"Like we planned, alright? Kat takes over for over all magical duties, while Leone provides support; if they work in the way Kat potentially thinks, then hitting them with Ice Magic might lower their Fire Magic resistances, which in turn means that when Kat goes up first tomorrow, her Water Magic should sweep them away when they switch once more. Either way, this gives us a good idea on what the adaptations are like and how they how might work..."

Jahi looked over each of us before turning towards me, tapping the center of my chest as she added "Don't overextend yourself, and don't hit 50% on your Core, alright? We need your magic for what comes next; have Leone take over while you recover for a little and drink a potion, alright?"

I gave the Demoness a small smile as I nodded, before watching as she turned towards Anput, who handed her a heavy metal Kanabo, which was just a longer, heavier baseball bat... with small studs.

ραndαsΝοvεl ƈοm They were also testing the theory themselves, with the two women opting for blunt force weaponry instead of their normal blades, and since I would be in control of our magical attacks, well... ice shatters, no~?

Besides, even without my direct willing of the ice to explode, the shards should still spread the [Frost of Despoina] skill across the hordes simply because I was the one to create the ice, so this should be a very easy farming session for me to take part in, especially because I have the various missions related to protecting and assisting my Mistress' during this upcoming battle.

With that in mind, we made our way into the clearing and took the same positions as yesterday, except Nirinia was the one holding the right flank while I was in the back; we decided that as long as the Squire doesn't utilize her entire suite of spells and techniques and instead just relies on her strength, she should be able to participate.

And just like Anput and Jahi, the Djinn was wielding a heavy Kanabo as she strode off to the right, drawing the attention of the undead that turned and began to chitter and screech at the sight of new enemies appearing.

As the two hordes turned and focused on us instead, I took a deep breath and steadied my mind, focusing inwards as my fingers began to dance in front of me, tracing out the elaborate and intricate sequences that comprised a larger, deadlier Domain spell.

With Leone taking over for me tomorrow, I focused more of my runes and mana towards Wind instead of Water, hoping that the combination magic hitting these enemies would make them switch their resistances from neutral to Wind and Ice instead of Water; while Leone could vaporize water with ease, it wasn't something that would be sustainable tomorrow, so I needed to avoid giving them a resistance to Water, which would increase their resistance against Fire as well.

Rune after rune appeared in front of me, and I smiled softly as the ethereal blue glow in front of me began to grow harsher and harsher, the sheer amount of mana inside the intricately crafted Ritual Circle something that I could have only dreamed about when I first got my hands on magic.

Pressing my palms against its surface, I pushed the Ritual Circle out and watched in amazement as the large circle began to spin, staring off slow before picking up speed as it hovered in the air, the pale blue runes flashing sporadically before the spell activated.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

Sharp winds billowed out of its surface, crashing against the oncoming hordes and momentarily stopping them as they were pushed back, small cuts and scrapes appearing on their bodies.

Next was the plummeting of the temperature, the air growing so cold that steam rolled off of our bodies, the heat from producing any sweat now evident in the air as it grew colder and colder, making the monsters shudder, while the undead rattled their bones in a hope to rid themselves of the blood and gore on their bodies, which had begun to freeze over.

Something that I had learned from the twins was that both sides of Ice Magic was entirely viable, with both offering such a potent benefit over the other; this sharp, deep chill that I had produced over the entire battlefield was enough to almost incapacitate the weaker enemies and weaker elites, with the most notable being the monsters and how swiftly they lost the capacity to fight.

Utilizing Wind more than Water - especially in a tropical location like this, with a rather humid atmosphere - created such a deep chill that made it near impossible to operate at a normal capacity, and if I added some Ice runes to the sequence?

The gashes and cuts that the billowing winds were leaving behind had already begun to spread frost like it was a disease, infecting the hordes with a slow, painful death as they were frozen over and sapped of life.

And with it being a tropical location, the moisture in the air made the chill that much more noticeable as the water saturated their bodies and deepened the effects of the freezing temperatures.

Anput, Jahi and Nirinia were shrouded in a Fire Cloak courtesy of Leone, allowing them to dash forwards utilize their Kanabo's to brutal efficiency as they crushed and shattered the various enemies, with Anput occasionally utilizing her gates to pin down any elites still struggling past the harsh temperature.

Of course, I wasn't idle either, my mana being sent two separate ways as I kept the Domain up and began to cast my own spells, slinging blunted arrows of ice through the air and shattering them on impact, further spreading [Frost of Despoina]

The farming session was back online, and I could only grin as I watched the damage being dealt by this Domain and the three warriors, sheer havoc being wrought by our combined efforts as the monsters and undead tried desperately to move through the chill, only to belatedly realize how impeded their movements were.

It was a beautiful thing to behold, and an even more incredible thing to witness as I wondered what kind of numbers I would get this time.

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