Those silver eyes locked onto mine, and my entire body began to tremble as various emotions flooded my mind, the raw cocktail of fear, dread, worry, nervousness, and so much more sliding down my gullet and climbing back up with bile in tow, permeating my tongue with the acrid taste.

As quickly as that cocktail permeated my body with its intensity, it disappeared just as fast, leaving me feeling slightly confused for a mere moment as I blinked, but that singular moment was enough for the Fiend looming behind Vitra to make its move.

Its sapphire skin was almost black in the shadow of the room, while the silver of its eyes shone bright despite it not being near any light, the twin orbs of cold metal leaving behind afterglows as it appeared in front of me, its thin lips curling into a devilish smile as it lowered its elongated skull down towards me, muttering "The stench of one of the Sla whores permeates your flesh, mortal... That is a mistake."

Black teeth as sharp as knives rose from its gums, and the voice that slipped between its thin lips was surprisingly seductive despite its appearance, flowing smoothly after leaving its mouth and tickling your ears gently.

A crown of horns sprouted from its long cranium, the black bony protrusions studding its sapphire skull and looking like gelled hair, while the long, pointed ears that arced up to sit parallel to its skull were Elvish in appearance.

It's body was thin and spindly, with its limbs far too long for its torso, nearly tripling the length of its chest and giving it a gangly appearance, though the deadly black spines that grew out of its arms and legs spoke clearly of its deadly capabilities.

Small glittering onyx gemstones were embedded into its body all over the place, and threads of black mana slowly drifted between each piece of onyx like pathways, making its magical aura far stronger than most of the things I had seen so far in my life here.

I took all of that in during the moment that it appeared in front of me, my mind working on overdrive as the Fiend grinned, reaching forwards to caress my cheek before hissing in slight pain as its fingers bounced off my flesh, the long blue digits twisted and bent in all the wrong directions.

"Damn whore... Why don't you show yourself, slut of Sla?"

The deep growl it let out as it stood up to its full, imposing height made my bones rattle, while my mind was shrouded in a haze of fear that was swiftly brushed away as Cali appeared beside me, glaring up at the spindly Tza'Delira with a pout.

"Whilst I don't particularly mind those names in bed, I most certainly dislike being called them casually! You'd do best to remember that..."

Tilting its head, Tza'Delira sneered at Cali as it hissed "So it's the famous Sla'Caligo, the traitorous bitch who is hated universally amongst all Fiends, even her own collection of whores... What are you doing with a mortal? Trying to get someone else to do your dirty work?"

The Fiend's words made Cali's body stiffen, and I watched in interest - and slight fear - as her expression dropped completely, the Arch Fiend narrowing her eyes at the opposing Fiend as she spoke, her voice completely flat.

"I may not be back to my fullest potential, worm, but I have more than enough power to rend your soul from your mortal coil and subject you to an eternity of suffering. Try me again. I dare you."

Much to my own surprise, Tza'Delira's smile grew into a smirk, the blue skinned Fiend letting out a bark of laughter before hissing "I'd like to see you try, bitch. Not all of us are as complacent as you are... Least of all me."

With that, the towering Fiend snapped its fingers and sent a burst of black mana towards the two of us, which Cali deflected with a wave of her hands, a dome of pink mana shrouding us - and the Wisp, who had made their way over as quickly as they could.

Another burst of black mana surged towards us, followed quickly by crescent slashes of the void like mana, cutting deep into the pink dome and making Cali wince as she narrowed her eyes at the other Fiend.

Meanwhile, Vitra was giggling maniacally as she stood beside her patron Fiend, glaring at the Wisp and I as she shouted "You chose wrong, Dogkin! The world could have been yours... all you needed to do was come to yours sense! Perhaps I was wrong about you... maybe you're not as smart as I believed you to be!"

However, I paid her no mind and instead focused on Cali, asking "Anything I can do to aid you? That black mana is..."

"Mmm... No. Not directly, anyways... been awhile since I had to flex some of these muscles..."

Cali's murmur wasn't the most reassuring, though the Wisp seemed to be uncaring of her words as the masked warrior summoned a large sphere of wind and aimed it at the Fiend, making Tza'Delira sneer as they reached up to swat it away, all while a gigantic spike of black mana condensed in their other hand.

However, the Wisp sent the sphere hurtling out of the window instead, exploding it in the air and making my ears tremble slightly as the loud bang of explosives echoed through the city.

"They should be here momentarily. Sla'Caligo, what exactly are we capable of doing?"

Snorting in amusement, Cali glanced over at us as more and more pink mana poured from her fingertips, the Arch Fiend's lips curling into a smile as she said "Well, if you're insistent on helping... how about taking that necklace off the poor girl already, hmm? That should sever the clods power some..."

"I can hear you, you idiotic sex Fiend. Do you think you can keep ME occupied enough to not have them get killed by me?! HA!"

The waves of black mana became amplified as Tza'Delira sneered at Cali, those silver eyes shining with malice as they growled "I'll have you at my feet... where you belong."

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