My Servant System

Chapter 682 681: Late Start

Kat PoV

By the time that I finally woke up, it was in the midst of Leone partaking in me, the Vampire panting adorably above me as she tried to remain quiet, all while her - almost unreasonably large - member slid in and out in a rhythmic motion, pleasuring us both immensely.

Her crimson eyes widened as I looked back at her, and I smirked as I saw her cheeks darken as she froze for a moment, before they went even darker as I said "Don't stop now, Leone... if anything, go harder~! Make the most of this now before someone comes back and ruins our alone time..."

My words set her off, and before I knew it my arms were wrapped around my pillow as I hugged it close, my face buried into it as my Vampiric lover slammed her hips down like a jackhammer, going from a rhythmic motion that was pleasant and gentle to something hard and fast, which I loved even more than the initial movements.

I bit the pillow and felt tears spring to my eyes as her size threatened to split me in two, even just laying beneath her as she hammered herself into my deepest parts bringing me pain and pleasure in equal amounts as she used me thoroughly.

It was one hell of a way to wake up, and my healed body enjoyed the use it got as Leone did her best to let it all out, pouring her lust out of herself and into me instead, which I gladly accepted with spread legs and a happy heart.

Leone - even with as determined and hard as she was going - still took quite a few minutes to reach a point where she could say she was done and satisfied, and those minutes felt both stretched out to infinity and compressed down into mere moments as I laid there.

Not my proudest performance as a woman who knew how to satisfy her partner - since on my end I was doing literally nothing - but it was Leone's satisfaction that mattered the most here, and she was immensely satisfied.

If my slightly bloated belly and numb legs were anything to go by, since she had made me orgasm multiple times alongside her, while her plopping onto the bed beside me with a sweat stained body was another thing to go by as well...

Of course, I couldn't help myself as I finished it all off the 'right' way, making her gasp as I gave her the right amount of kisses and licks where it mattered before accepting her love again.


Just hearing her pant my voice was enough to rejuvenate me, and I did my best before accepting it all, moving away only when she was finally soft.

Leone's gray hair was plated with sweat and clinging to her shoulders, chest and back, while her cheeks were a healthy rose color that would occasionally darken as I snuggled beside her.

"Kat... I-I think we should get up s-soon... it's almost dusk..."

My ears fluttered at that, her words making me look towards the window before I sighed, my lips pursed into a thin line as I realized a day had slipped through my fingers swiftly; the consequences of my actions and whatnot, but still...I think you should take a look at

It never felt good knowing that time was 'wasted', even if that time wasn't actually wasted; I needed to heal up properly after such a harsh lesson, the various life threatening injuries I suffered having dealt severe damage both to my body and to my psyche, which worked hand in hand to tear one another down despite me being healed through magical means.

I felt better now though, and quick peak into my stats showed that the hell I went through had been worth it.

My CON went from 105 to 117, my STR went from 102 to 108, and both my AGI and DEX went from 109 to 118; that brought my overall stats back to a relatively even playing field, and it was a playing field that I thought was well worth being in.

"Mm... Yes, we should... How about one of the gardens? Take our notebooks and swap ideas, enjoy the last bits of the sun... play some chess or shogi and relax. It'll be productive enough and relaxing as well, no?"

Leone looked out the window as well before nodding, only to blush as she looked down at herself and took in her overall appearance, eventually taking in my own as well and blatantly letting her gaze linger.

"A bath first, obviously... I think we both need a very thorough cleaning..."

Sitting up, I leaned closer to Leone and whispered "One that I am very~ happy to have to do, Leone... I love feeling it so deep inside me..."

Before she could reply, I got up and sauntered away, enjoying how easy it was to get a rise out of her as I made my way into the bath, where we began to multitask extremely efficiently.

Sometimes I wondered if I would hate this life if I didn't have my [Nymphomania] skill, and other times I wondered if perhaps my three lovers wouldn't be as needy if I wasn't so eager to provide for them; either way, while it was a fun little thought puzzle, I rather loved the life I was living, so I didn't think on it too much.

"Would you rather talk about your normal magic - Fire Magic - your more advanced, and understood magics - Moon and Blood Magic - or would you like to explore the less understood schools that you have - Ash and Summoning Magic? I certainly have my own magics for each of those categories..."

Leone squirmed slightly as I cleaned her from behind, my chest pressed against her back as I made sure to scrub every last inch of her body like I had been 'trained' to do by Jahi.

"U-Um, w-what would those ah~! be..?"

Enjoying her squirming and gasping, I hummed softly behind her for a few moments before answering "Water and Wind for 'normal', Ice for 'advanced' and Lust for 'less understood'. Each has a different level of thought process needed to make progress, no? We can swap an infinitesimal amount of theories and ideas for our 'normal' magics and how to improve them or spells utilizing them, while the amount only becomes smaller with the next step up. My Ice and your Moon and Blood are far more complex, yet we both understand them to a certain degree that we can offer 'deep' insight into them for the other. Then there's the lesser known Ash, Summoning, and Lust Magics that we both are striving to attain and understand."

She nodded, though her gasp made me drop the subject for the time being as I focused on something else...


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