My Sect System

Chapter 231 - Two Star Appraiser Examination

Jian went back to the first floor after completing his mission but he didn't leave the Appraiser tower. Since he was already here he decided that he would take the examination. 

He moved towards the reception desk, the girl on the reception desk was the same girl who took him to the the second floor. 

She had a questioning look on her face when she saw Jian coming towards her. She still greeted him.

"What else can I do for you?"

"I wish to take two star Appraiser examination."

The girl was shocked because she knew about the mission Jian had taken so she already knew that of he had completed the mission then he would be eligible to take the examination. 

She was shocked because of the same reason as the two elders of the second floor. She had not expected that Jian would successfully complete the mission. 

She immediately asked for the token which he jas gotten after completing the mission and the one star Appraiser Token.

Jian handed her the Token. Jian knew that she had to verify few things. But after verifying a shocked expression Appeared on her face and but she immediately went back to normal. 

It was not hidden from Jian, he couldn't understand why she was shocked. She looked at Jian and spoke. 

"Master Jianyu, You don't need to pay any SP since you are eligible for the examination. But with this token you are only allowed to attempt the examination for one time.

So if you fail the examination then you will lose the eligibility and you would need to earn this token once again."

Jian had already expected that there will be some conditions so he didn't had any problems. He nodded and after getting the confirmation the girl registered Jian told him to follow her.

She had not given back Jian's token. He knew that if he failed thay he will get only his one star Appraiser Token and if passes then he would get two star token. 

But since he had Star Gaze, he was guaranteed to pass the examination so he was not worried. She led him to a room. 

Jian recognized it because it was the same room Jian had taken his one star Appraiser exam. He had not expected that they would take him to the same room. 

She told him to enter the room and as elder would be there to take him through the process of examination. After that she left him alone standing outside the examination room.

Jian didn't waste time and entered the room. The room was similar, nothing has changed but je was shocked to see that the same old man was in the room who took Jian's one star Appraiser exam. 

Jian doesn't know that the old man is the presidential of the Appraiser tower who is one and only Four Star Appraiser in the city. 

The old man had already informed the reception desk to inform him whenever Jian comes to the Appraiser Tower. 

So when the girl from the reception desk saw that It was Jian she had informed the president and he had Appeared to take the exam.

Jian was shocked to see the old man who was smiling at him. He went forward and greeted the old man.

"Greetings elder"

"So Jianyu, you are here to take two star Appraiser exam. Who would have thought that it would take only one and half year for you to take two Appraiser exam.

Also how is your master, did he come to meet you. You would have informed him about me right?"

Jian was baffled at first but then he recalled that the old man has said that he wants to meet with Jian's master to discuss about Appraising. So Jian immediately spoke.

"No elder, my master has not returned otherwise, I would have told him about you. He has given me the mission and I think that he will not appear till I complete the mission."

The old man sighed and nodded. Seeing this reaction Jian felt that the old really wanted to meet his imaginary master.

"Ok, of your aster comes then please I would like to meet him. 

Let's focus on the exam, since you are here to take two star examination you should know that what will happen if you fail.

So let's make it interesting, you will not need to go through the process of official examination where you would need to identify five items

 Which are Appraised by two star pr three star Appraiser. 

I will give you one item and you will have one hour. If you are able to tell anything about the item then you will have pass the examination and that item will be yours.

But if you fail then you will lose the rights to take two star examination for three years. I will kot pressure you, you can also choose to take normal two star examination. 

So what do you think?"

Jian was shocked when he heard the conditions. But when he heard the consequences he got hesitant. 

He knew that the item provided by the old man would not be easy to Appraise and there should be something odd about it.

But after thinking for a while he decided that he would agree to old man's conditions. Because Jian wanted to know what was tha item that old man was going to give him.

"Elder, I agree to your conditions."

Hearing this the old man smiled and told Jian to sgi the desk and he waved his hand. A scroll and a box appeared on the desk.

"The item is in the box, of you are able to find any information related to the item then you will pass the examination. 

Best of luck, I will be waiting in the corner. You only have one hour to Appraise it and your time starts now."

The old man stood in the corner. Jian nodded at the old man and moved towards the desk and he opened the box.

Jian was shocked to see the item because it was in shape of the token but it had very ancient feel to it. Jian touched it and found out that the item was made up of stone.

The item was dark in color, there were some designs on it but there were not visible as it was very old. After a while he decided to use Star Gaze on the item.

But a thought Appeared in Jian's head. He couldn't understand why would the old man would gove him the special conditions for the exam and this item.

So Jian decided to use the star Gaze on the old man. As he did the information of the old man Appeared in Jian's head.

Name: Tian Hai

Profession: Four Star Appraiser 

Cultivation: Nascent Soul Sixth Realm 

Bloodline: Three Eyed Fox

Jian was shocked after reading the Oldman' s information. He had not expected that the old man would have the bloodline.

Jian was speechless when he found out thay the Oldman was four star Appraiser so Jian immediately understood that Tian Hai's identity is not simple.

Jian knew that the system would be able to more about Tian Hai. But he didn't asked immediately because he was in middle of the examination. 

Still Jian couldn't believe that one the most powerful member of of city was standing in front of him and was taking his two star Appraiser examination. 

Tian Hai saw Jian looking at him. He frowned and after few seconds he relaxed and smiled at Jian. 

Jian saw Tian Hai smiling at him and he immediately focused his attention on the item.

After seeing learning Tian Hai's identity Jian felt that something was wrong with the item. But he thought that if Tian Hai wanted to harm Jian them he would have done it.

So after going back and forth for few minutes Jian directly asked the system.

"System, will there will be any problems if I use Star Gaze on the item?"

Jian was worried that the item would be related to the Heavenly Dao. So he would feel pain he used Star Gaze. So to be safe he decided to question the system.

"Host, you don't need to worry. I would have warned you if there was something wrong with the item. 

You shouldn't hesitate, this item is very good for you. I can't believe that Tian Hai I'd giving you this item."

Jian had not expected that the system would comment in such way about the item.. Now he confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the item and he believed the system so he activated the Star Gaze and checked the item.

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