After being rotated out from sparring Nirinia, I joined Leone and Jahi in their spar, the three of us using each other as whetstones to further our physical techniques and better learn about the weapons we wielded, all while we kept an eye on the Djinn and Jackalkin.

We weren't outside for too long all things considered, since we just went once against the Djinn before calling it quits for the day, heading back into the Palace for some rest and socialization before doing it all again tomorrow.

When we returned to our room, we spent some time playing and interacting with Lakshmi and Alessandra, giving Mother and the two Nobles some time to themselves before they were supposed to go to sleep.

The little Demoness was an active girl when Jahi was around, always crawling towards or on her sister and giggling whenever attention was given to her.

As for Alessandra, she watched them curiously before focusing instead on the runes that I was scribbling into the air, the little Elf far more interested in the magic above her than something trivial like playing tag...

ραndαsΝοvεl.cοm It was fun and relaxing looking over the two little ones, their liveliness and different personalities making them so interesting to watch, though I could tell that everyone had a similar thought in mind.

What would our children look like?

Would they be as diverse as these two were, or would they share more traits than we expected?

Of course, with such a question came the heat that it bore, and each of us was sending ambiguous looks towards the others, knowing that our minds were tiptoeing on the same wavelength with each small smile and the barely concealed passionate gazes.

Thankfully, before that heat could burst into a flame that would be far from quenchable under reasonable terms, Mother walked out and yawned, her head wrapped with a towel as she dried herself off, plopping into one of the couches and sighing in relief as the soft cushions absorbed her body slowly.

"Katherine... could you brew some tea please? Oh, and someone get dinner please... I'm famished."

The mature Dogkin lounging on the couch was already dozing off slightly, her eyes closed and her breathing even as she enjoyed the comfort of the cushions, before opening an eye to look down at Lakshmi, who was placed on her lap.

The little Demoness stared up at her for a moment before nuzzling against her chest, making a happy babbling sound as she rubbed her cheek against Mother's chest.

Reaching down, Mother stroked the lavender skinned Demoness before smiling at Jahi as she got up and moved towards the door, making her way to the kitchen.

Leone took Alessandra from me and showed her a different set of runes, capturing her attention as I stood up to make some tea for everyone.

That night - and all the nights leading up to the excursion with the Marquess - was spent in comforting bliss as we chatted about anything that came to mind whilst also looking over the two babies, who were getting more and more accustomed to the world with each waking moment.

The Marquess was as tight lipped as ever, not letting anything slip regarding our destination or anything related to where she wanted to take us and what she wanted to do, and she would only smirk whenever we asked questions regarding her plans, be they direct questions or pointed, hidden questions.

When we retired for the night, we did as we always did, falling into bed together and indulging ourselves for an hour or so before falling asleep, tired and fulfilled.

The next morning was spent much the same as the night, with us wanting a late start before going our separate ways; Anput to the forge, Leone to the Sanctum, and Jahi and I heading towards the Training Grounds, where we practiced with our magics and sparred for a bit as we awaited the return of the others, so that we could get some more in depth sparring in.

On top of the spars and magic practice, I spent some time exploring the Palace and taking in its various wonders, all while keeping to the shadows and practicing my stealth skills against the maids and butlers, as well as some of the guards depending on the area.

I kept to locations that were meant to be accessed by anyone so that I wouldn't get in trouble, but even so I still made some progress in learning how to walk, how to more efficiently slink through the shadows, and on some occasions - if I was wearing my own maid uniform - learn to blend in as I just became another maid inside the Palace, though I didn't do that too often since the maids were a tight knit group of women.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

Because of those adventures into the Palace, I happened to come across a chapel that was peculiarly empty, the walls and shrines left bare, while the stained glass windows were dull and simple patterns.

Compared to the rest of the Palace, this chapel was undeniably plain, but that only seemed to add to its charm as I walked inside, curiously looking around at the dozens of small shrines and altars that lined the walls, each one only topped with a statue or a emblazoned slab of wood or stone.

Some were simple hand carved wooden statues, whilst others were chiseled masterpieces with such detailed expressions...

Of course, I wanted to learn about the various Gods and Goddesses that apparently did exist in this world, but it wasn't like I had found a book listing each and every single one... and if I had, I hadn't been too interested to pick it up.

So, I walked around the edges of the room and inspected each shrine and altar, hoping to find some form of signifier to whom they were addressed, but sadly I didn't get that kind of luck.

By the time that I had moved from the right wall to the left, I realized that I was no longer alone, a woman muttering quietly to herself at one of the shrines closest to the door.

Whilst I was surprised that I had been so absorbed in admiring the various statues and symbols that I hadn't heard her enter, I wasn't surprised to see that it was Lady D'Arcon, the blonde haired, white clothed woman kneeling in front of a shrine and clasping her hands in prayer.

To be respectful, I made sure my movements were as quiet as could be as I continued my observations, only turning back to her when I heard her finish.

Standing up, she looked towards me and smiled, her Khakkhara staff - the silver staff adorned with an ornate top laden with extra rings - jingling with each movement and adding to the serenity of this quiet chapel.

"Katherine, correct? The one that has Divine Grace..."

Stopping in front of me, she looked at me, her soft smile dazzling beneath the suns rays before saying "Hmm... It's a rather potent Grace too. You know who it is, don't you?"

I nodded and said "It's from Reincantra, but I don't know much about her, nor..?"

Lady D'Arcon just chuckled, gesturing for me to follow her as she led me towards the front of the chapel, where most of the impressive statues and richer altars laid.

"She is something that many refer to as a Major Divine. A Deity who rules over a vast, and important domain, a Deity who's power is far beyond the scope of mortal contemplation. She is the Goddess of Reincarnation - named after her - New Beginnings, and Stories. 

As such, she is often depicted with a book and phoenix, though many cultures change out the phoenix for whichever monster is near immortal in their respective regions. Here, in the North, it's the phoenix, but down in the South it's a jellyfish; a peculiar creature, but fitting."

Reaching forwards, she brushed off the statue's book, revealing the carved runes of someone's name.

"Ah, and everything here was carved by a single woman. Racama, a rather talented artisan with a love for the Divines... She's long since passed, and that's why this chapel remains incomplete..."

Sighing, she stared at the statue for a few moments more before turning back towards me, chuckling as she said "If you want to learn more about the Goddess that decided to grant you her Grace, I'd suggest visiting the library sometime soon. The Divines have been a large part of our history, after all, so they are a well documented subject. Though, I think you'll find prayer to be a more fruitful endeavor, young one."

With that, the pearl clad woman made her way out of the chapel, leaving me in silence as I turned back to look at the gentle features of the statue.

Pursing my lips, I shrugged as I clasped my hands together and knelt, deciding to see if prayer would indeed be beneficial for me, even if it was just as a form of meditation.

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