"So tell me again why we needed to do this? I seriously can't see this as being so incredibly worthwhile for right now. We were going to be hunting tomorrow anyways, if Satanya's words are to be trusted. So why are we here, skinning and butchering this..."

"Kindred Sword Stag."

"Butchering this Kindred Sword Stag instead of resting and enjoying ourselves back in Custodia? Sure, we might not have come across this monster in particular, but we most certainly would have found more than enough monsters and animals to hunt tomorrow when the sun is shining."

Sliding my dagger through the dark crimson meat, I cut another slab of what looked most similar to venison but far more firm than normal, whilst the level of fat surrounding certain portions of the monster were larger than normal as well, meaning this would make a damn good steak...

Adding that slab of meat to the ice chest, I sighed softly as I began to cut off more, moving quickly and efficiently as we forced the monsters corpse to remain corporeal with our mana, though that would only prolong its physicality for so long.

As a whole, if left connected and together as a corpse, the mana would eat everything that remained and return it to the earth to be used for the next monster, but when it was harvested that mana that once belonged to a larger entity - the monster - was cut away from being a collective, allowing it to exist on its own.

A rather complicated set of conditions and reactions that I wasn't the most studied in, but it really boiled down to this: if corpse, dissolve; if outside mana is introduced, remain until outside mana dissipates, then dissolve; if a piece is removed from corpse, that piece is no longer a part of the collective.

Trailing off, Jahi looked up from the monster and met my eyes, her wistful tone at not having such simple life of just me and her adding the last piece of kindling to the fire inside me as I felt my heart pound inside my chest, full of love and want as I stared at the Demoness.

A scenario that we both knew had been impossible from the start, an alternate universe where we were able to just be ourselves; no worries about fighting or managing a large swathe of land as Nobility, no worrying about death or Fiends, nothing.

Just us as we lived a normal, uneventful life.

Jahi and I, and like she suggested, perhaps Anput and Leone would find their way to us again as well, but until that happened... 

Just Jahi and I, until eventually someone else came to join us; a result of our love, growing and making itself known inside my womb...

A world that we wouldn't be able to see ever, but one we could eventually make for ourselves; peaceful and stable, ready for us to take that step from just lovers to something more...

Perhaps I was overthinking things, perhaps I was simply horny, perhaps I was being affected by the life I had once lived, where I had been incapable of even imagining a life like this...

A life where I was loved by someone so much that they wanted to go further, to stay by my side forever as we fell further in love, to the point that it bore fruit.

To be able to pursue the unique love of being a Mother; to have that warm, whole feeling as I accepted my wives everything and turned it into a product of our love...

Having a child...

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