Sweat stained my brow as I slashed towards the Demon Wolf's exposed chest, my Khopesh arcing through the air in a blur of red metal that foretold of the beautiful liquid that would splash across the ground should it connect, but sadly I was facing an opponent that made getting that beautiful liquid almost impossible.

Her sword crashed against mine, sparks erupting from her simple longsword catching on the teeth that rose menacingly on the inside crescent of my Khopesh, and I tried to twist my blade so that I could pull hers from her grasp, but alas she was far too strong to allow that to happen.

"Not bad, but you need to realize that there is a strength barrier for that move; someone double your physical prowess might be able to lose their grasp thanks to the momentum, but any higher and it doesn't work. Really, it becomes a hinderance for yourself more than your opponent. For example..."

Yanking her sword free, Lady Fenryas swiftly brought her blade down on mine, before stabbing it forwards and piercing my shoulder, making me grit my teeth and hiss softly as I felt my muscles tear, my left arm growing weak now that the upper muscles were damaged.

She left her blade embedded into my shoulder, staring down at me with a neutral gaze as she resumed speaking, her voice just as neutral as her expression. 

"You have neither the weight nor the strength to pin the weapon of someone far stronger than you. Play to your own strengths, pup, and not to traditional tactics. I hate it, and despise it, but you fight better dirty than you do clean. You're a better trickster and rogue then you are a warrior, and while I think they tend to be cowards and worthless wastes, I can understand their strengths and weakness well enough. Fight quick, sporadic, and with wit instead of head on. You're not built for it."

I gasped again as I felt her sword leave my shoulder, the Demon Wolf smirking slightly at me as she twisted the blade before pulling it free, sending another wave of pain over my left side that joined the throbbing, sharp ache of the initial wound.

That pain wasn't present for long as the golden glow of Lady D'Arcon's Light Mana washed over my arm, forcing the muscles to begin growing again and connecting them together once more, while the bone was reset to where it needed to be - something that I hadn't quite noticed during the spar.

Even though the wound was gone, my body refused to let me forget about the pain, a phantom ache throbbing on my shoulder and distracting me somewhat, adding another layer of challenge to this training session as I stared at the gray skinned in front of me, searching for the best opening for me to take.

"Well? What are you waiting for? That same written invitation that Arc is waiting for?!"

Her silver eye flashed with impatience as she stared at me, and I held back a smirk as I began to walk around her, my eyes glued to her posture as I searched for a better opening, all whilst I did as she asked.

Playing to my strengths.

One thing I had noted during these spars was that she hated waiting, yet the woman refused to attack first, giving me the opening blow in all of our spars - be it for some honor reason or because she looked down at me, I was sure that I could rile her up a little by taking my time.

Perhaps a mistake would come out thanks to her anger, maybe she'll put aside her techniques and move to overpower me directly... maybe this is all a mistake, but either way, it was slightly cathartic to piss the insufferably powerful Lady Fenryas off.

My Khopesh idly rested in my hand as I listened to her growl softly, her bushy black tail swishing side to side as she slowly got angrier, while her eye narrowed as she watched me move around her.

"Sometimes, pup, I rather enjoy teaching you to learn to fight better, though I do find that those moments are becoming scarce... You learn rather well, but damnit if you aren't a bitch to deal with..."

I kept my face neutral as I listened to the malice laden praise she sent my way, her compliments coming hand in hand with berating words as she stood still, not moving at all as she relied on her hearing and smell to locate me.

"There have been a few people like yourself that gradually piss me off the more I train them. Princi is the prime example; that Catkin 'Mistress' spends just as much time training as she does in someone else's bed, and most of my time with her is spent beating her back into something that resembles a Knight, and yet she tends to be one of the more accomplished of the order... She's good with that whip, good with blades, and hard as hell to hit, but she ruins it all by trying to seduce me the entire time... I've been tempted to break her in bed as well, just to break her entirely, but..."

Trailing off, the Demon Wolf raised her blade and blocked my Khopesh, which I had slashed towards her hip.

"Then there's the obvious duo; Belian and Chordeva, the two pricks. They're both far too good at what they do, and they work together like they're connected, even if they outwardly display hostility towards one another."

She continued to speak even as I began to swing my blade at her as fast as I could, my arms covered in a green shimmer as my Wind Mana enhanced my speed.

I slashed at her body, her legs, her arms... my blade was everywhere, and yet it was matched by hers, the longsword in her hands blocking each as she stood still, moving her arms slightly and twisting just a bit to block all of my attacks.

"Training them is both entertaining and annoying. Chordeva's brute strength is - almost - on par with mine, and her technique is slightly lacking, but still incredible. Paired with the red bastards ability to conceal himself from most senses thanks to some brilliant skill and magic, the two can be quite the handful. Challenging, but manageable. You though..."

Looking down at me, the Demon Wolf pursed her lips before shrugging, her longsword sliding past my Khopesh and cutting into my forearm, leaving a deep gash across my right arm that almost made me release my blade.

"You're somewhere in the middle. You could be a challenge, but your lack of experience is clear. Though, I guess that is where I come in, hmm?"

I barely heard the last words she spoke as her sword found its way into my stomach, the Demon Wolf dropping me to the ground with a swift stab and a kick, before barking "Again!"

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