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I eventually found myself back inside the room with the others, my mind still crawling behind me and trying to catch up to reality as the Marquess effectively took a large portion of my life and just... flipped it upside down.

My 'identity' was almost stripped away from me entirely, my 'purpose' in tatters beside it, while my resolve barely managed to keep them woven together...

Admittedly, that was a drastic overreaction, but it still felt like what I had once clung so desperately to to maintain the life that I had created for myself - my status quo - was suddenly wrenched away from me and left me feeling bare and unsure of everything, thrust out into the middle of a heatwave with no oasis I sight.

Again, that was certainly an overreaction, but being told that I was to go from what admittedly could be considered forced servitude, and if Jahi had treated me worse - like Jillian would have - you could argue like forced slavery in some regards with how utterly incapable I was to do anything on my own desires.

Hell, you could argue it was worse since my will was quite literally not my own; whatever my Mistress tells me to do is what I HAVE to do, or else she can kill me with just a thought.

Having what was - to me - a comfortable 'blanket' to wrap myself up in and hide behind the facade of a servant suddenly wrenched away was something that sent my mind reeling, though I did calm down when I remembered that there were Ladies in Waiting, which were just servants of a higher rank; what I could be considered to Jahi if I so chose to be, but...

It was still something that thrust me out into unfamiliar territory, something that made me feel slight dread.

I HATED change, and now I was to be faced with one of the largest changes in my life, even more so then when I had been teleported from the Empire over towards the Rimelands?

There was no getting around it; I was terrified of this change, to the point that I couldn't even begin to think rationally for a few minutes after it happened, hence why I suddenly found myself back in our room without any memory on being taken back here.

Of course, after a few moments and a couple of deep breaths, I managed to calm myself down and move past this irrational fear I had; sure, now people would be truly aware of my existence, and that would definitely impact how I managed to act in the future, but the benefits of this change were blatantly obvious.

Mother could truly get married to the Marquess and Countess, past just the 'legal' side which said she always could and instead checked the box that the social side had; not that we needed to care about it, but it was something that just made life easier, and not just for us.

Mother and I could deal with the ridicule and whispers, but there was no reason to subject Alessandra and Lakshmi to those whispers and side eyes if we could prevent it; again, not that there would be any whispers of side eyes, since I would cut out their tongues and pluck their eyes if I caught them doing so, but it just made my life easier since I wouldn't need to do that... often, anyways.

Just like Mother, it also meant that my marriage to Jahi would be entirely legal and acceptable, and while this was something that we had already technically 'planned' to have happen, I never expected it this quickly...

And apparently, Mother didn't expect it just yet either, since she was currently staring blankly at the Marquess after having heard the news, her amber eyes unfocused as she tried to process that soon she would be a Baroness, and that I would be her Heir.

Again... I was still processing it as well, since it really did feel like it was compromising my identity and goal for life in the short term, tearing away the blanket that I comfortably hid behind that reflected all light towards the other three and allowing said light to shine on me, which I was not at all wanting to be in...

So... yes, my Mother and I were just statues inside a room of otherwise enthusiastic people, though we both came around eventually to join their enthusiasm.

Oh, and there was another person in the room too; Bessie.

"Julie, that means that in a month or so, we'll be announcing our marriage to the world, and in two months time we'll be hosting our wedding~! Gives you enough time to slim down for a dress~!"

The Marquess just grinned as she shifted herself to the side, avoiding the punch that my Mother sent towards her chest, her cheeks puffed out and her lips drawn into a frown as she pouted at the Demoness, growling "I am NOT fat! I'm just recovering, you insensitive Demoness!"

Punching out again, Mother tried to hit the Marquess, only to blush as the taller woman grabbed her wrist and yanked her forwards, wrapping an arm around her waist and holding her arm out like they were about to dance, replying "No, you're not fat my love~! Just nice~ and thick~! Completely opposite of Ria~!"

Now the Elf was glaring at the Demoness, while the Dogkin blushed hard as the Marquess crudely flirted with her and began to slowly dance with her, making Jahi chuckle as she asked "So, 'Baroness' Julie, how does it feel~? Or you, 'Lady' Katherine~? Do you feel like Nobles already?"

Mother and I furrowed our brows at her question, only to glare at the Marquess as she added "Fluffy Nobles at that~! Fluffy an-"

She was silenced mid sentence as the Countess jabbed her side with her elbow, knocking her away and glaring at her some more before smiling at Mother, taking her hands and saying "Congratulations, Julie... and I do hope you can withstand a more... official role beside us now..? Not that you wouldn't have been there anyways, but now it comes with paperwork and social obligations... sadly."

We both winced at that reminder, neither of us caring for the social gatherings that the Nobles loved to hold in abundance, though we hadn't been forced to go to any in recent memory, so that was a plus...

"I... Despite the downsides, yes, I do think I am more than capable, Ria. After all, it was always a hope of mine, and triply so now that I have three children to look after~!"

Mother turned towards me and smiled, making me smile back as my heart was filled with warmth, her amber eyes overflowing with love.

Love for me, for Alessandra, and for Lakshmi, and although my two half sisters would be apart of the Asmodia Family first and foremost, now they would have claim to yet another Family if they so wished it... not that they would ever need it, since the 'Zara Family' is just another branch of the Asmodia's.

Jahi hooked her arm around my waist and smiled down at me, her amethyst eyes filled with warmth as well as she leaned down and placed a soft kiss on my lips, muttering "Congratulations, Kat..."

The room was filled with a nice, soothing warmth as we all mingled together, only to be whisked away as we heard someone coughing near the door, making us all turn towards the now blushing Cowkin who was awkwardly standing near the far wall.

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