My Space-Time System

Chapter 603 Complex emotions.

603 Complex emotions.

Amidst the chaos of the city, a spatial appeared in mid-air before expanding into a corridor which a figure walked out of.

Blake emerged, radiating no aura at all, but that was exactly what immediately captured the attention of all the angels locked in battle. His aura was like a still lake even in the midst of chaos, unbothered by the battles going on as if he were sightseeing.

As their eyes fixated on him, a collective realisation washed over them. They exchanged startled glances, their expressions morphing from confusion to disbelief.

For moments that felt like an eternity, their gazes moved back and forth between Blake and the clone. The truth hit them like a bolt of lightning, they had been entangled in a frenzied struggle against a mere clone.

A chill swept through the ranks of the angels, a shared sense of foreboding settling in their hearts. It was common knowledge that clones were universally recognized as inferior replicas.

Fear crept into their thoughts as the stark realization settled in their minds. The clone, despite posing a formidable challenge, was a mere fraction of Blake's true strength. If this mere doppelganger had caused such turmoil and strife, the potential havoc that the genuine Blake could unleash was unfathomable, especially when his Wolves joined the fray.

The angels, shaken by the revelation of Blake's true presence and power, attempted a hasty retreat. Still, their path was abruptly intercepted and thwarted by the sudden appearance of Verdigris and Granick, imposing figures whose mere presence seemed to lock down the airspace, barring any chance of escape.

Panic surged through the trapped angels, their eyes widening in alarm as their escape route evaporated before their eyes. Before they could even process this new obstruction, a chilling voice, unmistakably Blake's, reverberated behind them, causing an involuntary shiver to ripple through their beings.

"It's over," echoed the cold, resolute voice, sending a shudder down their spines. Meanwhile, beyond the confines of the city, the Tigerian Empire's troops marched into the city seemingly effortlessly while the angels of the Tigerian Empire moved with uncanny precision, swiftly neutralizing any remnants of the city defences and establishing control over the city of Dustar.

The scene transitioned, revealing Blake who remained suspended in mid-air as he surveyed the captured city from a vantage point high above. His expression, marred by a deep frown, betrayed a complex array of emotions raging within him.

"Next up, Calton," murmured Blake, his voice tinged with a mix of resolve and layered emotions that hinted at an inner conflict. His gaze lingered upon the city below, a subtle glint of determination overshadowed by a hint of reluctance.


In the heart of Calton, the absence of Blake left a void, a gaping wound that festered in the collective consciousness of Camilla, Tessie and Brian.

Blake's abrupt departure from the Synder empire, coupled with the unsettling news of his involvement in significant figures' demise, cast a feeling of remorse and unease amongst them. However, what gnawed at their souls was the deafening silence that followed Blake's disappearance. The absence of any news, any trace of his whereabouts, left them in a state of anxiety and uncertainty.

To make matters worse, Luciano and Castiel, once integral parts of their circle distanced themselves without explanation. The sudden rift within their friendship circle sent shockwaves through their already troubled minds, especially that of Brian since he was the closest to Castiel in the group.

If there was a pair that was meant to leave the group, it should have been those two. The unanswered questions hung in the air like a heavy fog, each query digging deeper into their collective conscience. Unfortunately, there was no one there to give them the answers they needed, especially since the separation had been stretched for two long years.

Amidst the whispers of peace, the news of Dustar's fall shattered the fragile equilibrium, as the war had finally gotten to their doorstep.

This also came with a revelation of Blake's involvement in the downfall of Dustar. It struck like a bolt of lightning, sending shockwaves through Carmilla, who was plagued with conflicting emotions. Within Carmilla was a mix of disbelief, sorrow, and helplessness. She was excited that she would finally get a chance to lay eyes on Blake after being apart for so long. However, he was on the side that was attacking her homeland.

Strangely Carmilla couldn't bring herself to blame Blake because the Synder empire pushed him this far and caused things to end this way. Thinking deeply about it, she realized that all members of the League of Assassins were on the other side because of the atrocities committed by the Synder empire.

This was literally a case of the monsters they made coming back to bite them.

At this point, apart from her sentimental feelings towards the city of Calton, her homeland, which compelled her to defend it, Carmilla wasn't sure what she was fighting for anymore.

From what she heard about the other empires, the Synder empire had the highest rate of marginalization of the commoners. Even their history books displayed how much of a tyrant the Synder empire was. She couldn't help but wonder if the world would become a better place if the Synder empire ceased to exist. She couldn't help but wonder if she would be doing Blake a great injustice by fighting against him, even though it is obvious he was the victim of the cruelty of the Synder empire.


In the strategy room of the Tigerian empire, Cassius was seated on his throne with a calm look on his face as he observed the meeting taking place. On a lower platform was a war table which displayed situations of the ongoing war on its screen. At the far end was Tidewalker, calmly observing the information on the screen in silence, and directly opposite him was Dorian whose gaze seemed distant and unfocused. Standing beside Dorian was Blake, who remained stationary like a statue as he waited silently for the report.

Standing by the right were the first and second Sea Lords and by the left were the third and fourth Sea Lords. They waited quietly for the meeting to officially begin.

The Mass release commences.

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