The tests were finished up rather quickly, everyone giving the knives back to Anput sheepishly as they realized that they either had little understanding of what they were looking for specifically or that they just were too strong to test something not meant to be placed under so much stress.

That allowed Anput to go about testing things on her end while Leone and I compiled an understanding on the blades magically, finding out the uses for each of the alloys and how well they reacted to the mana we exuded.

Some of the alloys just didn't work out that well, needing to be scrapped entirely since the Jackalkin couldn't figure out a use for some of them, like the bronze bone alloy ended up shattering while the aluminum scale alloy bent far too much and snapped when she tried to flatten it out.

lightsΝοvel Some - like the copper scale alloy - were too malleable to be used in weapons or armor, but the mana conductivity made the copper scale alloy valuable as a support time gear like a amulet or ring.

Meanwhile, others like the steel bone alloy were incredibly dense and heavy, to the point that even for a dagger - and someone with my strength - the weapon was a bit unwieldy, far too heavy for something that size but incredibly durable, not taking any damage even after Anput took it a step further by hammering the blade down multiple times.

Everyone watched those alloyed blades get broken and winced, the loss of the material hurting us all a little bit and making it hard to watch her do that to another decent blade, which made us breathe out a sigh of relief when it didn't break.

After everything got tested, Anput gathered up the various knives and began to mentally note what each one did, saying it out loud as she pointed to each on the table she made.

"Iron bone is heavy, durable, and quite absorptive, while the iron scale is a bit lighter, just as durable, but not as absorptive. Additionally, the iron bone alloy could break due to stress with how dense the material is, though that could easily be fixed by enchantments.

Aluminum bone is light and flexible, maintains shape quite well, and is average magically. Aluminum scale is far too fragile and is average magically as well, making it quite useless comparatively. The bone alloy would work well on light weaponry and perhaps armor as well, but not recommended.

Copper bone is also too light, but it doesn't maintain the edge as well as the others, and it warps easily as well. Copper scale is far too malleable to be used in weaponry, but is quite good with its mana conductivity. Could be used as a focus for magical weaponry, perhaps?

Silver bone was durable and incredibly absorptive, and it maintained its edge and point perfectly. Silver scale was similar, just more flexible. Not as tough as iron, but quite impressive already.

Bronze bone was too dense and shattered beneath excessive force. Bronze scale was rigid and brittle, though it too was quite an excellent conductor, so maybe there was something there? Though copper would be better suited for an accessory and far easier to shape and maintain.

Finally, steel bone was really heavy but really durable, maintained form perfectly and was sharper than iron. Steel scale was also heavier than the other scale alloys, but was flexible to a certain degree as well. Both could absorb mana too, but not as well as silver."

We all looked at the weapons on the table, memorizing the Jackalkin's observations on each alloy before turning towards her again as she let out a sigh and muttered "Now I gotta do all this fucking work again but with new metals..."

I couldn't help but snicker at that, making my mate turn and glare at me as she heard it, only to turn and glare at Jahi as the Demoness said "Oh no, you get to play around with various metals on the Empress' coin~? Whatever shall you do~?"

Grumbling to herself, Anput picked up her knives and began to ignore us, though she listened as Leone said "Well, you'll be interested to know that the Fiend's blood is useful as a healing ingredient. The meat too... if you're alright with eating something intelligent."lightsnovel

"Tasty! Incredibly tasty and packed full of mana!"

We all looked at Lady Igna, who just grinned and licked her lips, making the Empress beside her sigh as she said "Igna, please... Let's not regress to having a diet of mortals again, please?"

"Hm... I dunno..."

The Dragon just continued to grin, her scaled tail swinging side to side as she asked coyly "Maybe I could be convinced if I got to eat something else~? Something just as tasty..?"

"Ahem, anyways, the blood is really good at regenerating, and it might have some abilities to regenerate mana as well at a higher pace, so the Fiend in general was a veritable treasure trove of materials for us, sent to us gift wrapped and ready to be taken."

Lady Lorelei was the one to speak, and she looked down at the knives for a moment before adding "Begum Sera... Marquess. I'd like to purchase quite a few of the bones and scales."

The Marquess just chuckled as she raised her hands and gestured towards us, saying "Don't ask me, ask them. I didn't kill this Fiend, so its not mine. Besides, my daughter is old enough to negotiate~! And old enough to do things on her own, like... get married and the like~!"

"Indeed, indeed... Lady Jahi, you are still engage to my daughter, and while the initial dowry was-"

The older Vampire shamelessly turned towards Jahi and began to say something, only to stop and frown as the Empress patted her shoulder and said "Lei, please... The dowry that you speak of was more than enough to warrant young Jahi being engaged to Leone, while the love that they've fostered is more than any gift they could have given... Let's not strong arm them into something, hmm? Isn't that something that you despise?"

Lady Lorelei continued to frown before stepping back and sighing, still staring intently at the now smirking Jahi who looked back at her.

"Of course~ I'd be willing to help my Mother in law~! The family discount for you, of course! 75 Gold per scale and 90 Gold per bone~?"

The Marquess just snorted as she shook her head, while the Empress smiled softly at Jahi before shrugging, saying "Deal, daughter in law. But, you might want to learn to pick these kinds of battles a bit more carefully in the future, especially with Lorelei. Even with the wealth of an Empire at her fingertips, she remains rather concerned with the contents of her purse and tends to keep any deals she doesn't particularly enjoy in the back of her mind. You'll likely be paying interest some time in the future..."

Jahi's smirk stiffened, making Leone and I roll our eyes at the Demoness' swift and impulsive decision that clearly backfired, but we weren't too worried about it.

It wasn't against us, after all~!

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