When it was all said and done, the two Demoness' looked like completely different women, going from blue skinned behemoths of muscles to instead brown skinned behemoths of muscle.

Doesn't sound like the largest change in the world, but they were entirely different to those who didn't know who they were, and as long as they didn't slip up, this disguise should hold up for the foreseeable future, with some of our current plans benefiting from the ability to utilize the two women freely, instead of having to sneak them around hoping that no one noticed their unique skin tone.

With this, they followed behind us as we began to make our way towards the Vulpine Manor, or at least the district surrounding it as we hoped to learn some more about the suddenly changed Lady Vitra so that we might figure out what was happening to her and better plan for the future ahead.

Budan rejoined us as well, the monk having little to report from the temple besides the exact same sentiment that seemed to be pervading the entire city of Vulpe, which was that their Lady Vitra had gone from being someone virtuous and kind to someone completely different; impulsive, irritable, and petty were the words that the people used to describe her, and that was mixed in with the sadness and disappointment that the people felt regarding the fall of someone that they looked up to.

What also seemed to be something pervading the city was that the Renacla Family itself was being unusually slow in regards to acting on this sudden shift in Lady Vitra; nothing had come out of the Manor in regards to what they were planning on doing, or if Lady Vitra was alright... nothing at all, and that worried the people as well, but since the city's infrastructure and government was still running smoothly and unhindered by this development, they were placing their faith once more in Countess Renacla and her eldest daughter, Lady Hanara.

That was always on our minds as we walked through the darkening streets of Vulpe City, but as we made our way towards the northern district, we maintained the appearance of a happy, anticipatory group as we made our way to one of the many bars in the city, talking and laughing amongst one another as we watched the city change right before our eyes.

Lanterns made from opaque red or pink paper were hung outside of doors and lit, dousing the streets in a red glow as the citizens prepared for the night, while more and more of the native Beastkin found their ways onto the streets to mingle around and begin a night of relaxation in all senses of the word.

Gambling dens, bars, theaters, and especially brothels became overly populated in a matter of minutes, and we were lucky enough that we had left so early to reach the bar in time, taking one of the larger tables off to the side and grinning at one another as flights of wine were shipped to our table.

The focus of us all was Kolia, who was blushing as she became the center of attention of the Marquess, Jahi, Budan and the three of us who went shopping with her, the beans having been spilt and on full display for the entire party to inspect.

The Wisps were splitting up amongst the city; one was left behind to look over us, while two went to inspect the Vulpine Manor, and the other two wandered the streets to take advantage of the lower guard of partying citizens.

"You finally decided to be less of a prude then, Kolia~? I don't think you ever had any sort of relationship outside of your research and 'novellas'!"

The Serpentkin hissed softly in embarrassment as she took a sip of her wine, making her red cheeks even darker as she grumbled "Why is everyone so damn interested in my love life?!"

Jahi was the one to respond, grinning as she said "Perhaps because it's rather surprising to learn that you managed to push yourself away from those 'novellas' for a long enough time to snag a real partner~? We all knew you could do it, but seeing and believing are two very different things, my dearest teacher! Besides, we're proud of you for that~! Little Miss Kolia, finally growing up~!"

That made the woman glare at Jahi, before she blushed even harder as the Marquess decided to be rather blunt about everything, asking "So is this Aurae incredible in bed, doing all the things you want and then some~? Or is reality not holding a candle to fiction?"

Leone blushed as well, quietly sitting beside me and trying her best to tune out the conversation in front of her, likely still having flashbacks to earlier as I caught her sneaking glances at me every now and then.

"T-That's i-incredibly inappropriate..! B-Besides, we a-are taking things slowly! P-Properly!"

We all grinned at her, noticing that she was squirming around and not meeting any of our gazes, amusing us all greatly before Anput decided to throw a lifeline to the Serpentkin, changing the subject somewhat.

"What do you all think about the city so far? I have to say, I quite like it~! Seems like a fun, freeing place... bet it'd be even better if you were single, but it still seems like a lot~ of fun if you have the coin to spare!"

Taking my cup, I sipped on the wine before pursing my lips, feeling the crest on my lower navel tingle as I said "Cali really likes this place, and honestly? It does feel like such a nice change of pace. No one here is worried about being 'formal' or 'proper' at all, and it does seem like it could be fun to roam around aimlessly at night, going wherever and doing whatever."

The Marquess nodded, adding "Been here once before a LONG time ago, and the place has changed. Used to be more serious thanks to the various Nobles maintaining connections with the tailors here, but after they became independent and the Renacla Family took more power, it's loosened up."

Our discussion continued on as we drank some more, maintaining the appearance of a table occupied by awestruck and pleasure seeking travelers as we drank and enjoyed the rowdy atmosphere, but none of us missed the door opening and four people walking in, confidently and easily maneuvering through the crowd and occupying the front of the bar, kicking the other patrons out of their seats and beginning to act like they owned the place.

Three men and a woman made up the group, and their armor and weapons told us exactly who they were as they began to 'flirt' with the barkeep and other patrons, going so far as to pull one of the barmaids onto their laps and grope them before taking shots.

We kept speaking, but we all were focused on the four adventurers, observing them and trying to learn more about our enemy, which they weren't trying to conceal whatsoever.

In fact, we learned very quickly what we were dealing with as they remained in the bar, all of our expressions stiffening slightly as we watched them closely.

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