My Servant System

Chapter 758 757: Nogart (1)

Chapter 758 Chapter 757: Nogart (1)

Kat PoV

"Well... did you both need to take that long, or..?"

I grinned as I leaned over and gave Leone a kiss, the Vampire's eyes widening at how I responded to her question while Anput just smirked, the Jackalkin giving us both a rather amused look.

We were seated inside the carriage and journeying over towards Nogart now, the city of Emor now left empty and devoid of any mortal life, with quite a large amount of gain for us after we departed from it.

Material wise, we managed to scrounge up some good loot from the city, namely a large amount of silver and gold that we decided to split 50/50 between our groups, totaling to around 60 Gold each, or 120 Gold for the entire city that we took the time to loot.

Additionally, Anput bundled up the human's weapons and some of the other weaponry we found and stashed it on our carriage for later, so that she could forge whatever she wanted during her 'down time' when we were perusing the Dungeons.

Information wise, the two humans that were kept alive from the main street were reconfirmed what I had heard, with their information being shown as 'truthful' or something they believed to be the truth thanks to Leone's poisons, the looming threat of torture from Setem, as well as a few magical spells of a wide range courtesy of Leone, Ammit, and Nakith.

All in all, the trip was lucrative enough that I was looking forwards to scrounging around the capital of Tragon, though considering we weren't going to be reaching the city of Nogart until dusk, it sadly meant that the day was sort of being 'wasted' traveling throughout this plains covered Kingdom.

"We didn't need~ to take that long, but-"

Jahi smirked as she reached over and patted my thigh, the Demoness positively radiating pride in how she had ravished me hard enough that my legs were both currently a tad numb, her strength matching her thrusts throughout that entire exchange.

"-why shouldn't I take it when I can get it, hmm~? I mean, I get 'it' whenever I want, but the place I just got it was enjoyable~!"

Rubbing my thigh, Jahi looked me over and nodded her head, even more so when Leone gave her a questioning look, which prompted Jahi to say "In a place where we could get caught? In an abandoned building where anyone could hear us~? Adds a certain thrill to the session, and Kat here is excellent~ at making a session all the better~!"

Anput snorted, a teasing glint in her eyes as she tilted her head and asked "And we don't add any sort of 'thrill' compared to her?"

We all smirked as we saw the alertness in Jahi's amethyst eyes as she sat up straight, suddenly aware of what she had said and thinking swiftly to rectify the 'slight' she had given to her other two women.

Teasing Jahi and then having some fun enduring her 'retribution' made the time pass by quicker, and we were all thankful that the carriage driver was our ever trusted Banshee and not someone sentient who could judge us for an 'unseemly' display during our journey.

Like we had anticipated, the sun was already beginning to descend down to the horizon by the time the large mountain that Nogart was built into, the - surprise - ruined city shrouded in shadow and radiating an eery vibe that belonged to all ruined cities that were visited at night.

Considering we had to ascend some of the mountain to reach the city, Satanya stopped the carriages and got out to converse with us about how we should go about this, just in case Nogart was also in the clutches of the Cult of Ambition.

Emor was a wealthy city, certainly, but it wasn't of so much importance that they would send strong people to go and investigate it, let alone go to loot it; that was something that the grunts could do, and we had seen that first hand.

Nogart, on the other hand, wasn't just 'some' city that had gold waiting to be claimed; it was the capital, and anything that might have been missed on the first go through - which was a tad bit hectic and rather disastrous for the Empire - would still be worth quite a bit of coin and be quite important to a Cult that was trying to bolster its strength as much as it could.

Materials, information, wealth... Nogart would have it all, and besides that, the city itself was still usable as a fortress for the Cult, so we needed to have a discussion on how to scout the city out and determine how we were going to proceed...

Something that was rather simple, really...

"Leraie and I can just go in first again, peek around and figure out what's happening before coming back down and telling the group. If Anput covers this area in stone and conceals the carriages, there's little chance that the Cultists see you waiting down here; just make sure there are no fires."

The red skinned Demoness that I had 'worked' with before nodded her head, drawing her dark leather coat over her body and wrapping it closely to herself, adding "With Miss Katherine's Wind Magic, we can effectively infiltrate Nogart and investigate whatever defenses remain. If we require aid, we can signal with a magical flare; otherwise, we can do as she suggested and return to this spot with information. I see no qualms with this course of action."

Ammit nodded, the golden skinned Demoness smiling gently as she said "It is a fine plan. Easy. This... 'Cult' is likely recruiting the dregs of society anyway to do their dirty work. Weaklings. Idiots. They will never notice you coming, and if they do, they stand no chance against your blades!"

Clapping her hands together silently, the Cimeriesa woman turned and approached her carriage, rummaging through the luggage for a few moments before turning around with a vial in her hand, which she held up with a happy smile.

"Oh, and use this~! It's a quickness potion. Hastens your mana and loosens your muscles. Speedy. Helps do things with a sense of urgency~!"

Handing it to me, Ammit made sure that I clasped my hands around it as she folded her hands over mine, the golden skinned Demoness nodding to herself as she muttered "Soft. Pretty." to herself before letting go, turning and leaving the conversation just as suddenly as she entered it.

I shrugged my shoulders and looked at Jahi, who had a slight frown as she stared at me, only to sigh as she nodded as well, giving her agreement for this course of action.

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