My Sect System

Chapter 47 - Going To The City

Jian and Yu Yang heard Yu Yue shout and looked towards them. They saw that Yu Yue was holding on to a sword and was happily cheering.

Jian moved Yu Yue and without asking he took the sword from Yu Yue's hand. Jian was shocked to see the sword. He couldn't believe that Yu Yue was able to refine the sword on her fourth try.

Yu Yue said smiling cheerfully, " Master I can now refine the one-star Weapon."

Jian looked at Yu Yue and smiled.

Jian said, " Now you can refine the star Weapon but don't forget practicing molding otherwise you will waste the materials. Go and take rest and come back early in the morning."

Jian had said this because it was late at night and his disciples were continuously practicing from the last day. And he had seen his disciple's success so he wanted them to rest before taking the next step.

Yu Yang and Yu Yue both nodded and left. But before they left they took extra materials for practicing.

Jian saw that both of them left. He sat on the chair and sigh. There was a smile plastered on Jian's face because after the system's punishment finally things were starting to get on track but still there were little problems but still he was finally relaxing.

Jian asked, " System did you know that Yue'er was this talented in weapon refining."

The system replied, " No host I was also shocked. Even though I knew she was talented in weapon refining but I still couldn't gauze how talented she is."

Jian also nodded. He knew it was nearly impossible to check how much the person is talented.

Jian asked, "If both of them became a professional then is it acceptable for the Mission, or do I have to find new elders?"

The system said, " Host it is acceptable if both of them become one star professional."

Jian sigh relief and thought for a suddenly an Idea came but before he could say anything.

The system said, " No host I will not allow it. You should forget about it and don't ask in the future."

Jian frowned because he was unhappy with the system. After all, the idea was to ask Ye Qiao to become the elder but it was rejected by the system.

Jian didn't reply and started to plan further because Jian had decided that he will go back to the city tomorrow. Jian wanted to take the examination for one-star Weapon Smith and ask for Soaring Cloud Pavilion for a place in the city and sect for the herbs require for pills for physiques.

After deciding Jian started to go through the information about Formation Master.

The next morning after the sun has risen Jian was greeted by Yu Yue and Yu Yang in the sect hall.

Jian also greeted them and said them to sit.

Jian started to tell them today's plan.

Jian said, "I am going to the city for few things and instead of Yu Yang I am going to take Yu Yue."

Both were shocked because Jian had not informed them earlier and now he is saying that he is going to the city.

Yu Yang said, "Why are you suddenly going to the city."

Jian smiled hearing Yu Yang's question. He knew he was thinking about Jian. Because Jian was new to the city and had asked him for help several times.

Jian said, " You don't need to worry. I am going to the city to cure your and Yue'er illness."

Yu Yang and Yu Yue were extremely happy here Jian and after that, they became solemn because they have known Jian for only a few weeks and he was already helping them and now he is going specific for the illness.

Yu Yue asked, " Master why am I going with you instead of Yang?

Jian said, " Since you can refine one-star Weapon and you are already apprentice Weapon smith so you are going to come with me for examination of one-star Weapon Smith."

Both were shocked hearing Jian. They couldn't believe that after one successful refinement Jian is saying that he will take her for examination.

Yu Yue exclaimed, " Master no, I can't pass the examination after only one successful refinement. I need to at least refine weapon successfully for more than ten times then only I will have confidence for passing the exam."

Jian said, " You don't need to worry about passing the exam. Take it as practicing. You Just have to attend if you fail there is nothing to lose and if you pass then.... we will think about it later."

By Jian's pause in bet Yu Yue also knew that he was not confident and after thinking for a while she reluctantly nodded.

Jian smiled and said, " You have one hour to prepare, meet me at the sect's gate."

Yu Yue left for preparation for going to the city and Yu Yang and Jian were left alone.

Jian said, " Yang'er while I am gone you have to take care of Disciples and I have some instructions for you."

Yu Yang nodded and asked, " What are the instructions?"

Jian said, " I want you to choose five disciples which are at Peak Both Tempering Realm and also know about the city. I want you to gather them and meet me in the sect hall when I return "

Yu Yang nodded and Jian continued, " Now you should go and take care of Disciples yesterday they had to practice themselves so especially take care who had doubts ok."

Yu Yang nodded and left. Jian also went to the stream to get ready to go to the city.

After one hour Jian flew towards the Disciples area where Yu Yang was teaching and told him that he was going. And after that, he flew towards Sect's Gate where Yu Yue was waiting for him.

Jian landed in front of her and Yu Yue greeted him.. Jian then activated the Guardian Formation and said, "Let's go" And both of them flew towards the city.

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