--- Chapter 116 ---

Huo Yuhao and others traveled to the Underworld via the dimensional gap with a magical train. They could have used Grayfia's teleportation magic, but he insisted on using this transportation because it might give him an idea for Dragon Nest's space carrier later.

"Oh yeah, Kuroka's potential." He leaned on his seat and checked Kuroka's potential page. The black cat sat near the window and watched the surrounding scenery, a colorful space.

[Ding! You have used the potential scan]

[Name: Kuroka]

[Age: 19 years old]

[Potential: SS+ Rank]

[Recommended Path: True Nekoshou Mistress, Nine Lives Divine Beast, The Great Saintess of Yokai, Huo Yuhao's Pet, Huo Yuhao's Concubine]

"Heh, what a bunch of interesting paths."

Huo Yuhao smiled when reading about Huo Yuhao's pet because Kuroka is basically one at this point. She is obviously talented enough to become the leader of the Yokai Faction, which is currently in a white position as his mother resides there.

Even though Kuroka's talent and strength are considered incredibly impressive in this world, she still has a long way to go to become something like the Great Saintess of Yokai.

'Well, It's not going to take years to conquer this world. I already have everything planned perfectly, which started from the devils to another god pantheon.' Huo Yuhao thought while closing his eyes.

Grayfia massaged Huo Yuhao's shoulder and watched over the infamous criminal in the past. Ophis doesn't really need eyes to observe because she only has to give the dragon a bowl of candy to make her stay in one place.

"Is it good, Yuhao-sama?" She asked with a smile.

Huo Yuhao nodded lightly and replied, "Yeah, It feels nice. Your hands are so smooth, Fia."

Grayfia's cheeks reddened when hearing that, increasing her grip strength more than usual. Huo Yuhao noticed this sudden change and wryly smiled inside at how easy it was to motivate this maid.

"Dear passengers, the Magical Train will arrive at the main station in 3 minutes." A voice echoed in their room.

"Dear passengers, please collect all your baggage before leaving."

Huo Yuhao shrugged because all his items were inside the inventory and spatial rings. He doesn't want to bring annoyingly big suitcases everywhere.

"Underworld, huh? Let's see what kind of place it was." He commented while stretching his neck.

"I'll call over the Bael Clan's representative." Grayfia suddenly said while summoning her magic circle. She placed it near her ears and heard a familiar noise from the other side.

Her eyes widened for a moment because the Bael Clan actually sent one of the most influential devils in the Underworld to escort Huo Yuhao. Yet, Grayfia felt something was wrong.

She covered her mouth and pondered, 'Venelana Bael, that unfortunate woman doesn't have a good relationship with Kromael Bael(Lord Bael) and the previous clan leader... So why did the Ruin Mistress become the representative?'

'Hmm, very suspicious.' Grayfia couldn't help but wonder about something.

Huo Yuhao put on Clark Kent's Glasses and grabbed an overcoat made of a rare spirit beast's pelt. He yawned because many things have to get settled within a short amount of time.

"Let's go..." He walked to the door, but Ophis suddenly grabbed his left hand. Oh yeah, Ophis has returned to her little form.

"Yuhao," Ophis called his name. "Do you also use transformation? Your appearance changed drastically, but your smell is still the same."

Huo Yuhao was genuinely surprised and said, "Ah, that's one of Clark Kent's glasses' weaknesses. It only covers me from the outside and gives other impressions of a young reporter."

'It could fool even God's eyes, but other senses still could pass through my disguise. Well, the item is an SS Grade Item, and I could upgrade it again later.' He made a brief mental note to upgrade Clark Kent's Glasses in the future.

Huo Yuhao patted Ophis and commented, "Thanks for pointing that out, Ophis."

The ouroboros dragon nodded and felt happy inside because this should be considered a compliment. And nothing could compare to Huo Yuhao's praise.

Even though small, Ophis unknowingly smiled while thinking about her time with Huo Yuhao. Something about this young man always fascinated her and created a moment out of this world.

"Hm." Ophis looked at Huo Yuhao's hand. It's firm yet soft, filled with extreme warmth and limitless power.

"Magical Train has arrived at the main station." The announcer said.

Grayfia stood beside Huo Yuhao and commented, "Follow me, Yuhao-sama."

"As for you, Kuroka. Turn into your cat form and stay on Yuhao-sama's shoulder."

"Ok~!" Kuroka jumped from her seat and transformed into a black cat with two slender tails, landing perfectly on Huo Yuhao's right shoulder. She sniffed his smell curiously and was intoxicated because the beastly aura hadn't faded.

Nekoshou always seeks a strong mate, and Huo Yuhao met all the criteria to make a strong baby kitten. No, he was overqualified to be her mate.

'Hehe, Yuhao's scent is so good, Nyaa~!' Kuroka rubbed her face on Huo Yuhao's neck.

Grayfia pinched Kuroka's rear and warned indifferently, "Just because madam Scathach wasn't here, that doesn't mean you're free to do questionable things in public."

"You're here to clear your criminal record, so don't make me change my mind."

"So cold, Nyaa..." Kuroka was annoyed inside. Still, she couldn't do anything about it because Koneko's future depended on this matter.

Huo Yuhao shook his head and said, "Okay, stop arguing. We still have a long way to go."

"Hehe, if darling says so~!" Kuroka nodded while having a goofy smile on her cat face. That smugness irked Grayfia slightly.

They dropped off the station, and every devil in the vicinity immediately stared at them. Obviously, Grayfia caught their attention because the devils' community rarely saw her.

"Hey, is that person really what I am thinking right now?"

"The silver guardian. Eh, wait! Why did she wear a maid outfit??"

"I heard she passed her head guardian position to Roygun Belphegor."

"So she handed over that position and decided to become a maid? For who, though?"

A young devil rubbed his hands carefully and mumbled, "Hehe, the silver guardian in a maid outfit isn't that bad. She looks sexy~!"

"Oy, shut your mouth. She would hear that!" Another young devil slapped his friend.

"You're the one who shouts!!" The group of young devils, who imagined themselves to be Grayfia's master and did lewd things, shouted at the person that exposed them.

Grayfia frowned and said, "So noisy... Forgive me for not overseeing this situation, Yuhao-sama."

"It's fine, Fia. I can understand their youthful feelings. You're beautiful, after all." Huo Yuhao replied casually, which left devils in the area speechless.

They expected a cold response from Grayfi, yet the maid blushed, unlike her usual self.


"T-The silver guardian is blushing!"

"Is this a dream?"

"B-Bro, pinch me! It must be a dream!"


The devil punched his friend, making the questing reality devil cough a mouthful of blood. "B-Bastard, I SAID PINCH! Not PUNCH!" He roared while trembling on the ground.


A gentle yet powerful step echoed in the station, swaying their attention to the entrance. They moved their gazes there and "literally." were dumbfounded by Venelana Bael's sudden appearance.

"R-R-Ruin... Mistress."

Venelana walked toward Huo Yuhao's group and greeted, "Welcome to the Underworld, Blue-Eyed Dragon God. I'll be your escort until the meeting is over."

She smiled politely at Huo Yuhao and lowered her head, causing Grayfia to become even more suspicious because this wasn't Venelana Bael she knew.

"D-Did she says B-Blue Eyed Dragon God."

"I thought that was a myth..."

Venelana flicked her finger and created a white magic circle with a purple flower on the floor, teleporting them away from the station. They arrived at Bael Clan's private station and were "immediately." welcomed by a carriage.

"Please enter, everyone." She said while opening the door.

Huo Yuhao observed Venelana and was honestly surprised by this change the most. Venelana Gremory, scratch that. Venelana Bael actually didn't marry Zeoticus Gremory and stayed in the Beal Clan. He knew this already from Grayfia's Underworld record but was still surprised.

Huo Yuhao sighed inside because the butterfly effect he created was much more potent than he had assumed. He stepped into the carriage and sat on the seat.

Ophis stayed on his lap, and Kuroka buried her head on his shoulder.

Grayfia was about to sit beside Huo Yuhao, but Venelana suddenly grabbed her chance and took it. "May I sit here, Dragon God?" The brunette devil asked.

'This woman.' Grayfia furrowed her brows a little.

Huo Yuhao observed Venelana's expression and replied, "Sure. You don't have to call me like that."

"Yuhao is fine."

"Then, Lord Yuhao. Thanks for allowing me to sit beside you." Venelana giggled and planted her bountiful real on the cushion. She clearly wanted to seduce Yuhao.

Grayfia sat on the other side and said, "I wonder what makes you act like this, Venelana..."

Venelana brushed off Grayfia's statement and replied, "Oh my, what are you saying, Grayfia? I'm always like this, just more curious about Lord Yuhao because I only heard the story and never met him in person."

'That smile... How fake. She's hiding something.' Tian Meng commented after witnessing this new devil.

'I know, so let's find out what she was hiding from us.' Huo Yuhao added while resting his head on the chair. He was unaware that choosing a public station would cause spicy rumors to spread in the Underworld.

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