"Nothing can ever be simple with you lot, can it? I swear, it's like there's some weird Deity playing around with your lives... Light Magic, then a little while later Ice Magic? And THEN you manage to snag the Begum of the Sultanate and the Princess of the Empire? By the Gods, I swear it's impossible for you four to have nothing happening at least every other day..."

I just chuckled at the Serpentkin woman's words, finding it amusing and not wanting to give her the information that there was some Deity watching my progress, while she knew about the Arch Fiend already as well, so... there was that.

"Well? Is it possible to create something like that? A set of Magic Pens that could harness the four basic elements and allow me to enchant and tattoo with them? And perhaps something that could harness the combined elements as well, like my Ice or Anput's Metal?"

Kolia just let out a sigh, rubbing her temples as she closed her eyes and thought it over, only to freeze as I added "Or Jahi's Light Magic. That would be great too."

She slowly opened her eyes and glared at me, hissing "Do you think I'm some kind of fucking genie Kat?! I would LOVE to be able to harness Jahi's Light Magic! Do you know just what I could do with that?! My lord!"

I couldn't help but chuckle again as I stared at her, the slitted, serpentine eyes that stared back slowly loosing their glare as she let out another sigh, leaning against the table and tapping the surface idly.

"Sorry... To answer your question, I don't know about the ability to harness something like Jahi's Light Magic; there are few things in the world that could handle having a large concentration of that imbued into them, and said materials are easily worth roughly two thirds of this Empire. There's the naturally grown Light Crystals inside the Labyrinthian that are entirely speculative and likely millennia in the making, and then there is the items that the supposed Angel left behind way in the south of the continent, their Light Magic imbued into various items that are locked behind vaults and mountains of security keeping them safe from anyone seeing them... Those are the only things I know of that can withstand holding a large enough quantity of Light Mana besides the person with said Light Magic..."

She trailed off and let out one more sigh, staring at the books in front of her before continuing on a few moments later, having collected her thoughts after studying her books.

"In theory, you could definitely create attuned Magic Pens that would work with each element, and if you managed to either find an excess amount of large Mana Crystals or create your own pseudo crystals, then you could definitely create them without much difficulty. There are a few rare materials that are attuned to that element and don't absorb mana, instead letting it slide freely over the material and into the item or person you are enchanting. The one that I know of off the top of my head is the Phoenix Bone Pen that Ye Wan - the Chancellor of the Tian Dynasty to the west and wielder of Dark Magic - owns, which can channel Fire Mana effortlessly into an item and enchant it without difficulty, so long as he understands the spell itself.lightsnovel

The materials are all rare, but obtainable, and that's the problem; getting them isn't going to be easy, even if you try to buy them from the people who own them. No one wants to separate from a Mana Crystal, and few will separate from those types of materials; Hejin Lion Fur is something that the Sovereign of the Juren Kingdom to the west wears as a mantle, and it completely resists all - and I mean ALL - Earth Mana, to the point that the location around the Sovereign is completely devoid of Earth Mana. That's invaluable. No price could attached to that mantle. No amount of gold, jewels, people or blood is able to buy that item. That's the kind of rare we're talking about.

Now again, you can make pseudo versions of those materials through enchantment, and they'll work really well - like 60% the same as that rare material if you know what you're doing - and be able to get you some really good results. For instance, Duchess Klaki has a pair of gloves that she herself enchanted to allow her Ice Mana flow freely from her hands, making her style of fighting - in humanoid form, anyways - rather unique and dangerous. Of course, they're made from Dragon materials and different Ice related materials that most would pay fortunes to have, so... yeah.

In theory, what you want is possible, but you need to have a deep understanding of what you're doing enchanting wise, good materials that aren't riddled with impurities - so a really good smith is needed as well - and a way to combine anything together through magic and other means. All of that will take so, so much time and effort to do."

lightsΝοvel Nodding, I gave the woman a small smile as I asked "How good of an enchanter does one need to be?"

Kolia gave me a deadpan look, the Serpentkin woman's eyes screaming that she wanted to strangle me right now, but there was also a hidden emotion in there as well, one that she seemed to accept as she let out yet another sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose, replying "Like, you should be able to cover this Palace in a Ritual Circle type enchantress. Someone who could create and dissect most Noble Houses' wards in moments. That good. And no, I am sadly not THAT good..."

She continued to ease her rising headache as she mumbled "Though I am close...which is why I hate being a Serpentkin since my pride won't let me shut the fuck up about it even though I know you'll be harping at me now... god damnit."

When she looked up, the woman could only stare at my innocent smile for a brief, fleeting second before her head slammed into the table, unable to keep her gaze on me for long.

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