My Servant System

Chapter 706 705: Market Time (4)

Chapter 706 705: Market Time (4)

Horusa watched me closely as I laid the bundle on the table, flipping the cloth back and repeating what I did with Amenti as I revealed the various daggers and single sword to her and the two other women, who were staring at the cluster of weapons with indifferent gazes as they stood on either side of Horusa.

"May I?"

The Hawkkin gestured towards the weapons and waited for my nod to reach forwards and grab one of the daggers, undoing the cloth around it and looking down at the blade, raising it closely to her face and shrouding the entire weapon in mana, looking at the runes that appeared on the surface and piecing everything together after just a few moments.

"This is a Water enchantment... rare inside the Capital, so a tad more valuable. Expected since its enchanted from an Ice Mage who's Mother has Water Magic. The potency is there, its well put together... Slash enchantment is more utilitarian and used primarily with monsters only, though that's not a downside. No speed rude, which is sad, but the power and density make it an offensive, short ranged powerhouse. Since most monsters here are weaker to Water Mana it should fetch a high price."

Flashing the dagger at me, Horusa said "I'll give you 60 Silvers for this.", her voice as confident as before as she lowballed me an offer.

Kolia remained quiet, leaving everything to me as she looked on with a smirk, while the two other Birdkin narrowed their eyes and stared at me, like they were trying to intimidate me to say otherwise.

"60 Silvers? I don't personally know about your Emporium, Miss Horusa, but I do know a little something about the market. Water Enchantments are rare, the dagger itself is solid, and the enchantment is excellent. 60 Silvers is far too low when I KNOW you'll be selling for well over a Gold. 80 Silvers, or I can walk and sell it by myself. It'll take me some time but I can make far more than 60 Silvers."

The Hawkkin stared at me silently for a few seconds, before tilting her staff and telling her two women to rein it in, a smirk tugging at her lips as she amusedly said "Got some bite to ya, don't you Lady Katherine~? You're lucky that I like that about people, because otherwise I'd kick you out of my store and see if you can do as you say... 80 Silvers it is. Sarki, keep track for me."

Sarki - the white haired, white feathered Birdkin - just nodded as she glared at me, those obsidian eyes smoldering slightly at the 'slight' I had levied to Horusa, though I just ignored her as I watched Horusa lift the next dagger up, beginning her appraisal again.

Going through each weapon was easy enough, the Hawkkin no longer trying to swindle me from each item as she bought the five daggers and single sword from me for a total of 6 Gold and 40 Silvers, which was quite the profit for weapons that I had spent maybe a Gold or so on a long time ago.

"Redeva, go take 6 Golds and 40 Silvers from the safe please. Lady Katherine, a pleasure doing business with someone like yourself~! It's rare to find someone who understands what's happening at a negotiations table... people want the highest profit even if its unobtainable... I can't tell you how many come into my store and expect to receive market value for their items. How would I sell those things for above market value without being laughed at? The idiots..."

Clicking her tongue, Horusa said "Sarki, take the weapons away for me. Get them polished and ready for display."

Horusa looked back towards Kolia and I as she asked "So what did you come here for really? Sure, we don't mind flipping enchanted gear whenever we can, especially gear like that, but that can't be the reason that you came to my shop."

"Eh, it's not. More so wanted to introduce you to Kat here and browse any new additions to your collections. See if anything interesting or neat appeared, y'know? Besides, letting Kat know how to get in and out of here is nice, since she'll likely be back. At least if you show some better hospitality~!"

"Anything interesting..? There's ALWAYS something interesting inside my Emporium, Miss Kolia! That's what makes me one of the best merchants in the Capital! Anything interesting... Hah! What do you want? Enchanted gear, old tomes? Magical materials? Mana Crystals? I have it all!"

Horusa practically preened as her wings fluttered behind her, adding to her rather imposing figure as she tilted her head and looked down at us, pride lacing her tone as gestured at the store around her, the incredible staff in her hand glimmering in the firelight as she added "We have alchemical ingredients as well, though not in abundance, as well as some monster parts that don't mix too well with magic."

Kolia looked at me and shrugged, before looking back and saying "Let's see the tomes then Miss Emporium~!"

The words of the Serpentkin made the Hawkkin smirk, though she glanced at me and asked "And you, Lady Katherine?"

"I'll just browse for now, Miss Horusa. Don't have anything in mind yet, but who knows?"

The two nodded, and Horusa led Kolia over to another table, showing her the various books and scrolls that were on display proudly, discussing their contents and showing the Serpentkin the insides to verify that they were legitimate.

As for me, I waited at the table for the red feathered woman to return with my payment and watched as Sarki sat down beside the throne and began to polish the blades sullenly, occasionally glancing back and glaring at Kolia as she 'capitalized' on the Hawkkin's attention.

I didn't need to wait long as a pouch was thrust into my hands, along with the seductive redheads hiss "Don't even think about Horusa, dog." flowing into my ears, making me chuckle as I took my coin and replied "Believe me hon, I don't want her. I have my own lovers that pine over me~!"

Redeva just narrowed her eyes at me before making her way over to Horusa, grabbing onto her arm and bringing it between her breasts as she glared at Kolia, who ignored her.

Seeing it in person was always a glorious thing, so I took a moment to appreciate the obsessive and possessive behavior exhibited by Redeva for her lover before I made my way around the shop, browsing through everything and taking note of the prices, finding a few things that I was interested in.


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