My Sect System

Chapter 99 - Awakening The Physiques

Jian was standing at the side while Yu Yang and Yu Yue were meditating to recover to top condition. He had already given them the pills which would awaken their physique. 

While he was waiting for them to he asked the system about the Ling'er and Zhou You's physique. 

" How can I speed up the process of awakening their physique. Even though they will eventually awake their physique but I want them to awaken them early because only one and half year is remaining so I want to speed up the process"

"Host although there are ways to speed up the process you can only help Zhou You and as for Ling'er you will not able to help her much you can provide higher grade pills to her.

For Zhou You if you have any wood type Herb which three-star grade then you can refine the pill which is suitable with his physique."

Jian understood that he will be able to speed the process of Zhou You physique by giving him high-level wood type herbs but when he thought about Ling'er he agreed with the system. 

He had already given her Meridian tempering pills but the effect was continuously decreasing and he even thought about refining grade Two Meridian tempering pills but since he didn't have any knowledge about two-star alchemist he had to wait. 

Then he asked the system to see if he had any wood type herbs collected from the tomb. After few seconds the system said that there is only some two-star herbs, not three stars. 

He was unhappy about it but thought sin since asking as Herb has high wood qi then it is not a problem adding any three-star herbs. He thought to ask Meng Shu about the herb as he was planning to go to the city.

He was brought back from his thoughts " Master we are ready"

Jian then looked to see that Yu Yang and Yu Yue had recovered and now we're ready to intake the pill.

Jian nodded and told them to take out the pills and eat them. " You don't need to do anything as you consume the pill it will immediately start to work and you will feel throughout your body. You need to focus and don't become unconscious."

Both nodded and took out the pill. They looked at Jian and he nodded then they simultaneously consumed it and concentrated. 

As they consumed the pill they started to feel that it was immediately dissolved and spreading throughout their bodies. They were able to feel the medicinal strength of the pill.

Jian was also started to feel the vitality spread throughout the sect hall. Even Ye Qiao was alerted and she came to the sect hall.

She saw that Yu Yang and Yu Yue sitting in meditation and wanted to ask Jian but seeing his serious face she quietly moved towards him and stood beside him.

As she stood beside him he didn't wait immediately waved his hand and the sect hall was sealed. Now no one can disturb them.

Then he created a barrier and started sending back the vitality towards Yu Yang and Yu Yue. Then he separated then using barrier as both elements were opposite and he didn't want them to clash in the process of awakening. 

After the barrier was from Yu Yang started to feel the vitality increase around him and started to feel relax. And it was similar for Yu Yue she was also feeling relaxed as vitality spread. 

But it didn't last for long as the vitality immediately started to decrease and both also started to feel their cultivation decreased.

As the cultivation became zero both started to feel pain throughout their body. The cause for the pain was that Yu Yang had started to feel coldness spread throughout his body and Yu Yue started to feel heat spread throughout her body. 

As the pain, they started to scream. The pain was unimaginable as it was on the deepest part of body and soul. Jian was also unhappy he knew that the pain was this much then he would have found other ways to awaken their physique.

Slowly there scream started to decrease and silence returned in the sect hall. Ye Qiao was also seeing everything and she understood that they were awakening their physique. 

But she was shocked because this was the first time she had seen anyone awake their dormant physiques with help of a pill. It can be awakened if you have suitable cultivation techniques and the highest grade herbs. 

Bit for the first time she had seen a one-star sect's master using pills to awaken the physique and when she checked she found that it was working. 

She looked at Jian and again she was intrigued about him. How does he know about the physique and everything? As a one-star sect master, he should not have such deep knowledge. 

While Ye Qiao was thinking about Jian. He had moved towards Yu Yang to find out why they stopped screaming. He found the Yu Yang has become an ice sculpture. He was frozen still. Jian hurriedly moved and wanted to break the ice but was stopped by the system. 

" No need to worry it is the process of awakening their physique. There will be no harm"

Listening to the system Jian sigh relief. He then moved towards Yu Yue and saw that she was covered in flames and she was sitting naked because the flames burned her clothes. 

Jian immediately created a barrier around so that no one could see her and went back to his position. Ye Qiao attention was also brought back and when she saw Yu Yang and Yu Yue's condition she was shocked. 

She recalled that it was similar to a person who awakes the physique using a suitable cultivation technique. She didn't believe that it was this easy to awaken the physique. 

She was shocked and thought that she will ask Jian when this is all over. Now Jian was waiting for the ice and flames to dissolve because the system told that as they were back to normal means they have to awaken their physiques.

Time slowly passed. For thirty minutes, there was no change in Yu Yang and Yu Yue but after that, the ice and flames on their bodies started to decrease. 

Slowly time passed and after two hours both Yu Yang and Yu Yue were back to normal.. Jian immediately moved towards them to check on them they also opened their eyes simultaneously. 

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