Kat PoV

"Too slow! If you're going to feint, commit to feinting! Stop trying to be cute with it!"

My wrist stung as Lady Fenryas slapped it away, nearly sending my dagger flying before her other hand slammed into my chest, pushing me back a few feet.

"Trying to play mind games in melee combat is not something I'd advise until you reach a certain level, little pup. Especially not when your opponent is as strong as I am. Stick to what you know and don't try to be fancy. You're not as good with a blade as your mate over there..."

I frowned at that, only to decide to let go of my wounded ego and instead do as she said; this woman had lived far longer than me, and had likely spent her long life tempered in the fires of war, whereas I had only recently been introduced to life and death concepts.

My first life was a cushioned one, where the worst fight I ever got in was with another girl over Kyoka, and even that only ended with me slapping her once...

That was the most physical I had ever gotten with someone, so I was going to take her words and try and do what I could with them, since there was sound logic in that advice.

Feints and flashy techniques were good if you were incredibly skilled with your weapons of choice, as well as confident that your opponent was either only just barely above your level or below you.

However, with feints came risks, and Lady Fenryas was suggesting I forego the risk and instead stick to simple combat, relying on my physical prowess to overcome any of my obstacles instead.

The black skinned Wolfkin smirked as I clenched the hilts of my daggers and charged at her, one of them reversed as I began to unleash of flurry of slashes and cuts towards her torso and limbs, wanting to entangle her in a web of attacks before trying to deliver the decisive blow.

Arcs of silver filled the air between us as my arms moved as swiftly as they could, blurring together as my high stats made themselves known.

The anklet inside my boot felt slightly warm as I pushed myself harder, like the Shop Made Item was being overclocked to keep up with my speed.

Lady Fenryas laughed as she blocked and pushed each attack aside, her speed matching mine as she fought me on even terms, forcing me to improve or be locked in a stalemate.

"Better! Much better! You're getting somewhere, little pup! Now let's just see if you can keep it up!"

Her leisurely amusement contrasted my intense concentration as I traded blow for blow with her, my daggers constantly moving as I tried to land a cut on her red veined skin, but it was to no avail as minutes slowly passed.I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com

My muscles began to ache with each movement, while my joints creaked slightly at the different attacks that I had to send her way; as for my wrists, they were currently screaming at me as Lady Fenryas constantly smacked them away from her, preventing any of my attacks from landing.

Time stretched out as I continued to spar against the Demon Wolf, until I eventually slipped up and made a mistake, costing me a dagger as Lady Fenryas wrenched it from my hands and pressed the cold steel to my throat, ending the spar.

"Promising. Your endurance is pretty good, and your skills aren't too shabby either. Some more polishing and you'll be a decent enough melee fighter. 'Course, I smell the Ice Mana in your veins, and it's above the average melee fighter... an all rounder? Hmm..."

Handing me the dagger back, the Demon Wolf stalked around me, looking me up and down before saying "You'll be like a Spellsword then... up close and personal magics and some more ranged spells to help close the gap, perhaps? Support spells as well if you're working in a party... Should certainly be a rather useful pup to have around, I suppose..."

Nodding to herself, Lady Fenryas glanced towards the sparring Knights before saying "If you want some extra curricular studies, go talk to Princi, the Catkin woman in unnecessarily tight black leather? She can be insufferable, but she's adept with Wind support spells, so maybe you can find a useful thing or two inside her drivel..."

She glanced back down at me before gesturing for me to return to the others, saying "For now, pup, that's more than enough from me. You still haven't showed enough to warrant more than the minimum."

With that, she turned away and moved towards the Knights, prowling around the training grounds and inspecting the various Knights, shouting and berating some.

I made my way back over to Anput and Jahi, who were in the midst of a spar, their great swords clattering together as Anput danced around the Demoness, battering her with attacks.

After healing myself up, I joined their spar when they finished their current bout, and we finished our second day under Lady Fenryas slowly, embroiled in constant spars as we alternated partners.

Lady Fenryas sent a few Knights our way to spice things up, having them teach us what they could as we were forced to absorb experience through beatings.

Phantom pains wracked our entire bodies as we ended the day off, and we shuffled once more through the halls before reaching the kitchen, where we devoured more than enough food to feed a village for two weeks.

ƥandasnovel.com Returning to our room, we bathed and got ready for bed, but an ambiguous, yet tired mood surrounded us as we split into pairs, Anput pulling me over towards her bed while Jahi took Leone, our lust ignited after such a strenuous day.

My mate tossed me onto her bed before climbing atop me, her predatory black gaze pinning me below her as she trailed her hands over my body and whispered "You make a fine reward for a hard days work, Kat... A very fine reward indeed..."

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