My Personal Lycan King

Chapter 104 - Book-2 -19 Damien, What's Going On?

Once Jasmine was out of view, Laila looked at Rosaline and Theodore questioningly before looking at Damien.

"Jasmine will be living with us for some time, Daniel included. Daniel can live in his own room in the mansion. Ask one of the maids to prepare a room for Jasmine too." Damien said to no one in particular before he started walking upstairs. ​​

"Damien, can I have a moment with you in private?" Theodore asked, making Damien nod as both of them went inside the study.

As soon as both of them were out of hearing distance, Laila immediately went near Rosaline,

"Aunt, what is going on? That girl is almost a replica of Victoria. How can Damien do that to me? Why didn't you say anything to him?" Laila said.

"Sweetie, I know what you are feeling, but if that girl is Victoria or his second chance mate, I can't help you either. Only a mate is allowed to sit on that queen throne beside her king." Rosaline said before turning around and leaving a frozen Laila behind.

Was this really happening or just imagination?

"Danny, I am going to take a walk in the gardens. It's so beautiful there." Jasmine said, looking out of the window.

"Okay, you can, but first, show me the color of your hair," Daniel said before helping her remove her wig.

"Hmm…they are still a mixture of brown and violet, but the red tint is going now. Try to control your anger more, okay? I am here if you want to talk about something or feel frustrated and irritated." Daniel said before helping her wear her wig again.

"You can go now. I'll be sending some documents to Alpha Sam. I'll take you to my home tomorrow or in the evening today. Okay?" Daniel said, making her nod as she quickly changed her clothes into a more comfortable one.

"Danny, these shorts are getting a bit short now. Buy me a new one next time you go shopping. Also, my bra is very uncomfortable. When are you going to buy a new one for me? This time I want a red-colored one." Jasmine said, making him blush a deep shade of red.

"You can bring anything out from your magic, bit for such chores you still need me to go shopping? Ask Grandma about it. Also, don't talk about such things in public, okay? It's questionable." Daniel reprimanded her, without meeting her eyes.

"But wasn't it you and grandma only, who don't allow me to use my magic?" Jasmine giggled before hugging him from behind.

"And you listen to us? I bet who was the one who wanted to build a kingdom in the forest in the morning, and who was the one who used her magic to create a throne out of the blue." Daniel said, making her giggle.

"But it'll be you who will buy me clothes no matter what," Jasmine said, giggling again.

"Don't giggle and go for whatever you were doing. I need to complete this work. I'll accompany you soon, or I am afraid you'll be creating trouble again if left alone for more than an hour." Daniel said.

"Yes, dad." Jasmine rolled her eyes before putting on her jacket and exiting the room.

Reaching the fountain, she looked at the marvelous angelic statue in the middle of it.

Touching the water that was falling from what looked like a vase, she giggled when the water started playing with her.

"Hehe…come here. Let me touch you. Why are you running away? Hehehe…come here." She giggled before entering the fountain, not even a single drop of water touching her body as a transparent shield immediately appeared around her.

Jumping around the water as the water would be thrown back to not touch her feet, she chuckled when she almost fell on her bum but was saved by a seat-like thing that the water droplets formed for her.

"Princess Jasmine." The statue of the angelic girl suddenly smiled, making her look at her with her own smile.

"Water of Pearly Canines bow down to you to show their respect to the princess." The angelic girl said as the water suddenly stood straight to her waist-length before bending in front of her as the sign of bowing.

"You don't need to show me your respect in such away. We witches are thankful and a part of nature, thus, we all are the same. Moreover, if my grandma came to know about it, I'll surely get a spanking because she'll think it was me who made such the water deities bow down to me." Jasmine said with a chuckle.

"That's just your humbleness, our princess. Also, no one will tell Azrael about it, the old woman is too suspecting of everything." The angelic girl said, making Jasmine chuckle.

"Now I'll take my leave, the waters are taking back their energy, they want to play more." The angelic girl said before smiling as she became a statue again.

"You little things. You want to play, at least let my feet get wet, or I'll just feel like jumping on the ground." She said as she immediately felt wetness to her knees.

Giggling as she felt the moving of water under her foot, making her feet ticklish, she started jumping around again.

"Son? What the hell is all this? Who is that girl? And why did you brought her here?" Theodore asked as soon as they entered the room.

"She is not just anyone. She is a replica of Victoria." Damien said, not revealing her real identity as ordered by Azrael.

"That's what it's all about. She is just a replica!! She is not Victoria! Victoria is dead. You should understand it as soon as possible. She is dead and won't ever come back-"

"She is not fuckin dead! You better stop your mouth from rambling nonsense before I rip it off. Don't forget who I am." Damien shouted, gripping his neck in his palm, pressing on it firmly.

"Son, you are hurting me. Come back to your senses.." Theodore started, however, his voice was cut off by Damien.

"Who the hell said that it's your son you are talking to? Your son has been hiding in the shell for two fuckin years. The one you are talking to is Damien. Damien hunter." Damien chuckled darkly.

"So, you are really Damien? And not just his wolf? Damien Hunter, who died in the sorrow of Carla. If Victoria is dead, and Jasmine is a replica of Victoria who had been living with Daniel. Does that mean the fate of Daniel is going to be repeated?" Theodore gasped at his suspicion.

"Nothing is going to be repeated. No Daniel is going to snatch her away from me. I'll get my Carla back. With Victoria or without Victoria, with Jasmine or without Jasmine. I don't give a damn if she is alive or dead, what I want is my Carla back. And you better keep it to yourself, or even I am not sure what I'll do." Damien said before throwing Theodore on the other side of the room.

Hearing the giggling of the girl that has his attention from yesterday, he moved towards the window, his gaze visibly darkening when he saw her playing in the fountain with water.

"If that's all that you wanted to talk about, I am leaving. I have a girl to trap." Damien said before pulling the curtain back in place and leaving the room.

Standing with much difficulty, Theodore went towards the window as he looked at the playing girl and couldn't help but want to warn her that the person she was thinking was her friend can be her biggest enemy here, however, knowing Damien would probably kill all of them if the words got out, he sighed before sitting on his desk with a heavy look.

"Are you enjoying your time here?" Laila asked as soon as she reached the garden where Jasmine was sitting beside the fountain with her feet dripping wet.

"Of course. It's so nice here. Everything is so good." Jasmine shrugged, moving her fingers into the water of the fountain.

"How do you do it?" Laila asked after a long time.

"Do what?" Jasmine asked confused, her undivided attention on Laila now.

"Fool soo many people at once," Laila said.


"Come on, don't you think you should drop your act at least in front of me? I know very well that you are pretending to have forgotten her memories of being a replica of Victoria. Otherwise, you wouldn't have talked about stabbing when you met me today. I know that you are actually Victoria only. Victoria with different hairs and vibes." Laila said, testing the waters.

"I don't understand what you are saying-"

"Oh, stop it. I know what a pretentious bitch you are. You can fool everyone but not me. I know your true colors. You've come back when I was about to marry Alexander because you were afraid your power will be snatched away if I become the queen. You just want him wrapped around your fingers and nothing else.

First, you controlled him when you were with him, then you controlled him when you were away from him through your pain and memories, and just as he was about to move on, you are back! You fuckin bitch!" Laila screeched, not being able to control her emotions anymore.

She had heard from Melissa, who was a very exceptional wolf that this girl doesn't have a wolf, and the Carla on whose energies she was bluffing two years back wasn't there with her anymore, thus, this Victoria can't hurt her anymore as she did a few years back.

"Laila, dear, you've always been the naive one. If you knew about the truth, you should've gone and told everyone about it, rather than confronting me about it. Now you told me that you know everything, which means you are a potential threat to me.

And what should we do with the potential threat?" Jasmine said, standing and walking closer to where Laila was.

"We kill it," Jasmine smirked before her eyes became pitch black, shocking Laila as she saw the sclera of Jasmine's eyes becoming dark purple.

Holding her neck, with her right hand, Jasmine lifted Laila in the air before she placed her head under the fountain water, suffocating her.

"Sometimes too much knowledge about something is also not good. Goodbye, Laila." Jasmine said before smiling sweetly.

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