My Personal Lycan King

Chapter 101 - Book-2 -16 I'll Call You Mine From Now On.

After letting her sleep for two hours, Damien finally woke Jasmine up now that they were ready to go.

Entering the main hall, Jasmine hugged Brittany and Milly before hugging Alpha Sam and Catherine. ​​

"I'll miss you guys," Jasmine said, looking at the boys with a soft expression on her face.

Tiffany, whose memories were wiped clean by Jasmine earlier, smiled at her and step forward to hug her, however, before she could even touch Jasmine, Milly held her hands, knowing very well that a single wrong move from anybody can lead to the repetition of the events that took place a few hours ago.

Smiling at everyone one last time, Jasmine looked at Damien's car before frowning.

Gazing back at Danny's Jeep that had an open roof, she smiled satisfactorily before moving towards Danny.

"Where are you going?" Damien asked, holding her hand to stop her.

"I will be riding with my family of course. Besides, your car doesn't even have an open roof." Jasmine shrugged, moving towards Danny.

"Daniel and Azrael, you can ride in my car. I'll be taking this Jeep." Damien said, making Jasmine quirk her brows at him.

Why did it felt like Damien was finding ways to be close to her?

First, he hugged her, held her close when she was having a mental breakdown in the room and then he pecked her forehead too.

Now that she thinks about it, it was indeed quite suspicious of him, however, knowing that Azrael and Danny were with her and won't let anybody harm her, she shrugged before climbing into the Jeep.

Standing in the shotgun seat, she played the song Senorita by Camila before singing along the song. Waving her body at the romantic tune, she was enjoying her time as she felt herself being lost in the cold breeze.

Looking at her smiling face, Damien smiled before holding her hand and pulling her to make her sit, however, she lost her balance when being pulled like this, making her fall on his lap.

Gazing in her eyes deeply, he tried to find any hint of Victoria, however, when he saw plain confusion mixed with flirtatious vibes, he sighed before saying,

"We don't want your pretty ass falling now, do we?" Damien smirked.

Smiling sweetly at his advances and flirtatious words, Jasmine smiled before leaning in,

"Dear Alpha king, with how you are behaving with me, I'll suggest you control yourself a bit. You cannot behave as you like with me. Because let me warn you, if I fall for you, it won't be easy to get out of it." Jasmine said, kissing his cheeks.

Feeling the electric shocks that he used to feel whenever he was with Victoria, Damien laughed slightly.

Of course, he would be feeling like that since Jasmine was a part of Victoria too.

"And who is saying that I want to go out?" Damien flirted back before inhaling her scent that was now getting a hint of her earlier scent back.

Nuzzling his face in her neck, he gripped her waist before pulling her closer, making her gasp at their proximity.

"Mmm… Be careful Alpha, you are trying to explore a dangerous territory." Jasmine said as she felt herself being lost in his scent that was a mixture of a smell of wet soil, wood, and cinnamon with what felt like lavender and chocolate.

It was weird but appealing at the same time.

"I can't help it. I like exploring only dangerous things." He said, gazing deeply into her eyes.

Feeling lost in the seductive amber-eyes that she has always dreamt about, she moved her face closer to Damien, about to kiss his lips, however, as soon as her nose touched Damien, he jerked the car turning it with a screech.

"Shit!" He cursed loudly.

Turning around hurriedly, Jasmine noticed how their car was going to collide with a tree, but before the car could even go off-road, Jasmine closed her eyes opening her palms in the air that immediately formed a protective shield around them.

Hitting the tree with a loud bang that felt like nothing but a small feathery bump to them, Jasmine looked at Damien, bewildered for a few seconds before she burst out laughing.

Climbing down from Damien's lap, she sat in the shotgun seat, not being able to contain her laughter.

"Some nice driver you are, Mr. Alpha king," Jasmine commented, making him chuckle awkwardly.

"I bet who is to be blamed for that," Damien commented, making her blush red.

"Well, I saved us too."

"That, I am very thankful for. Looks like it's good to have a witch around." Damien commented before both of them laughed at each other again.

Gazing at her smiling face, Damien scooted closer to her, looking directly in her eyes, before he whispered,

"Honestly, you are the best thing that has happened to me."

Blushing red at his unexpected sweet words, Jasmine widened her eyes before she turned her head to look in the other direction.

"I think we should get going amber-eyes. It's pretty much dark, and well, I not a fan of darkness." Jasmine said.

Damien knew that everything was very new for Jasmine. Getting out of the house for the first time, coming here, meeting him, this feelings for him, everything was new for her, and she would be needing some time to cooperate well with them.

"As you wish, my lady," Damien said, cupping her cheek with his left hand sweetly before starting the car again.

Jasmine, who had never been romantically treated like this, giggled inside her mind, smiling happily.

"You talk like, I am your lover, girlfriend or wife or something." Jasmine scoffed, to contain her shyness.

"Well, aren't you one? Aren't you, my girl-friend?" Damien said, manipulating his words, making Jasmine roll her eyes.

"Well, there's a lot of difference between a girl-friend and a girlfriend, okay? I am not the type to share, Alpha king. What's mine is mine, and I'll gauge every eye that tries to even as much as lay their gaze on my things." Jasmine said, her voice holding a dangerous glint.

"I know, Mine. I'll keep that in mind." Damien said, smirking at her with a soft look.

"Mine?" She asked confused, turning her head to look at him.

"Your name is Jasmine. People call you Jasmine, Jazz, or Jass, I want to have my personal nickname for you. So I'll use the latter half of your name, Mine. I'll call you mine from now on." Damien shrugged, making Jasmine blush harder than she was.

Placing her head on the window sill, she gazed at the trees and scenery outside, her heart beating fast by Damien's earlier comment. He was such a flirt!! All those people who say that Damien doesn't know to laugh or talk politely should come and look at him now.

Was this really happening? She asked herself, closing her eyes as her heart was feeling moved for the first time.

She didn't know what was this feeling. It felt like a new feeling yet something old.

Like she was feeling such emotions in her heart for the first time, but her heart was long accustomed to them.

Smiling at the thoughts of this handsome amber-eyes being her friend, she leaned in her seat.

She was feeling happy and content, however, before she could feel herself being immersed in the thoughts of him, she heard a weird faint whisper in her ears.


Opening her body eyes abruptly, she looked at Damien, who was driving the Jeep while concentrating on the road.

Thinking that it might just be her hallucination, she closed her eyes, trying to go back into her deep slumber, but just like earlier, as soon as she closed her eyes and a few minutes passed, she heard the same voice again,

'Jasmine. It's time for you to come back.'

Opening her eyes in panic, she looked at Damien, who was looking back at her.

"Thank god you're awake. I was contemplating on whether should I wake you up or just carry you inside." Damien said.

"What do you mean inside, weren't be just in the middle of a forest-" Jasmine turned around to look outside the window to only come face to face with a large hotel and civilization all around.

"Darling, I know that my charm is like sedation, but I think you are exaggerating it a bit too much. You've been sleeping for four hours straight. And the forests you are talking about we left them behind around 3 hours ago." Damien chuckled, making Jasmine more confused than she already was.

"But I just closed my eyes for a minute-"

"Hey, Jazz, was your ride good?" Her words were cut off by Daniel coming to her window.

"Yeah, but-"

"Let's go inside. We'll be taking a few hours rest here before we go into the palace." Daniel said, pulling her out of the Jeep with her hands in his.

"I think she can walk on her own," Damien commented before getting out of the Jeep and covering the distance between them.

"I know that. We all know that. But we just like pampering and spoiling her. Right, Jass?" Daniel said ticking her nose, to which she giggled softly.

"I like it that way. It makes me feel loved and wanted." Jasmine commented before going inside the hotel with Daniel, leaving a seething Damien behind.

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