"There she is! Damn, took you long enough! Did you at least let poor Kat rest, or did you bully her some more~?"

I rolled my eyes as soon as I entered the training grounds, the sight of Mom and Belian standing together in the center drawing everyone's attention since the two rarely wanted to be seen together or spend any time together, and yet here they were, waiting for me together.

"Y'know, I'm pretty sure most parents don't ask their children about their personal, intimate moments? Is this something that 'only Demons do' or is it just you?"

"Just Chordeva. Not one to utilize tact and social norms... In fact, it's almost like she's allergic to them."

I nodded at Belian's words, saying "Ah, I do recall you quite literally ordering me to have sex once, to get my mind straight and focused after Kat got taken... That certainly isn't a normal piece of advice."

"No, no it isn't. It's rooted in some truth, but it's not something you just say to someone, let alone your daughter... Really Chordeva, you are rather odd."

"Bah, piss off. You said it yourself; it's sound advice! Besides, you know that lust is the predominant vice for us Demons... Taking a sip or twelve from her various 'chalices' would do her more good then brewing on it and thinking herself to death!"

"That's entirely because she takes after you, and it's only muscle between the ears, not smarts."


The blue and red Demons glared at one another, before Belian let out a sigh and raised his hands, gesturing towards me as he said "Are we going to begin?"

I looked at Mom as well, raising a brow at her again as she growled softly, though she turned and focused on me, ignoring the red Demon beside her and said "Come on then, let's pick up from where we left off yesterday."

Grabbing my practice great sword, I took a step forwards and lowered myself into a stance, staring at Belian across from me and watching as he kept his serrated sword in a loose grip, the cloaked man still wearing that warm smile that hid his deadliness almost perfectly.

"Yesterday... ah, yes, the specifics of the Beliali's and Cimeriesa's in todays world. Well, let's start with my Clan, hmm?"

Lunging forwards, I stabbed the heavy blade in my hands towards the red skinned man's chest, though he parried it with a swift slash of his serrated sword, redirecting my blade easily to the side and allowing him to slip free from the confrontation, resetting everything and giving himself the advantage.

"Belian isn't a name, but a title; one that someone adopts as their name as soon as they're bequeathed it. Being the Belian means to be the head of the Beliali Clan, and it means to become the thing that our Clan represents. Espionage and disguises so immaculate that no one knows what you truly look like. This-"

Instead of pressing his advantage, the red skinned man just gestured to his face, a small smile on his lips.

"-is not what I actually look like. Honestly, I've forgotten what I used to look like. I've simply picked the mask that I most prefer these days."

"Yes, you heard him correctly, so don't freeze up! Giving this prick any time is a bad idea, Jahi!"

Mom's shout pushed me into action, and I bolted forwards again, this time going for a horizontal slash that would force the man to dodge, the power behind it far too great to push away with ease.

"Anyways, I head my Clan's efforts in learning more about... well, anything, though it tends to be whatever the Empress needs to know the most. We have different branches inside the Clan; those that want to get their hands dirty, and those that prefer keeping themselves clean. Spies, assassins, body guards... we can do many things, and you might be interested to know that some of the Empress' Wisps are Beliali Demons. Then we have our lawyers, merchants and diplomats that stay away from the bloodshed and death and instead bring in coin and secure deals to keep the Clan funds deep and our allies close. Any negotiation that the Empress wants done perfectly is headed by one of us. If it has words, intricacy, deals with people, and requires a soft touch or a silver tongue, the Beliali's are usually the ones called in to achieve that."

Weaving around my blade, Belian smirked as he continued to play with me, his serrated blade always threatening me from afar, even though its reach was far below my great swords.

"Of the two remaining Clans - and including your Family - the Beliali vaults are filled with more relics and antiques than we know what to do with, but compared to the Cimeriesa's or the Asmodia's, we are by far the weaker bunch. I am... one hell of an outlier. If you're curious, the next closest in terms of fighting ability is around your level, which compared to most of the Empire, is more than enough... especially since my sister only needs to be in the shadows to become lethal. We might not win in direct confrontation, but where the Asmodia's are loud and in your face with your strength, the Beliali's become one with the shadows and search for weaknesses, or convince someone else to fight our fights for us."

"In other words, besides being smooth talkers, they're a bunch of cowards. Slinking in the shadows like rats before lunging out to poison you or slit your throat. If that doesn't work, they come crying to someone stronger to finish the job for them."

Belian just rolled his eyes at Mom's venom laced words, though he didn't refute it as he instead batted my blade to the side and slipped into my guard, resting his sword against my throat.

"While she isn't wrong, don't believe that something in the shadows cannot take your life. Hubris is something we Demons suffer from as well, and your Mom is a prime example... yet not, since she has the strength to back up her hubris. Few could stand to her and tell her otherwise."

"So stop fucking saying it, prick."

Pulling his sword away, he rolled his eyes once more as he added "Thankfully I am one of them, and I have to say that despite her idiocy sometimes, she is quite the impressive woman. A shame she's... well... herself."

Another growl came from Mom's throat, making Belian snicker as he took a step back, glancing at her and saying "Nothing to say to that, Chordeva~? Is that - perhaps - due to it being a true statement? You ARE an idiot, yet still rather impressive despite that?"

"Don't push your luck..."

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