"Fuck..! You crazy bitch! I already sa- aarrgHHH!!"

My knuckles slammed across the Bearkin's cheek as I punched him hard, not appreciating the lack of understanding from this meathead as he sat beneath me, blood painting the ground around us.

I had inflicted minimal wounds to him for the moment, and yet he took this 'gift' of less pain and spat in my face - literally - before insulting me, despite my questions being entirely valid.

"Wanna repeat that? I don't think I heard you properly..."

The Bearkin glared at me and was about to snarl something when I slashed Shatter across his face, slicing through his cheek and rupturing his eye as I robbed him of one of the two orbs, making him scream loudly as he leaned forwards, blood spilling from the wound and splattering against the ground.

My booted foot slammed against his mouth next, shattering his teeth as I kicked his head back, nearly snapping his neck as he sat back up from the force, his remaining eye rolling around lazily as he slipped in and out of consciousness.

I reached forwards and grabbed his head, my palm glowing blue as I began to heal his wounds and stop his gums from bleeding, the fractured teeth remolding themselves as my magic got to work.

A groan escaped his bloody lips, and the Bearkin blinked a few times before focusing on me, fear beginning to creep into his single brown eye as I growled "Do you know who your leader met with? Where she met with them?"

"I..! I-I d-don't know t-their names, b-but Esmerelda u-used to meet some people at the Arena... and at the Mao Ling Teashop..! I-I swear that..!"

A snicker escaped my lips as I stared down at the Bearkin, shaking my head as I muttered "Why even bother being defiant..? All it does is earn you suffering..."

My lips curled into a grin as I reached forwards with my other hand, slowly pushing Shatter towards his remaining eye.

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm "Suffering that I very much enjoy inflicting~! Scream for me now, you useless thug!"

The dagger dug deep into his other cheek as I lowered the blade, slicing the thin flap of flesh open and revealing his teeth and mouth, before I flashed the blade down towards his chest, scoring a deep gash across his muscular torso.

My dagger flashed out again, crossing the first cut and opening his flesh up some more, giving me view of his ribs and sternum, which made my grin widen.

Sheathing the dagger into his side, I slammed my fist against his sternum and listened to it crack, the bone splintering while the ribs that connected to it split away.

I grabbed one and tore it free, the long, curved bone covered in red and eliciting a scream of terror from the Bearkin as he stared at it in my hands, only to fall silent as I stabbed it through his skull, using his own bone to kill him.

Taking out Shatter, I slashed the blade across his throat as he fell, watching as the blood began to pool around his corpse and enjoying the patterns around me before moving onto the next prisoner.

We had a time limit here, and I was being careful not to indulge too much... well, as careful as I could possibly be.

The Cowkin was next, and I unveiled her head and grinned at her, uncaring of the blood that soaked my front and not bothering to hide the corpse of her comrade behind me.

Those large amber eyes of hers were already wet with tears, and I could tell that she would crack quickly, so I asked "Who did your leader meet with, and where? What was the purpose of you all being here to ambush us? Why?"

The rapid-fire questions confused her for a moment, but she obliged and began to speak just as quickly, almost stumbling over her words as she desperately tried to be useful to me.

"O-Our leader..? E-Esmerelda w-went to meet with s-some small Noble H-House at the Teashop..! M-Mao Ling..? I t-think?! Um... S-She t-told me one night th-that w-we had a big s-score coming up... s-some sc-scouting and a shakedown! A l-large reward w-was promised if we could b-bring back the blade o-of the Demoness w-we were meant to hunt!"

I furrowed my brow slightly at that, glancing over at Jahi - who was standing nearby - and then at her large great sword, the dual metal blade shining in the dim light of the Cavern.

"Who were they? Do you remember? Or at least any details about them?"

The Cowkin shook her head, tears streaming down her cheeks as she heard me sigh.

"Anyone going to come after us when we leave the Caverns?"

Once more she shook her head, and once more I sighed as I stood up, staring down at her before stepping around her.

She tried to follow me with her eyes, but the Cowkin had a helmet of ice again a moment later, left alive for the moment as I approached the Elf, who was sitting still and trying her best to not move.

"Why did you lot come after us? On who's orders?"

The Elf glared at me as I asked her a question, the helmet cracking away and giving her sight and hearing back.

"Why should I tell you?!"

Blinking, I just pointed behind me at the corpse of the Bearkin, the Elf's blue eyes widening for a moment before she sneered, growling "Then just kill me! I won't talk!"

I frowned, before shrugging as I took Shatter and pressed it against her throat, staring into her eyes as I let the tip dig into her flesh.

She remained adamant even as the blade pierced the skin, making me nod in appreciation as I retrieved my dagger, deciding to enjoy this one a little longer...

Grabbing her hand, I stared at her for a second before pressing her hand on the ground, the Elf frowning back at me before her eyes widened as she watched Shatter chop through her pinky, blood spurting from the severed digit instantly.

Biting her lip, the Elf held back a groan as the pain washed over her, only to groan again as I chopped her ring finger off next, mimicking the motions of chopping carrots as I stared straight into her eyes, accustomed to this type of knife work.

"Would you like to keep going, or will you speak?"

Her breathing was a little labored, but the Elf just glared at me before spitting at me, making me sigh as I chopped off her middle finger next, followed quickly by her index finger and thumb, leaving her no time to process the loss of each digit.

Her palm was slick with sweat and blood, but even that was gone soon as I remained on her right arm, Shatter cutting cleanly through her wrist and severing her hand entirely, making her groan in agony.

"We can keep going then. I do admit I am a little... curious about your breaking point, and it's been awhile since I had a resilient toy to play with..."

I stabbed Shatter between her radius and ulna, surprising her and making her grunt again, blood now leaking from her right arm and her lips as she bit down on her tongue this time.

A chuckle slipped from my lips as I smiled darkly at her, and I swiftly got to work with the Elf, taking my time and earning her screams...

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