My Servant System

Chapter 790 789: Tza'Orbias (6)

Having repeated the action of absorbing the mana around us one more time, Tza'Orbias let out a frustrated caw as it watched the barrier remain standing despite its repeated attempts to bring it down, both its special magical instrument and its own prowess proving to do little more than temporarily weaken the barrier before it was replenished a moment later.

Glass shards littered the ground around us as we drank our mana potions and tossed the vials aside, returning to powering the large dome of mana around us as we protected ourselves from near certain death; something that we were vividly reminded of when we saw the headless corpse, mangled corpse, and the Demon that had its leg blasted off.

Each one was a reminder that we were in perilous danger, and a slip up here could cost us our lives with frightening ease; the sheer power behind Tza'Orbias' spells was enough to chew through such a thick barricade of mana, so the thought of seeing it do that to flesh was... terrifying.

But what made it less scary to think about was the brilliant golden light coming from Jahi's spell and the explosion of mana from Leone, which grabbed all of our attentions.

Her skin turned from a pale, almost paper white complexion to a deep, regal crimson that matched the Beliali's, while her hair sparked far more frequently as runes of small flame spells took place of the embers, displaying her heightened mastery over the Fire Mana inside her body and outside her body as well.

Two horns sprouted from her temple and pointed into the sky, whilst her fangs and eyes grew sharper; the Vampire became far more elegant, regal and beautiful as she stepped forwards, staring at the Fiend with an indifferent gaze, studying its form.

"Oh, so you ARE one of HER brats then... Now I have to stay and rend you limb from limb... Drinking your blood, consuming the Scion of Asmodia's flesh, subjugating the Arch Fiend traitor... My, this is my lucky day, isn't it!"

"I'll go first then, my love..."

Leone stared at Jahi with a heated gaze before stepping forwards, ignoring the caw from the raven as it raised its silver ring, preparing to crash heads against us once more.

My eyes were drawn to the back of my usually shy lover, her confidence and power radiating off of her body in waves as she stepped past the barrier, before I looked at Anput as she shot past Leone, rushing past her and giggling as she shouted "I might not have any kind of fancy power up, but hey~! Fuck it!"

Her unserious attitude was infectious as the other Beliali Demons rushed forwards, Satanya leading their way as she shouted "Coulda been worded better, but damn is she not wrong! Let's wipe this blue stain off the face of the earth!"

The Demons let out a shout as they joined Anput, and a barrage of lightning bolts crashed down atop the raven headed Fiend as Ammit stepped forwards, the golden skinned Demoness chuckling quietly as she muttered "No fair, Satanya... I wanted to say that!"

Watching as the Jackalkin and Demons began to attack the Fiend, I watched from afar and snapped out of my stupor, raising my hand and tracing out some runes as I prepared my own spell, observing the movements of our foe as I remained on the edge of the barrier, waiting for my time to come.

Spines sprouted from Tza'Orbias' body as the Fiend tossed the silver ring up and opted for melee combat, swinging its lanky arms around and sweeping them through the cobblestone as it destroyed the street, keeping everyone away from itself as it snarled and fought back, the hissing of that clear liquid growing in abundance as Tza'Orbias produced more.

Ritual Circles appeared around it as it cast spells of its own, using its own mana to fight alongside invocations as it shouted "[Thunderous Knockback]!", using the mana imbued sound to send the Demons skidding back.

The battle returned to its hectic state as the Demons and Jackalkin darted around the legs and torso of the Fiend, whilst bolts of flames and lightning slammed into its upper chest and head, every inch of its body getting damaged, though its natural regeneration healed those wounds up almost instantly.

The blue orb remained silent, and as I kept my eyes locked on it I felt someone drape themselves across my back, two large mountains of soft flesh pressing against my back whilst the soft hissing of many snakes filled my ears.

"Don't you desire to be of more use here, Kat~? To take revenge for your earlier mishap? Don't you lust to see this unworthy, pathetic Fiend dead at your feet, its blood splashed across the walls and street of Nogart? Its blood dripping down you fingers as you hold its Core in your hands~? Don't you want that, my Masque? Tell me... do you desire any~ of that? Don't you desire to show Anput, Leone, and Jahi just~ how powerful you can be? How important~? Well? Don't you~?"

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