My Sect System

Chapter 183 - Going To Sect Tower

It has been three days since the recruitment ceremony ended. New disciples have adjusted to sects atmosphere. Now they are practising the Divine Body tempering Technique as it was compulsory. 

They also have checked their compatible weapons. Ye Qiao has already given them their basic martial arts techniques. They have also learned everything about the sect.

They also find about the high-grade cultivation techniques. So they were practising very diligently. Because they also wanted to cultivate the high-grade technique which works allow them to reach boundaries they have never thought of.

Those who had SP has already converted to CP. Some even had enough SP to exchange for the cultivation techniques but Jian didn't allow them because even if they get the technique they have to focus on the Divine Body tempering Technique. 

So they were unhappy but couldn't do anything aside from cultivating diligently. They were very focused on cultivating, they wanted to finish cultivating and then go out for the mission to collect CP.

Jian was very happy that they understood what Jian wanted to convey. He would also go and help them clear their doubts. Yu Yue and Yu Yang were looking after them. While Zhou You and Yu Yang's team would look after the older disciples. 

The older disciples were going outside and completing the missions. Only two days are remaining till he had to take missions items back to the sect tower.

He has already given them equal CP for completing the missions so he is going to keep all SP he gets after submitting the mission items to the sect tower. 

Only more than fifty missions have been completed and submitted to the mission hall. Jian didn't know how many more missions will be completed in the next two days. 

He has already told Zhou You to stop giving missions after the next day. Because they will not able to complete it on time and then he would need to go to the city once again. 

So many disciples were rushing to take the missions. They were only taking the missions they can complete early and get more than enough CP.

Jian has decided that he would buy the cultivation technique after he submits the mission items. He will go to the Soaring Cloud Pavilion to find about his sect.

Because without realising, his sect has become famous. Even though it is good for him but it will also bring trouble to the sect. He wanted to know the reason so that he can be prepared.

Two days passed, early in the morning, Jian went to the mission hall to collect the mission items. It didn't take him long to gather everything and after that, he went back to the sect hall. 

Yu Yang and others were waiting for him. Even though he would return in the evening he had to give them some instruction. 

"Zhou You, you can start giving out the missions. And tell them they can take any missions but they should choose missions that they can complete in one week.

Yang'er and Yue'er you continue to look after the recruits. If they have any doubts help them clear them. Also, keep an eye on them. Yang'er sends your team to Zhou You so that they can help in the mission hall. 

Zhou You, you can leave the mission hall to Yang's team and then you can go practice refining the pill. I am also going to the Soaring Cloud Pavilion so I will get new orders of pills."

Jian gave them final instructions and then left the sect. He was moving at a normal speed because he was not in hurry.

After flying for four hours he reaches the city. He didn't waste time and directly went to the centre of the city. 

It took an m half-hour to reach the sect tower. He didn't hesitate and directly went inside. He looked at the reception desk and was shocked by Cao Lan. 

He didn't expect to meet her. Because it has been one year since he has seen her and in between whenever he came to the sect tower he didn't find her. He thought that she has been transferred. 

But seeing her he sighed a relief because now I will be faster and easier to exchange the mission items. He moved towards the desk.

Cao Lan saw that someone was coming. She looked up and saw that it was none other than Jian. She immediately stood and greeted him. 

"Welcome back Master Jianyu, what can I do for you?"

Jian also greeted her and asked her if she was doing ok. After exchanging pleasantries Jian directly went straight to the point. 

"Cao Lan, I have come to submit the mission items from the mission board. So can you help me with that?"

"Oh, so one week has passed, let me call someone to stay at the desk and then I will lead you to submit the missions."

Jian nodded and Cao Lan went to call someone. After a few minutes she was back and the girl was following her. Cao Lan told her to stay at the reception desk and then she told Jian to follow her.

She directly went to the stair and told me that missions related work is done on the third floor. Jian nodded and followed her, it was the door first time he is going to the third floor. 

After a few minutes, they reached the third floor and saw that it was filled with people. All of them were here for the missions. Most of them were rogue cultivators.

Cao Lan explained that this area is of one-star missions. Here only one-star Missions are available. Jian kept checking everything and Cao Lan led him through the crowd towards a room.

She knocked on it and after hearing confirmation to enter she went inside and Jian followed. 

A middle-aged man was sitting and behind his back, a huge mission board was hung Jian immediately knew that it was the same thread that connected to his mission board. 

Cao Lan moved forward and explained. 

"Elder, Master Jianyu has come to submit the mission items of the mission board."

The elder nodded and looked at Jian and indicated to come forward. Jian moved forward.

"What is the name of your sect and sect Master?"

"The sect is called Star Sovereign Sect and the sect master is Feng Jianyu."

The elder nodded and after checking the formation he asked for the sect token. Jian handed him the token and after a few minutes, the elder spoke.

"Your sect has taken seventy-six missions. Most of them are about gathering resources. I have checked that all of the Mission items are verified at the Mission board formation so you just have to submit it and after verification, you will get your rewards."

Jian nodded and took out the Mission items and gave them to the elder. Elder took it and put it on the formation which was on his desk. He checked each item one by one.

It took him ten minutes to verify all items. After that, he waved his hand and all items disappeared. Then he took out his token to transfer the SP.

"All items are right and for completing seventy-Six missions your total reward is 23700 SP."

Jian nodded and then took out his token to receive the SP. He had already counted the mission and he already knew how much SP he will get after completing the missions.

After receiving the SP Cao Lan led him back to the first floor and asked if he wants anything else. He told that his work here is done and he will leave.

Cao Lan nodded and came to the entrance with Jian. Before leaving Jian gave her 10 SP for her help and then thanked her. She thanked him for SP. 

After saying goodbye, he left the sect tower and moved towards the Soaring Cloud Pavilion. His work in the sect tower is done. He is going to the Soaring Cloud Pavilion expecting huge orders of the pills.

He also has decided that he would sell a spirit fruit if necessary because he is in dire need of SP. Otherwise, there will be more problems. He also has decided that he will tell others about SP.

After a half-hour, he reached the Soaring Cloud Pavilion. He went inside and showed the special token and after a few minutes,s, Fang Ning came to get him.

He led him towards the room and informed him that Meng Shu is still at the tomb waiting for Song Yu. Jian didn't expect that more ta has n week has passed but Song Yu has not left the tomb.

Both sat in the room and exchanged pleasantries. Then Jian asked about the pills he has been selling them. Fang Ning told that everything is selling very smoothly.

They continued to talk about it and while taking Jian told his intentions for coming to the Soaring Cloud Pavilion. 

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