When we returned to the beach a second time, the Demoness, Djinn, and Arch Fiend were all bickering around a stable fire, their exasperated expressions and gestures making the four of us confused as we approached them, wondering what was getting them so animated.

However, after we got in earshot of their conversation, we all sighed as the Marquess waved her hand at Cali, saying "It's not always the best from the back! Sometimes they don't have enough to warrant spending all that time behind them; just push down with your weight and smother them!"

Snorting, the Arch Fiend rolled her eyes as she replied "There's always~ enough to warrant being behind a woman! Ass is ass! Besides, the thrill you get when being pushed down and completely covered by your partner as they use you for their pleasure is better in that position! You feel like they own you and your everything!"

The Djinn just shrugged as she added "Personally, I enjoy when they're on their side. You get the best of both worlds, and if you pick your partners carefully, you get one hell of a show each time~! Then I can push them onto their stomachs or backs depending on what I want~? It's perfect~!"

The Marquess and Cali both glared at Nirinia, snarling ""That's a cop out!"" before glaring at one another.

Seeing us return, both of the women turned their glares at us, and the Marquess asked "Jahi, do you prefer doggy or missionary?"

"Surely with three women like that it's from behind, right?!"

Jahi blinked in surprise at the sudden desire of the two women wanting to know her preferred sex position, making Leone blush as she turned away from the conversation.

"Is this really what you've all been doing this entire time? Debating something as subjective as positions?"

Sighing, the younger Demoness scratched behind her ear before saying "Doggy; I prefer to have a good, unobstructed view of their backs for when I..."

She stopped herself, but it was too late as the Marquess raised a brow, her ruby eyes falling onto all of us as she appraised us, while Nirinia was grinning amusedly as she stared at Jahi, like an older sibling who was proud of what their younger sibling had said.

As for Cali, she was beaming at the Marquess, who had entirely forgotten about the debate as she stared at me, her brow raised as she said "Was that what you meant around two years ago? When I asked why you were so confident that Jahi would continue to seek you out for sex? Because you enjoy getting whipped?"

I met her gaze and remained quiet, my shame not rising as I stood there, though I could see Leone's cheeks getting redder and redder as she listened to everything, while Anput fidgeted slightly, her tail twitching at those words.

"Well, considering what she just said..."

Leaning back, the Marquess smiled wryly as she muttered "You're a hardcore masochist, aren't you? She could whip them both and they might not mind it, but to keep her so... enamored, well..."

Her smile was conflicted as she sat there, before she sighed as she looked towards the sky, a mixture of emotions on her face.

"Feels weird knowing that... or, well, having it confirmed anyways; I could hear it, just didn't KNOW it? Hah..."

"Alright, my preferences aside, can we..?"

Jahi gestured to the fire, and her Mom nodded idly as she continued to observe the darkening sky, listening to Jahi as she began to speak.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

"So, we got a good grasp on the strength of the average monsters and undead; not too shabby, but not too dangerous just yet. Now, you said that they come back at night? These... fodder level monsters and undead?"


"Which means that they also 'learn' about what killed them and... 'evolve' to counter what killed them, correct?"

ραndαsΝοvεl ƈοm "Mhm. If you used magic, they'll be a tad more resistant to magic; if you used a blade, they'll grow thicker hide or bone. As for stealth, they might get some better senses regarding things that are hidden, so be careful with that too..."

We all nodded, before Jahi continued on, laying out a large plan for us to follow tomorrow; a plan that could make things harder, or could make this trip an easy, short one.

"The objective is the heart of the island, so we need to break past the two factions fighting in front of the entrance, break past the guards, and locate the heart; I wouldn't be surprised if the mountain's tunnels are branching and complicated..."

Seeing the Marquess nod, Jahi sighed as she rubbed her jaw before continuing further.

"So we have a few options. We could test out abilities to push forwards against all odds, blitzing through everything and getting to the heart tomorrow; sure, we didn't fight insanely hard monsters, but that would be a great test for our ability to adapt to a large battlefield and remain focused on the priority at hand, which is the heart.

Another option is to just decimate the battlefield tomorrow and use it to test out our techniques, using the monsters and undead as training dummies before retreating for the day, giving them a chance to come back stronger and do it all over again. Problem is, when they get too strong that makes getting to the heart hard as well, and that means we need to create a balance of raising their strength and prioritizing the heart.

Lastly, we do a mix of the two; if we can get to the guards tomorrow, we push in and try to locate the heart and finish it in one fell swoop. Otherwise, we fall back and plan according to their strength and return the day after, where we will then go straight for the heart."

With all three plans laid out in front of us, Anput, Leone and I exchanged glances, debating them quietly as we pondered over the best option for us.

I wanted the experience, but I also wanted to practice being cautious and realistic against an enemy that could kill us, allowing us to understand just where we sat with our morale and ability to remain cool under pressure.

They were both equally important in my eyes, since I was already rather confident in our ability to not crack beneath pressure, but it was always better to be safe instead of sorry.

Leone pursed her lips as she saw the excitement in Anput's eyes, the Vampire pinching the bridge of her nose as she asked "If it does get too difficult, you said we could bring in Nirinia as reinforcements, correct? Someone to bolster our prowess and get this over with?"

"Mhm... I don't want you to rely on her, but most likely from here on out, someone stronger than you will always be nearby; with the Fiends returning, you four are a rather large hope for our future - amongst the Empress and those in the know, anyways - with Jahi being the true 'hope' of the Empire. As such, we can't leave you unattended, so there will always be a Knight or Saint nearby. Using everything around you to your best ability is a skill, so..."

The Marquess gestured at Nirinia, who grinned at us as she pat her Dadao.

"Then... Let's do the last option. If we can't successfully eradicate most of the monsters and undead tomorrow - within reason - then we pull back and create a valid strategy to take everything on safely. No unnecessary risks unless we need to take them. That way we can treat this as a real exercise while still getting quite the swathe of experience regarding our abilities."

Jahi nodded at that, before glancing at her Mom as she stroked her stomach, asking "So... what are we eating?"

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