My Servant System

Chapter 816 815: Table Talk

The incident with Beckandra undoubtedly earned me in specific the ire of the humans of Custodia, but there was nothing they could do as they ate their meal and watched on from the side, fear and reluctance radiating off of their bodies.

But, as Mary made her way around the groups of her people and talked to them, checking on in them and speaking to them individually, she managed to get rid of some of that fear as she did her rounds, informing her people about their new place inside the Empire and making it clear that there was no need to be difficult.

Meanwhile, the meat I had so 'difficultly' hunted and prepared was devoured until there was little left, with two dozen pounds resting inside the ice chests - a rough estimate, anyways - as well as a few large bones, meaning that hunting parties needed to be sent out to acquire some more food for the people.

Something that got the Demons excited as they returned to that giant table in the back of the hall, where all the various maps of the nearby area resided as well as a fresh map that I had crudely drawn up to display the ideal routes, which had been cross referenced and evaluated by the others before being confirmed.Please visit 𝓃𝑜𝓋𝓮𝓁-𝒏𝑒xt.c0m website to read fastest update

Those were the routes that we would follow for the next few days with little divergence, since those were leading towards areas that were apparently rich in monster appearances, which weren't something the humans were thrilled about, completely opposite of the Demons who were itching to get going.

Another difference that was made obvious between the two races, with the various hunters and adventurers that the humans had showing reluctance to head out; that difference was doubly obvious when Mary informed us of the number of humans willing to head out to hunt anyways.

Of the one hundred some odd humans, only a dozen were willing to go hunting, with another dozen remaining back as guards and a handful traveling to the nearby villages to harvest the crops before coming back.

"W-Wait. The forest here is safer and closer; why should we switch focuses from the smaller, yet safer Parvus Forest and instead head towards Magna Forest? As for the quarry, don't you have Earth Magicians in your employ? Why waste the manpower there instead of just having them use their magic?"

Satanya smirked as she looked towards Mary, answering her questions calmly even as her fingers continued to tap on the maps, amplifying her reasoning.

"This... 'Parvus Forest' is small. New trees can be grown, yes, but dealing more damage to this forest would do harm not only to its ecosystem, but also to Custodia. So, we're switching our attention to Magna Forest instead so that we can ensure we'll still have two forests nearby, instead of just one. As for the Earth Magicians, well... We won't always be here, and we won't always be working for free. Currently, we're settling an honor debt to the Scion of Asmodia, and that makes our services free. After that debt is settled, unless you have the coin, you need to start working to solve your own problems."

"Our own..."

Muttering to herself, Mary's eyes widened as she saw Satanya's smirk widen, the Demoness adding "You do plan on remaining in Custodia, correct? Your home? If so, you need to have some ability to manage your infrastructure and the like. Someone here will have a knack for masonry, for carpentry, for farming and for organizing. People always have something they're good at, it's just a matter of finding that talent. If not, you can teach people to a certain level, and those skills will eventually develop into something adequate."

"You're... You're trying to have us become self sufficient enough for the future? But... why?"

"Because, Custodian Mary, you and your people are apart of the Empire now. For a while you might be exempt from taxes and the like, but eventually you'll need to contribute. And eventually people will be moving here to garrison the border of the Labyrinthian. We need you to begin running this city properly, and we can teach you how to do so. You are a member of the Empire, and unless you give us a good reason to take you away from the leadership role of this city, you are the perfect bridge between your people and ours. That is why we are trying to impart trades, knowledge and skills to you and your people."

All of us nodded at Satanya's words, before I added "There might only be a hundred of you, but if there is something that is certain about humans, it's your ability to reproduce. This hundred will soon grow to larger heights, and with new citizens coming eventually, well, you need to be able to create a society and maintain it. And currently, you are being reasonable speaking to those that aren't human, and still have the respect of your fellow humans. Meaning..."

"I... You want me to be the person that helps integrate both populations together, to work and live together inside of Custodia?"

We all nodded again, watching as Mary set her jaw and stared at the table, the realization of her position settling onto her shoulders, but thankfully she nodded too and looked back up, her eyes filled with understanding and confidence as she said "I'll try my best. For all of us..."

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