After a hearty breakfast eaten alongside the comfort of family, where we shared some words regarding what had happened over the last few days, though we kept the specifics of the location and enemies we fought under wraps, since it was always better to exercise caution even in a place you presume to be safe.

Who knows if any of the maids or butlers inside the Palace have been paid or blackmailed into doing something nefarious, even if they were likely to be killed quickly due to be in such close proximity to the Empress herself.

Anyways, being back in a place that was safe and laden with everything we needed was refreshing, especially when we migrated from the table over to the sofas and couches, sitting down and talking aimlessly while watching the two babies crawl around from person to person, curiosity dancing in their innocent eyes.

Alessandra focused on the Countess, Leone and I, trying to get us to show her our magic as she tugged at our arms and fingers, doing her best to get what she wanted before eventually moving on to the next person with a pout, her chubby cheeks making her utterly adorable as she crawled around.

Lakshmi, on the other hand, was primarily focused on the Marquess, Mother, and Jahi, though she did seem rather interested in Anput's tail as well as my own, likely noticing the similarities between Anput, Mother and I through that simple fact, as well as how Mother and I looked eerily similar, which made the lavender skinned Demoness alternate her gaze between us a few times.

Observing them both was a treat for us all, with Anput and Leone enjoying the company of their in-laws while Jahi and I looked at our half sisters with love in our eyes, already anticipating what it would be like in a few years time as we watched them grow up and mature.

But, as most babies do, they eventually tired themselves out from all the crawling and promptly sat themselves down in the laps of the person that they chose, which was the Countess for Alessandra, and Mother for Lakshmi.

They both remained awake, but they were clearly tired as they eyelids began to droop with each passing second, only for them to jolt awake as they tried to listen to whatever we were talking about and get attention from whomever they were close to.

Seeing that, the Marquess chuckled before waving us off, telling us to use the time wisely now that the two little ones were drifting off and give the three of them some time to talk amongst themselves.

With our kind, yet clear dismissal, we got up and left the room behind us as we began to wander through the Palace's halls, no objective in mind as we just talked and walked.

When we passed by the chapel though, I excused myself for a moment and went inside, finding it empty as usual and making my way towards the altar dedicated to Reincantra, the one who had given me this second chance at life.

Goddess of New Beginnings and Stories, and the one to take pity on my soul or perhaps glimpse something worthy of a Goddess' attention in it?

Either way, I knelt in prayer and gave thanks to her for everything once again, before also thanking the System that she gave me as well, since without it I would have had a harder time in this second life of mine, and likely a vastly different fate.

The others had entered as well, with Leone and Jahi observing the empty room while Anput wandered around, admiring the various altars against the walls before standing behind me, curiously staring at the statue resting on the table.

Getting up, I glanced back at her and raised a brow, wondering what my mate was doing as she just stared at the statue, only to shrug as she turned and walked back towards the others, who were waiting by the door.

We continued our meandering around the Palace for another few minutes, before eventually finding ourselves outside in one of the gardens, the warmth of the sun and floral scents around us rather calming as we made our way towards one of the secluded areas, sitting down at the table and enjoying the serenity around us.

ραΠdαsΝοvel.cοm Of course, I also decided that we could enjoy this even more as I summoned up a chessboard made from ice, creating one set of pieces from my ethereal blue ice while leaving Anput the honor of crafting the other set with her Metal Magic, giving us something to do as we talked.

Since we had been the ones to make it, Anput and I went first while Jahi and Leone watched from beside us, their eyes glued to the board as we began to move pieces around.

"So what are the plans for the weeks ahead? Any ideas on what we should do, how we should train?"

Sliding a pawn forwards, I glanced at Jahi as she answered my question, her amethyst eyes observing Anput as the Jackalkin moved her own pawn forwards, mirroring my move.

"Starting tomorrow, we can go to the training grounds and warm up some before heading down into the Caverns to complete some Requests and earn some more money, while also gathering some more materials for Anput and Leone. I'll ask around for where the hardest Dungeon's are of different types or elements, so that we can get some experience against monsters with affinities that aren't just Fire. Besides, an Earth Dungeon would likely have some rather sturdy and durable materials, while a Water and Wind Dungeon would have materials perfect for some weapons for you, Kat..."

I nodded, lifting up the knight and placing it near my pawn, beginning to layer some of my pieces for the battle to come.

"We should also be looking for some kind of magically attuned materials down in the Caverns for Leone, so that she can get a staff perhaps? Something to further focus her mana and something that could be used to cast a complicated spell quickly. We would need a large chunk of Fire Crystal or something similar though, which is already so rare..."

The Vampire nodded, before raising a brow as she watched me make another move, this time using a pawn to pin one of Anput's pieces.

"That would be rather nice, but I think we should focus on general gear for the time being. Give Anput the materials to work with to create some better armor and weapons for everyone. The more practice she gets, the more willing I would be to let her work on something so valuable. No offense, but a good chunk of Fire Crystal is worth too much coin to be handled carelessly."

"Well, that goes for Kat too y'know? She needs to get back in the groove of enchanting again so that she doesn't mess up on my armor or weapons~!"

I gave my mate a dry look before pushing a pawn forwards, hiding the smile as I watched Anput's aggressive style slowly entrap her further as she took it.

"I do need to get back to enchanting, and I have a few ideas for some of our gear. Like that dagger spell that you have, Jahi? If I were to inscribe that onto the palm of a gauntlet, you could cast that spell so much quicker than normal. Or your shield spell, which I could put on your wrist or forearm. Same with you, Anput. But, before I do anything I do need to start enchanting again, yes..."

Anput grinned as she took a knight, only for her smile to fade as I slid my rook forwards and took her pawn back, leaving my rook in a 'precarious' position.

Seeing the Jackalkin begin to stare at the board for a longer period of time then she had previously, we all chuckled and continued to discuss what we needed, waiting for her to finally realize the trap she had willingly put herself in.

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