My Sect System

Chapter 179 - Bloodline

Jian has been cultivating in the sect hall since last night. He has started with breaking through Core Formation Realm in Frost Moon Scripture.

Then he consolidated his foundation with the help of the main cultivation technique. He to run three times till his foundation was consolidated.

When he started to complete the tenth and last cycle of the cultivation technique the system informed him that it will not affect his foundation even if he eats the spirit fruit and told him to continue till all Qi from the spiritual fruit is absorbed. 

Jian understood the instructions of the system and didn't hesitate to eat the Thunder Fire Spirit Fruit. He started to feel the changes he knew it was due to the spirit fruit. 

As he ate the spirit it became easy to circulate the Qi. He didn't hesitate and started to complete one cycle after another.

Till the Ninth cycle of circulation, he didn't feel any obstruction. But when he completed half of the tenth cycle. The circulation became harder suddenly a huge amount of Thunder Fire Qi rushed through his body. 

The circulation eased a bit and after continuously circulating he was able to complete the last and the tenth cycle of the circulation. 

As he completed the tenth cycle. His body started to shine he suddenly heard several systems announcements. He knew the process of bloodline awakening has started. 

As the process started a huge amount of Qi from all directions started to rush towards the sect hall. The disciples in the sect started to panic but Yu Yang and others help them calm down and told them to move away from the Sect hall.

Jian had not stopped his circulation and with the huge amount of Qi rushing towards him he thought his cultivation will include but all Qi saw disappearing when it came near him.

The system immediately informed him that the Qi is used to awaken his bloodline. Because the system didn't want to lose concentration. 

Jian understood and continued to circulate the cultivation technique. Even though most of the Qi was absorbed by his blood. He was still able to complete the eleventh cycle and he completed it a huge amount of pressure spread throughout the sect.

The centre point of the pressure was the sect hall. Every disciple went off their knees and some hed out. It was similar for Yu Yang and others.

Ye Qiao had also started to shiver, she also bent her knees but she was able to hold back. She looked at the sect hall with a terrified expression. 

The pressure continued to descend and slowly one by one each disciple was getting knocked out. Those who were able to hold had multiple breakthroughs.

Nobody knows what was going on. Jian Laos didn't know what was going on in the sect. Because he has increased his concentration when the system announced that his bloodline has been awakening. 

He still had to continue till all Qi is absorbed so he increased the speed of cultivation. When he completed the twelfth cycle the pressure disappeared. 

Once again Jian heard several announcements but he ignored them and focused on cultivating. He completed the thirteenth cycle and continued to move to the fourteenth cycle.

But when he started to circulate the fourteenth cycle the huge amount of Qi started to decrease he immediately knew that he will able to complete it and if he tries to move to the fifteenth cycle then his cultivation will start to decrease. 

As he has expected when he completed the fourteenth cycle he suddenly felt that something broke inside his Top dantian. He saw that a star has been created and it was slowly stopping its rotation. 

The system informed him that it is his core and told him that he has reached the core formation realm. The system told him to get ready for the tribulation. 

As the system told him the clouds started to gather above the sect. The system deactivated the Guardian Formation and removed the roof of the sect hall. 

As the system removed the roof the tribulation descended. Jian knew that it was going to be a six strikes tribulation. He was prepared and he as already informed the system to remove the roof of the sect hall.

One after another each tribulation strike struck. But Jian didn't have any problem with it because he has already experienced the tribulation in the tomb. 

But when the final strike was going to fall. The clouds started to and started to create rumble. The system informed him that the heavens hare angered and the last strike is going to be a lot stronger. 

Jian panicked because he would be heavily injured if he doesn't clear the tribulation. Bur, when he was panicking the system, informed him that as his bloodline has awakened he can use the devour technique.

Jian's eyes started to sparkle. He got ready and as the last strike of tribulation struck he simultaneously activated the devouring technique and as the technique was activated half of the tribulation of absorbed.

Jian was shocked he didn't expect the technique to be this powerful. But he suddenly felt pain near his chest he immediately checked and found that a huge amount of Thunder element has gathered in his middle dantian. 

He ignored it for now and survived the remaining tribulation. As the clouds dispersed he immediately got baptisms from the heavens and all impurities of his body were cleansed. 

Disciples who were still awake had seen everything and they had gained a new respect for Jian. Even Yu Yang and others were feeling the same way. 

Jian slowly landed in the sect hall. They told the system to activate the guardian formation and put back the roof of the sect hall. It only took a few seconds and everything was back to normal. 

Jian then sat and started to consolidate his cultivation breakthrough. It took him three hours and finally, he has consolidated his breakthrough.

He didn't wait and directly checked the systems announcements. The first announcements were about the process of awakening the bloodline has started. Telling him to concentrate because the process is longer. 

Then he checked further and found that the instructions were about the completion of the process of awakening the bloodline. Also, the announcement told him that he can check his new status. 

Jian didn't hesitate and said "Status"




Name: Feng Jianyu

Sect Master: Star Sovereign Sect

Profession: Appraiser(One Star), Alchemist(One Star), Weapon Smith(One Star), Apprentice Formation Master.

Cultivation: Core Formation First Realm.

Cultivation Technique: Chaotic Star Scripture (Fourteen Cycles) (Stars:01) and Fiery Sun Scripture, Frost Moon Scripture.

Bloodline: Ten Thousand Beasts Bloodline 

Physique: Chaos Refining Physique

Affinities: Fire, Ice, Thunder.

Martial Arts: Devour, Basic Fists Technique,

Basic Saber Technique, Basic Sword Technique...(All Basic Techniques)

Abilities: Star Gaze

Sect point: 3,76,524


Jian read each line carefully, he saw that profession he has learned has been added to the status. Then he checked the cultivation and cultivation technique. He saw that it is showing that he has reached Core Formation first Realm and in cultivation technique it showing that he has completed fourteen Cycles of circulation and formed a star.

Then he checked the Martial arts are and found the devour technique which was always dimmed is normal like others. It means he can now use the technique. 

Then he moved towards a new section of Affinities and found that he has three different elements Affinities and all have reached the same level. 

And finally, he went to the main section which he has been waiting for. He saw that the bloodline he has awakened is called Ten Thousand Beasts Bloodline. 

He didn't know anything about it and he knew what the system will explain to him. He then focused on the bloodline section and the screen changed. Now it was showing only bloodlines information. 

Bloodline: Ten Thousand Beasts Bloodline 

Bloodline Grade: Earth

Inherited Technique: Devour

In further information, only the grade of the bloodline was shown and it also showed the technique which Jian has Inherited. He looked at and once again he went back to the status before closing the screen.

He has many doubts after he read the status and information of the bloodline. As he was about to ask the system. He heard someone has knocked on the door. 

He told them to come in and saw that it was Yu Yang. Jian frowned because he has told him not to disturb. Yu Yang saw the Jian was frowning so he didn't hesitate and explained. 

"Master Congratulations on breakthrough to Core Formation realm. I came to inform you that many disciples were knocked out when you were cultivating. 

So what to do with them?"

Jian didn't understand what was going but the system told him that it was due to his bloodline awakening. So Jian finally understood. He looked at Yu Yang and gave the instructions. 

"Go and feed them healing pills. Let them rest until they wake after some time. Tell everyone that no one is allowed to come to the sect hall till tomorrow. "

Yu Yang nodded and left the sect Hall and Jian went back to the system to ask the questions. 

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