We all smirked at Jahi as she glared at us, the Demoness pouting as she hugged the pillow close to her chest.

With how large her body was, and how mature and serious she normally acted, seeing her act so childish was refreshing, and we all snickered as her pout deepened.

"That was horrendous Leone! Why would you want a magic like that?!"

The Vampire Princess giggled as she waved her thin journal around, replying to the Demoness with an amused voice, "I believe you answered that question yourself, dear~! Because it can be so 'horrendous' to deal with~!"

Neither Anput nor I knew just what Jahi had seen, but the Demoness was disgusted and affronted from whatever it was that she saw, making Leone smug.

Puffing out her cheeks, Jahi looked away and out towards the setting sun, our time in the bath having taken far longer than I cared to admit; Jahi might have been running on empty, but she displayed a versatility as she put her dexterous fingers to use, all while she enjoyed the show of us three indulging in front of her.

Now that it was all over, we were all lounging on our beds, our lusts sated for the time being and opening up some time for us to begin other ventures...

Like magic.

With it being a large part of my Daily Quests - which is my income of Shop Points as well as experience - I very much wanted to continue completing them as well as I could each day.

Wind and Water Magic individually, as well as Ice Magic itself; that, alongside my Stealth Skills and Dagger Skills were the personal side of my Daily Quests, while I needed to help each of my Mistress' with their own Magics as well as their physical training.

So, with time now abundant and my mind no longer mush, I stretched myself out before rummaging through my belongings, pulling out my own journal and a pencil as I began to jot down ideas and spells.

I wanted to make some new tattoos soon, since if I was going to use enchanted items I should branch into enhancing everything with tattoos, which would need a deep, thorough understanding of the magic itself.

After all, I don't want to just... put something on my flesh forever just because I THINK it might work; I need to KNOW it will work, and that it's something that should at least always have a place to belong in my arsenal.

Nothing cutesy or some kind of flashy trick spells, just increases to my power directly or spells that should scale appropriately...

I had ideas for spells I wanted tattooed on my skin, and I was hoping that it could be a useful spell as well as a stylistic look to the spell whenever I went through and tattooed myself.

Some of those ideas were small; I wanted Ritual Circles to go around my wrists - 2 per wrist - to create long blades that sprouted out of my wrists, with a side handle baton like structure.

One Wind, one Water, and they'd intersect to create an Ice rune, allowing me to shift between all three elements based on my opponent.

For those, I was alright with the bracelet like design that would come with them, but for another of my tattoo ideas, I needed something different.

On my back, I had the idea of creating four Ritual Circles that would mirror one another; so one large Ritual Circle on my shoulder blade, and another smaller one closer towards my lower spine, which would then be mirrored completely onto the other side of my back.

The idea was to create two large wings and two smaller wings, to grant me a large boost to mobility, and hopefully... flight.I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com

That would still leave large swathes of skin for other runes to be tattooed, and I was curious to see if I could switch the Ritual Circles out for something else; otherwise, I wanted those circles to look as clean as possible.

Besides that, they were rather complex spells as well, since I needed to tune the mana input, mana distribution, make them strong enough to support my weight, hard enough to withstand at least an attack or two, and so much more...

Those were the two that I was certain I wanted, and the eventual plan was to be laden with tattoos, and maybe figure out a way to conceal some of them, both because I didn't want enemies to know what I had, and also because...

Well, I was slightly worried that Anput, Leone and Jahi might not find them attractive; so far, only Leone has a tattoo, and it's directly between her breasts.

That was a small one; I was talking about getting giant tattoos across my entire back...

However, I'd cross that bridge when I finally had a spell significant enough to occupy such a large portion of my body.

My pencil danced over the paper as I jotted down the specific parts of the Ritual Circles that I needed to begin improving.

Leone hummed quietly to herself across from me, the Vampire doing research of her own as she allowed pale white and deep crimson runes to dance around her palms - the runes for Moon Magic and Blood Magic respectively, which I wanted to eventually see if I could use for myself...

On her own bed, Anput idly shifted the metal rod in her hands into various weapons, staring at them before beginning to alter certain ones, creating weapons that would suit her better than just the base form.

For instance, her scimitar was being lengthened and thinned at the base, while the head was being flared out, providing more of a chopping weapon than a slashing weapon, before she began to create a serrated longsword meant to slice through flesh and kill her enemies easily.

My mate seemed rather amused by her different weapons, her obsidian eyes sparkling whenever she found one that worked best for her.

I wanted to berate her for not finding out some better spells to use during combat, but considering how she was with weapons, I decided to relent as she continued on, going through an entire arsenal.

Besides, at least she was practicing using her Metal Mana to create and maintain those shapes.

pandasnovel.com Finally, Jahi was staring up at the ceiling, a few golden runes dancing above her head as she flicked them around, shifting their structure and composing them into lines, trying to create spells of her own.

I was sure that she realized the necessity of some powerful spells after our 'Monster Mash', wanting to have an arsenal to fall back on when her blade simply wasn't enough anymore.

At the very least, I wanted her to have some personal buff spells at the ready, but that would be a discussion for later as I turned back towards my notebook and continued jotting down ideas, eventually putting theory into practice as I traced out the runes and tested the spells stability as they hovered above my palm.

When I was hitting a wall with my own ability to spell craft, I sat up and began to just circulate my mana, doing that technique that she told us about a long time ago.

Well, the fun one, where I crawled onto Leone's bed and practiced that technique alongside her, before doing the same with Anput; that left Jahi to watch, still pouting as we all let out a 'hmph!' and moved away from her, letting her practice on her own.

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