Leone PoV

After giving Jahi a firm talking too, the three of us looked towards the arena and watched as the next Knight stepped down - Belian.

The red skinned Demon made swift work of his monster as well, his Earth Magic trapping his opponent whilst his serrated sword sliced through flesh and tore the serpentine monster apart, causing my Aunt to become slightly more irate.

As such, she took Roman and shoved him into the arena, her son shouting back "Oh you have got to be shitting me! Mother, the hell..!"

Unsheathing his daggers instantly, Roman looked around the arena warily, all whilst Lady Fenryas cackled above him, shouting "Good luck, Roman~! Have fun, my son!"

Cursing loudly, he watched as a giant scaled Drake stomped forwards, the large wingless dragon exhaling ash as it glared at the lithe Wolfkin man.

Observing my Aunt's expression as Roman began to run around the arena made me shudder, her wide grin filled with such malice and sadistic amusement that everyone around her backed away from her a step, including Mom and my other Aunts.

Turning away from the cursing, scrambling figure of my brother, I looked back towards Jahi - who was huddling away from us, her blue skin slightly bruised purple from the multiple hits that we delivered to her - and lifted the proffered heart, staring at it.

"This was your idea of a peace offering? An actual heart?"

I tried to distract myself from Roman's pained scream, but I had to look back and see his black coat become stained with blood as the Drake scratched his chest, making me wince.

"W-Well, y'know..? It's something?"

I shook my head as I watched Roman narrowly dodge the sweeping claws of the Drake, managing to not get his arm shredded to pieces.

Cowering slightly as I raised a brow at her, I inspected the heart for a moment before handing it back to her, saying "It's sellable, at least... not useful for any potions that I can concoct though. As for the bones and organs, those are useful at least. Still, would it kill you to consult us before charging in recklessly?"

The blue skinned Demoness winced at that, before gingerly standing up and approaching me, reaching out and embracing me from behind, trying to get back into my good graces.

I enjoyed the comforting warm embrace of Jahi as she draped herself over me, while Anput and Kat remained focused on the fight below, wanting to glean more information from the fight - as well as give Jahi the cold shoulder for the moment...

Of course, I reached up and stroked the woman's forearm, wanting to 'ingratiate' myself with her some more so that whenever we get back to a bed, she could reward me and thank me for-

ƥandasnovel.com My thoughts continued to drift, only to be brought back as I saw the Drake slice three long gashes into Roman's side, making the man grunt as he stumbled backwards.

His daggers were blunted, and he glared hatefully at the monster before coughing up some blood as it slammed him aside.

Rolling to his feet, he dredged up his mana and launched himself forwards, two new daggers in his hands as he tried to go for one last ditch effort against the Drake.

Red mana coiled around his daggers, and he let out a strained shout as he stabbed the weapons deep into the Drakes scaly hide, causing it to roar in pain.

Twisting the blades, Roman showered himself in blood before flying back into another cage, the sound of breaking bones sounding out in the arena.

Blood leaked from his lips, and he stared blankly at the approaching Drake before gritting his teeth, trying to raise his arm.I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com

However, his eyes widened as he realized he couldn't, causing him to slump against the cage as he watched the approaching Drake.

Everyone was silent as they watched this happen, none of us daring to believe that he was about to 'die', but reality could be disappointing.

The Empress set her jaw as she stared on, listening to Roman scream in agony as the Drake ripped an arm free from his socket, before its claws dug deep into his belly.

The light in his eye began to fade as the sheer amount of blood weeping from his wounds pooled around him, forming a sticky pond of crimson around him.

Before it could attempt to finish Roman off, the Drake was enveloped in a scorching blaze that turned it to ash, whilst a deep, pulsing red mana gently wrapped around the nearly lifeless Wolfkin.

Mom raised him up and pulled him over towards us, laying Roman out in front of Aunt D'Arcon, who instantly pressed her hands against his broken, bloody body.

Everyone remained quiet, not daring to breath as the realization of just how horrendous this training could be set in.

Watching as Roman's body was slowly regenerated to its peak state sent shivers down all our spines; everyone here was accustomed to pain, to dealing death, but none of us ever looked like... that.

Broken and battered, almost dead...

Few could come back from that, since an incredible healer was required to even stabilize that condition, let alone heal them.

Mom was staring at Roman with a neutral expression, while Aunt Fenryas was frowning, her silver eye complicated; as for Vienna, her features were hard, her eyes dark and flooded with emotion as she stood silently beside her brother.

When he was finally healed fully, Roman gasped and sat up, his eyes wide and pupils dilated as he reached instantly for his side and stomach, feeling for the wounds.

Sweat poured from his pores as he panted, the Wolfkin barely managing to stabilize his breathing before swallowing hard, trying not to puke.

Aunt D'Arcon gently stroked his back, her palm still enveloped in golden light, while Aunt Theresa knelt down in front of him, smiling softly as she reached forwards to caress his cheek, getting his attention.

The man focused on her gentle green eyes, before leaning his head against her wooden chest as she embraced him.

Vienna looked down at her brother and growled softly, before she retrieved the dual falchions from her waist and stepped off the platform, dropping into the arena.

Aunt Fenryas just waved her hand, not drawing her eye from Roman as he quietly hyperventilated in Aunt Theresa's arms, her emotions too complicated to decipher.

Jahi squeezed me tight, her worry obvious as she looked back towards the arena, wondering which of the cages held my opponent.

Anput's opponent.

Kat's opponent.

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