The goons surrounding us were shocked by how swiftly their leader slumped to the ground, a dagger embedded into her throat and severing her cervical vertebrae, leaving her dead in moments as blood gushed from the wound.

When they eventually managed to tear their gazes off of the red skinned woman and look for the one responsible, we had already unsheathed our weapons and were lunging towards them, with Jahi chuckling darkly as she nudged the corpse of the leader aside and dashed forwards, her large fist slamming into a poor mans skull and shattering it instantly.

I pulled my eyes away from my lovers and focused on the three thugs in front of me, my rapier lancing forwards as I stabbed at the weakest link, piercing her collarbone, sternum, and heart with a flurry of blows as I stabbed repeatedly, only to frown as I took note of the thin holes that peppered this woman's body.

Thin holes that leaked droplets of blood instead of the fountains that I wanted to quench my anger...

Ducking under the Catkin's bident and Serpentkin's saber, I stabbed my rapier out once more and lodged it deep into the woman's stomach, guaranteeing her kill and using her as a temporary sheath for my blade as I swiftly unsheathed Shatter, the dagger far more comfortable in my hand as I closed the distance between us instantly.

The Catkin and Serpentkin both had decent armor, though the Serpentkin had excess ornamentation and a more maintained weapon, which I took as a sign of seniority and importance, so I switched my focus entirely on the Catkin as I lengthened Shatter, surprising the two thugs.

Ice coalesced over top of the metal dagger, lengthening it and broadening it out into a sword instead of a dagger, while the solid sheet of ice flaked as I willed it to become serrated, each chip of ice dropping to the ground making my smile widen as I weakened underneath another stab from the Catkin's bident.

It was a unique looking weapon, but at the end of the day the technique behind utilizing it - at least at the foundational level - was much the same as a spear, and when you get up close and personal to a spearman, you earn yourself the advantage rather quickly.

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm What was even quicker was how my Shatter sliced through the Catkin's leather chest piece and tore into his flesh, ripping out large chunks as the small hooked blades dug into the meat and ripped it out.

Blood splattered onto the ground alongside the bits of flesh as I continued to slide my blade across his chest, revealing the white bones of his ribs and sternum and large pink mass that was his lung.

Watching in interest as it ballooned out before deflating, I chuckled as the Catkin tried to stumble away, fear permeating his slitted eyes as he felt his blood pouring out of the wound, soaking his armor and splashing against the puddle that had already formed below his feet.

All the while, the Serpentkin hissed in anger as she watched her comrade get sliced up so quickly, the saber in her hands arching around as she tried to cut me back, only to hiss again as I ignored her and stepped out of reach, buying myself a moment to stab Shatter straight into the Catkin's sternum and display the reason I named my dagger what I did.

The ice exploded and eviscerated the Catkin's torso, shards of sharpened ice slicing clean through his flesh and leaving exit wounds behind like shrapnel, which spurted more blood out of his body and widened the puddle.

Chunks of his lungs, heart, liver and stomach splashed against the pool of blood and signaled the demise of this Catkin thug, his entire chest laid bare to the world and shredded beyond repair as he dropped to his knees, blood leaking from his lips and nose as everything began to go dark.

As he began to fall, I smirked as my booted foot slammed into the side of his skull, a roundhouse kick destroying his skull and splattering his brain across the black ash around us, while the remaining momentum tore his head off of his spine and ripped his neck muscles apart, resulting in his head flying through the air.

The body flopped to the side and into the way of the Serpentkin, who stumbled as she tried to traverse over the corpse of her headless comrade, her own scaled features scrunched up in fear as she managed to comprehend just how outclassed she was.

Reforming a blade on Shatter, I idly stomped the ground and removed some of the viscera from my boot and pants, only to chuckle as it got dirty again in a second.

My leg extended as I slammed my boot into the Serpentkin's kneecap, shattering the top of her fibula and tibia, bottom of her femur, and completely turning the kneecap into dust; besides the bone, her muscles were squished and rendered useless as her leg bent backwards, a scream of pain making my lips curl into a grin as I approached the woman.

My free hand lunged forwards and grabbed at her long black hair, wrenching it up and forcing her to head up to stare at me, all while Shatter sliced cleanly through the forearm holding the saber, severing the limb and allowing the blade to clatter uselessly to the ground.

"You and your friends made a mistake, snake... You made a real~ big mistake coming after us... coming after my Mistress'~! I was beginning to feel a little... pent up as well, so this... this is just~ great~!"

My grin widened as I her slitted green eyes trembled with fear, growing wet as she shed tears from the pain of her lame leg and severed forearm, before another scream tore past her lips as I stabbed Shatter into her shoulder, lancing the ice blade clean through and leaving it there.

Pulling away from her, I looked around and nodded as I saw the others beginning to finish up with their respective groups, Anput and Jahi surrounded by piles of bodies as they killed just under a dozen each, with Leone clearing out the rest with her Estoc dancing in her hands, the long blade ablaze with her potent flames.

Each of us had left someone alive, and I grinned some more as I dragged my prey back towards the center of the massacre, jolts of anticipation coursing through my body as I shivered, unable to contain my excitement as the Serpentkin whimpered in my grasp.

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