My Servant System

Chapter 704 703: Market Time (2)

Chapter 704 703: Market Time (2)

"Welcome! I uh... I shall be with you in just a moment..! Ah, now where did I put that damn..?"

A raspy voice sounded out from behind a few shelves, having sounded out after the bell attached to the door rang as we entered.

The shop itself was laden with shelves that were filled with books, papers, inkwells and pens, the entire store dedicated to the fundamentals of any studious mages who wanted to make a name for themselves... somewhere down the line.

Despite being a rather dim shop, the surface was immaculate and set up to neatly, while the few candles that illuminated the interior burned brightly on the various candelabras that rested around the edges.

"Cloaked Emporium... doesn't really sound like an enchanting store."

Kolia chuckled, nodding as she approached a shelf and began to browse the various books on display, tapping their spines and reading the titles before replying "It's in the name, really. The entire store has two sides; this one, where they sell some of the more... base necessities, and the other side, which dabbles in true enchanting. Unless its a stall, most places won't put their high end items on full display with an exit to the streets nearby. Least of all enchanted gear; this stuff can run you dozens of Gold if its touched by the right person, or even Platinums if you get something that's cream of the crop. You'll see."

Pulling one of the books off the shelf, Kolia then turned and picked up a bundle of paper and closed inkwell, carrying them over to the counter and adding "If you need any new notebooks or ink, now would be the time. This place is cheaper then others, and the quality is higher since everything - and I do mean everything - is made in house. Unique little place..."

That made me furrow my brows as I picked up a few empty journals and an inkwell as well, inspecting their bindings and the small vial of ink, admiring the artistry that went into them even if they were rather simple.

"Then how do they make a profit? Individually making each book and producing the ink, as well as creating the pens and paper? The glass too? How..?"

Placing my stuff beside hers on the counter, I stared at Kolia and waited for an answer, the older Serpentkin woman just smirking as she leaned on it and looked towards the various shelves behind the counter, where the owner of the store was still ruffling through some things.

"This is an enchanting store, Kat, with quite an accomplished family running it. Of course they can make things by hand quickly! I mean, their ink has a simple but effective recipe of ground charcoal, tree resin, water, and vigorous mixing with small iron bearings, which is rather easy to make en masse. Then the papers can be made simply as well, and binding books might take awhile, but if you constantly produce them, you never are truly out of them. Besides, the family here has the funds to bring in some help if they need it~!"

I followed her gaze as I watched a short, thin woman step out from behind the shelves, her yellowish skin contrasting the heavy black mantle that rested on her shoulders, while their slump and her arched back made her look even more unhealthy despite the abundance of mana radiating off of her body.

Thick glasses rested atop her thin nose, while her sharp cheekbones and brows gave her quite the intimidating look even with the body that she had; though what really brought it all together was her fierce golden red eyes.

"Ah, it's you... We weren't expecting you back anytime soon, snake."

The woman gave Kolia an indifferent stare before turning towards me, those eyes narrowing while she brushed her midnight black hair out of her eyes, asking "And what brings you here, dog? Things to sell?"

Her voice was extremely raspy and flat, making it hard to gauge what her deal was as she stared at me, though the lack of anything from Kolia made me sigh as I answered "Yes, I have enchanted gear to sell if possible. Daggers and a sword, each with a different enchantment on them."

She stared at me quietly for a moment before glancing at Kolia, rasping "And she's with you, snake?"

"Aye, she's with me, 'bird'. You need to work on that bad habit of yours Amenti. Calling people animals is liable to end in disaster for you one day."

"Hmph... Nothing I can't handle. The deer that came in a few days ago got to enjoy the irritation of an Arch Mage personally... stupid herbivore."

Amenti turned and placed the bundle in her hands on the shelf before patting the counter, her eyes returning to me as she said "Let me see these 'enchanted' items, dog. If they're a waste of my time..."

Her voice trailed off as she waited, which made Kolia chuckle as she gestured for me to do as asked, still unbothered by the Birdkin that was being rather rude to us.

I laid the bundle that I had been carrying down on the counter and unwrapped it, revealing the individually wrapped blades that had been enchanted not too long ago and spreading them out, allowing Amenti to begin perusing them at her discretion.

"Water and Wind enchantments... at least that's marketable. Few people have those elements inside the Capital..."

Lifting up a long needle dagger, the Birdkin ran her finger over the blade and murmured "Average craftsmanship on the blade itself, but the enchantment... not terrible. Saturation isn't bad, the potency is good... spell itself is workable. Not the greatest work, nor the strongest, but certainly..."

Tapping her finger against the flat of the blade, Amenti lifted her gaze from the dagger to me, nodding as she muttered "Not too bad for a dog."

"Not bad? Amenti, stop being such a stick in the mud! It's good gear and you know it, you arrogant Hawk!"

Amenti just gave Kolia a glance before laying the blade down and going for the next, ignoring her afterwards and continuing with her appraisal.


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