Leone PoV

"Did you really think Fen was going to do anything differently, Leone? Really? I have to admit, that was... deserved on your part."

I blushed slightly as I looked away from Aunt Igna, who was giving me a soft, yet exasperated smile, while Aunt D'Arcon was nodding off to the side, her golden locks and white clothing blinding as she lounged in a patch of sunlight.

Mom was chuckling off to the side, while Mother just frowned before sighing, approaching me and patting my shoulder as she said "Honestly, we've all learned that arguing with that woman was a fruitless endeavor. Whatever facts and logic you provide to her means nothing, even if they are indisputable fact. She'll just ignore them and do whatever she wants anyways. Even your Mom can't win against her..."

"Indeed... That was part of the reason I was so drawn to her in the beginning. She challenged me constantly, swearing that I wasn't as strong as people said I was. So even after I beat her down multiple times, she would just spring back up and challenge me again... A rather tenacious woman, Fen. Perfect blend of Wolfkin and Demon."

Aunt D'Arcon snorted at that, the woman's lips curled in slight disdain as she added "Insufferable too! Never listening to whatever you have to say, never following any rules you may have set... She's just so..! So..!"

That made Mom chuckle again, her words making Aunt D'Arcon blush as she said "Isn't that why you love her? Out of all of my women, you two are the only ones to consistently seek each other out in lust~! How often do I catch you both-"

"ENOUGH!! I know, alright?! She's just so..! Argh!!!"

Getting up, Aunt D'Arcon stomped off towards her room, pouting hard beneath her reddened face, which made everyone else smirk at her departure.

"Is Fenryas really that good..? That D'Arcon can't walk properly despite being a healer?"

Mother's question made everyone in the room grin - not me, as I was slowly backing away to leave this conversation, not wanting to hear it.

"If you don't mind broken bones or immense pain, it is really~ good. Arc just happens to be... an extreme mascochist, so only our love and Fen have managed to satisfy her... As for Fen herself, the woman never holds back, and even with the constitution of a Dragon, I was hurting the day after..."

"Broken bones..? What the..."

Aunt Igna was nodding, while Aunt Yusa, who had just entered with three others behind her, said "Oh, you're talking about Fen's horrific style of sex? Yeah, I almost had to kill her when she pounced on me that first time... felt more like I was getting hunted than seduced. Terrible."

Instead of focusing on my Aunt's words regarding their sex lives, I focused instead on the three women that entered the Sanctum behind Aunt Yusa.

Three of my four sisters - Monica, Misa, and Lisa.

Monica was Aunt D'Arcon's daughter, and her gentle expression - paired with her long golden hair - made her look almost identical to her Mother, while her height of around six and a half feet came from Mom.

She didn't inherit the Light Magic from her Mother, instead having Lightning Magic, which she seemed to take great pride in; her robe was azure with golden lightning bolts streaking across its surface, and the various golden rings and bracelets were all adorned with either sapphires or lightning bolt motifs.

Everything on her person pulsed with the sharp power of Lightning Magic, and her azure eyes were ringed with a golden band that sparked.

Incredibly beautiful and elegant, Monica strode in and approached Mom first, bowing her head and giving her a curtsy, which made Mom smile as she reached forwards and caressed her cheek.

Behind her were two nearly identical women, their faces stoic and seemingly chiseled from snow.

Misa and Lisa were both Snow Women like Aunt Yusa, meaning their entire body, hair, and eyes were white - however, Misa had blue streaks in her hair while Lisa had green streaks.

They both were formidable Ice Magicians, but they had a preference for one of the two elements that made up Ice, making them different and distinguishable.

Well endowed and wearing a blue and green dress respectively, Misa and Lisa looked very much like Aunt Yusa, but their more regal demeanor and serious attitudes were certainly from Mom - at least when she was 'working', which they copied to perfection.

Unlike Monica, the two Snow Women didn't go straight to Mom, instead walking over towards me when they saw me, their clear white eyes finding me instantly.

""Leone.""I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com

They nodded to me, and I smiled back at them, having an easier time mentally speaking to them than I would Monica considering they were only decades older than me...

Not over a century older.

"Misa. Lisa. How've you been?"

The twins glanced at one another before saying ""Well.""

Misa spoke first, adding "Our trip up towards the Klaki Dukedom was beneficial..."

Lisa spoke second, finishing her sisters sentence, "Since Duchess Klaki showed us new ways to utilize Ice Magic."

""As well as our Water / Wind Magic...""

They glanced at one another again, but this time frowning as they realized what the other had said - that they had specified one element.

ƥandasnovel·ƈom Aunt Yusa sighed as she stepped behind them, pulling on their ears as she said "If you try and begin another argument on which element is stronger, I will hit you. Either of you. Understood?"

""Yes, Mother dearest...""

The twins were still half glaring at one another, making Aunt Yusa sigh before smirking, looking towards me.

"That maid from the Asmodia House is an Ice Magic user isn't she~? Think she'd be interested..?"

Misa and Lisa's heads snapped towards me, surprise in their white eyes, only to sigh as I said "After she's done with Aunt Fenryas' training, maybe."

Monica approached us, done speaking to Mom, and she smiled softly at me, saying "It's been awhile, my dear youngest sister~! Have you been keeping up with your studies?"

She gave the twins a smile as well, and they turned and approached Mom, leaving me with Monica.

"As best as I could be, considering recent events."

"Ah, you mean that Crusade and the likes? Yes, I imagine it did chew into your studies... Though, you must have learned something from all that, no?"

Her soft smile and friendly demeanor was comforting, and she gestured for me to sit beside her as we continued to talk, surprising me greatly at how... amiable and welcoming she was despite the large gap in age.

The Sanctum was livelier now that most of Mom's wives and children were back, talking to one another and discussing anything that popped to mind; Mother was in the kitchen cooking with Aunt Igna, while Aunt Yusa and her daughters lounged at the table, talking quietly.

Mom was smiling at Aunt D'Arcon, who had returned after hearing everyone begin to speak again, and they made their way over to us and joined in the discussion, going over some arcane questions I had and guiding me to the answer, having me figure it out while they asked pointed questions and the like.

Once again, I found that this Sanctum was incredibly warm as we talked and joked amongst ourselves, the only ones missing from the group being Aunt Fenryas and her children - Roman and Vienna - as well as Dante, Aunt Igna's son. 

There was also Aunt Theresa, but she was currently resting inside her tree, rejuvenating whatever energy she could manage so that she could eventually join the rest of us.

We talked and talked, my sister showing me better ways to draw up certain runes and giving me tips on how to more efficiently cast them, while Mom and Aunt D'Arcon sat beside us and listened in, before we all got up and moved to the kitchen to enjoy a late breakfast.

Something that made me feel a little guilty, as I knew that my three lovers were currently in the midst of grueling physical training, but I pushed that down and decided to think up ways to make it up to them later...

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