded. “Forget it this for the moment. I need to hurry and practice.”

While speaking, he formed ten duplicates of himself, and then handed them the book of the law of dimensions that Leoux gave him.

“Your task is simple: to study the law of dimensions. Understand?”

“Yes, Principal!”

The ten duplicates nodded and left. Ling Jiu then looked at Leoux again.

“I have got to continue to form the core. But I have nearly exhausted the ten dark bio-energy crystals that you gave me.”

“Here you go—twenty dark bio-energy crystals.” Leoux took out twenty dark bio-energy crystals with the wave of its hand. “They should be enough for you to form a second stellar core.”

Ling Jiu kept the dark bio-energy crystals. “Before practicing, I have got to replicate a new arcana. My Arcana Replication is active again.”

“Replicate a new arcana?” Leoux said, excitement filling its eyes. “I met a very interesting beast when I hunted direbeasts on Ganymede.”

“Huh?” Ling Jiu cocked an eyebrow.

“When I first encountered that direbeast, I thought it was like others. I did not give it a second thought, but threw it into the detention room. I never expected that it could break out from the detention room and escape.”

There was a sense of astonishment in Leoux’s eyes. “As you know, the materials used to build the detention room are all of the top biological materials developed by our Emissian civilization. No ordinary civilizations and individuals can hack it, let alone studying it. But this direbeast succeeded.

“How did it do that?” Ling Jiu looked baffled.

“After I re-captured this direbeast and observed it, I discovered it has a unique ability,” said Leoux with an amazed look in its eyes.

“What ability?”

“Time Rewind.” Leoux spelled out the words.

“Time Rewind?” The words shocked Ling Jiu.

“This direbeast could always rewind the time a few seconds, returning to the time right before I threw it into the cell and escaped,” Leoux said. “As you know, the law of time is the most powerful law in the universe. Any ability about time is of a buggy-level existence. So there are few beings with time ability in the universe. In the record of the Emissian civilization, there are only a handful of beings capable of time arcanas. But I never expected that an unremarkable moon would have a time ability-capable being.”

“Where is it?” Ling Jiu’s breathing quickened.

“In order to prevent it from escaping, I hypnotized its soul, put it into a deep sleep state, and locked it up to prevent it from escaping,” Leoux said.

“Bring me there.”

“No problem.”

The two entered the Leoux, and Ling Jiu saw this direbeast with the ability to rewind time.

It was a very common tortoise-like direbeast, with a thick tortoise shell on its back, its neck long, just like that of a snake.

More appropriately, it was a combination of a tortoise and a snake.

Ling Jiu quickly checked its arcanas.

Name: unknown

Species: Overlord Python Turtle

Arcanas: Time Rewind (awakened, replicable, plunderable), Time Deletion (awakened, replicable, Plunderable)

Time Deletion? Ling Jiu was stunned. Did Leoux not say that it only had a Time Rewind arcana? What is Time Deletion all about?

“What’s wrong?” Leoux wondered what made Ling Jiu look so shocked.

“This thing also has a Time Deletion arcana, Leoux.” Ling Jiu said slowly.

“Err...” Leoux was taken aback. “What arcana again?”

“Time Deletion.” Ling Jiu was in disbelief.

“Time Deletion?” Leoux was shocked. “It has this ability? You must be kidding me. How could an ordinary stellar direbeast possess two time-type arcanas?”

“This is real.”

“Incredible! Really incredible!” Leoux stared at the direbeast, its eyes lighting up. “I have underestimated this thing. I will study it later.”

Ling Jiu nodded and immediately replicated its Time Rewind and plundered the Time Deletion arcana with no hesitation.

Replication is successful. Install?

Plunder is successful. Install?



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