Anput PoV

Humming to myself, I made my way through the halls of the Palace feeling satisfied and relaxed, last night still lingering in my mind as I recalled the wonders that was Leone.

She was such an excellent partner due to her versatility; one moment she was the perfect mate to quench my desire to breed, and the next she was quenching my womanly thirsts with her magnificent member.

Her curvaceous body and addicting scent made embracing - or being embraced by - her something that I looked forwards too, especially when I considered how far we had come.

She used to be my complete polar opposite and someone that I even disdained slightly, her passiveness and shyness grating to me, while her ability to take Jahi's gaze or draw Kat's attention with her elegance and grace pissed me off.

It was a slight dislike that I had of her, and it changed quickly, but it had once existed, and I acknowledged it; after all, that was the only way to move on.

She had blossomed into a wonderful woman, her sharp mind and sex appeal stunning me when I saw her again, and when I learned that we were both so, so serious about making Jahi ours, well...

That dislike sparked into a competitiveness that I had with Kat, which I could confidently say was what made me fall in love with them both; competing beside them for the Demoness' affections made me come to cherish them, since I realized that the Demoness' appetite was voracious and varied.

One moment she craved that shy Vampire Princess, the next she wanted to tame a fellow warrior and proudly display her might, and then she wanted to vent her darker desires inside her close, trusted, loved and cherished maid.

We all fell in love with one another quickly, and I have to say that I was rather happy my youthful idiocy of trying to manipulate them into doing what I wanted had fallen away; not only was I terrible at it, but it was incredibly damaging to all parties involved, including me.

After all, if I had continued that path, not only would I have lost the firm, strong embrace of Jahi, but I would have lost the chance to sink into the fluffiness of my mate as well as the soft, warm embrace of Leone.

Though... that made me wonder what heaven awaited me if I got both Kat and Leone to myself for a night; how insanely comfortable would it be to be pampered by those two buxom beauties~?

I reckon I would feel like a Queen who's two consorts were striving for her affections~!

Now I really wanted to try it, though I knew it was unlikely to happen since Jahi would always be present, and while she didn't mind watching...

Even if I got to experience it, it would be short lived, which was sad, but I knew that that pleasure would be replaced with something else~!

I chuckled as I exited the Palace, my legs carrying me over towards the forge where I had all the materials we gathered stored away, ready and waiting for me to begin throwing myself into the wonders of smithing.

So many ideas danced around my head as I envisioned different projects that I wanted to complete, with some being personal - weapons and armor for myself to satisfy my desire to own an armory - whilst most were for the other three.

I needed to get Jahi armor, a better secondary weapon for closer quarters, and some utility blades for harvesting and general use; all of that needed to get forged soon, since I had decided that she would be the priority for now.

Then I had a few ideas in mind for both Kat and Leone, ideas that worked the same for both thanks to their more magically attuned selves.

Amongst the most important was creating a solid, enchantable wand or staff for them both, something that they could enchant with one of their spells that was too long to cast in the heat of a battle but something that could endure being placed on a physical medium.

Items that could capture one of their frequent spells and allow them to surprise the enemy by casting a middle tier spell that could cause some serious damage if cast quickly, leaving little time for the enemy to react.

Getting something that was that durable that could withstand such a strong enchantment being placed but also being utilized would be a challenge, and it was one that I was more than willing to take on, since it would broaden my horizons and expand my repertoire of forging.

They also needed some solid armor as well, and that would come in the form of thin, light, yet durable chest pieces as well as greaves, with some bracers being in the equation as well...

Besides that, I needed to get better at leather working as well, which would allow me to create lighter armor for them; pants and a tunic as well as gloves and hoods, things that would keep them mobile and unhindered while still protecting them.

Lastly, the thing I wanted to do the most, but knew I would need to take time to truly understand, was using that Fiend's scales to create some kind of alloy, and figuring out just what use said alloy would have.

Would it be brittle and soft, or incredibly hard and impossible to shape?

Would the alloy be too dense and thus unusable, or too weak to warrant combative use?

What about using the scales not in metals, but instead by themselves as a scale mail?

Could I work with them that way, and did they have any negative effects on their own?

All of the materials we gathered from the Fiend were surrounded in questions that required multiple answers to understand, and that was fascinating to me; completely and utterly captivating.

I wanted to understand them no matter what, exciting me so very much as I entered the forge and found the station that I had been given, my eyes landing on the various crates around me that were filled with goodies.

Time to start hammering away~! 

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