This will be the last flashback chapter for a while.

By the way, I highly recommend reading 'My Devil System', more information is in the author's note.


After a little skirmish, the playing field went quiet.

I gathered that there were either two or three other players remaining aside from me and her. They were likely hiding just like us, there wasn't any rule stating that the game couldn't go on forever, so unless something happened we'd just forever be in this stalemate.

I decided to leave my hiding place and start approaching the remaining players. I didn't want to stay here for the rest of my life, so I wanted to finish this soon. I made sure to stick close to the wall as I made my way around, the others didn't seem to be showing any sign of coming out of their hiding spots, the place was almost dead quiet at this point.

I listened out for faint sounds which could signify there was someone nearby. No one shot at us while we traversed the place, it seemed everyone was determined to hide until the end. I could hear the slight sounds of footsteps coming from the side. Whilst it was true that I could easily win the game, I decided to hold back on many of the plethoras of tricks I had up my sleeve.

If I wanted to know exactly where everyone was, I could simply remember and trace back each of their movements from the last moment I saw them and predict their location. People are simple creatures, it's quite easy to predict their movements and thoughts. However, despite having the ability to do so, I felt as if it was unnecessary and I wanted to get an experience as close as possible to the 'normal experience'.

The entire time as we made our way around the arena, she was pinching the back of my shirt, holding onto it as she hid her face behind my back. I walked towards the source of the sounds and as expected a figure dashed by, hiding behind the pillars and various other obstacles. I raised my rifle and aimed it towards him, however, his entire body was already in cover so there was no point in shooting. I slowly made my way towards his hiding spot, walking through the open.

I could tell that he was lacking composure, so I assumed he wouldn't pop his head out for a quick fight. Even if he did, I would simply shoot him first.

I turned the corner and instantly shot at him. Both of my bullets landed and he frantically fired at me to no avail. He was so afraid that he wasn't even aiming his gun towards me when he shot. I hopped around a little before the six-second reload time was done. He could tell that he was finished as he surrendered and I shot him one last time, eliminating him.

There was supposedly only one team left at this point. Considering they managed to last this long, even though the central skirmish before, it seemed they were at least somewhat capable. My guess was about right as I was greeted by the sound of lasers coming from behind me. I quickly ducked behind a wall before any of them made contact with me, however, she on the other hand was shot twice before getting behind cover.

I poked my rifle around the corner and shot towards the attackers. One of my attacks managed to land, meaning they were quickly advancing towards us.

"Get ready to shoot."

I waited for the six-second reload on my gun and began retreating further back. From what I could tell in the brief conflict between our two teams, one of them had a shotgun and one of them had a pistol. This meant that their long-range capabilities were quite limited.

I pulled her by the arm and began running away from the opponents. As I expected, they began advancing upon us, chasing us down. We made our way to a long straight ramp with no hiding spots. As we made our way up, I turned around the moment they were on the ramp and began shooting down at them. Their guns did not have enough range in order to hit us so they were like sitting ducks.

However, I did need to wait for my rifle to reload and the attackers were not discouraged after having received two hits. They continued tailing us, gradually closing the distance. When we made it to the top of the ramp, there was almost a forest of pillars, which we were going to have to use as our final battleground. There was practically no way down now so I took position behind a pillar and waited for our opponents to arrive.

As they peeked their heads from the edge of the ramp, I fired, hitting them with one of the two shots, they were both on one life now. Suddenly, both she and I were hit by the shotgun spray, eliminating her and leaving me with two lives. I withdrew further towards the edge of the arena until my back was against the wall. The six-second reload time was complete and I could fire my weapon again.

They didn't immediately charge at me, instead, they hid behind the pillars and slowly advanced upon me. I raised my rifle and pointed it in their general direction. There was a brief moment of silence before a heard a united shout of "Go!".

Without hesitation, I shot and hit both of them, before their lasers even reached me.

They had incorrectly identified how long the range on their guns was, it seemed they were so infatuated with the idea of charging at me in unison and finishing me off that they had completely forgotten that my rifle could fire much further than either of their guns. When they ran out from behind the pillars, they were in range of my rifle, however, I was out of range of their guns. It was a simple victory, they were easy targets running in the open straight towards me.

The game ended and the remaining three of us made our way back into the lobby.

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