My Master Disconnected Yet Again

Chapter 300 - First Plane Warning

Chapter 300: First Plane Warning

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

By reloading the data, Shen Ying referred to readjusting the physique of chef back to his original state before the injury. This was one of the authorities of the Manager. The Manager takes charge of everything in the plane which naturally includes time and space.

Except that once the reloading is done, the chef would return to the level of newbies, which meant that he had to return to the lower realm to practice until his body was fully grown to receive the temporarily stored assistant seal.

“So you are making the chef practice again from the beginning?” Lonemoon’s eyes widened. The chef was already at the level of Supreme Divinity, and a reloading meant that millions of years of hard work would go completely wasted.

Hmm, he was absolutely not gloating!


“Nope!” Shen Ying shook her head. “He will still have the same body.”

“What do you mean?”

Shen Ying glanced at him and said, “He is from the divine race!”

The smile froze on Lonemoon’s face. He said immediately, “Holy shit! I do hate those who are born at the finishing line!” They remain at the finishing line even after their account data was restored.

“Where did you send him then?”

Shen Ying raised a hand and waved. In an instant, the two had arrived among green hills and waters. There was a small village right in front of them, with many working in the field.


“Why do I find this place a bit familiar?” Lonemoon sensed it instinctively, and in an instant everything in this world came to his mind. “Holy shit! Isn’t this the Three Azure Realms?” It was the same Lower Azure World that they transmigrated to at first, but it had already become one of the 3000 worlds at the moment. “You brought chef back here?”

“Hmm,” Shen Ying nodded and pointed to the front. “There he comes.”

Sure enough, a child whose height didn’t even reach his waist walked towards them. Despite being much smaller, the face was exactly the same as the younger version of him when he first came to the Divine World. A data reload indeed- even the body shape went back smaller. But the good thing was that those horrible wounds on his body had disappeared.

Lonemoon felt relieved, moved to the side of the child in a flash, and waved his hand in greeting, “Chef, how are you...”

Before he finished, the child walked past him towards the lane on the side, as if he had not seen him at all. His small face was cold, and not a single look was directed towards him.


What the hell?

Lonemoon was stunned for a while, forgetting even to put down that raised hand. As he watched the chef walking away, he only understood what was happening after a long while. He went back to Shen Ying’s side, again in a flash. “What’s the matter? Didn’t you say that he wouldn’t lose his memories?” From that attitude, he didn’t look like he knew them at all.

“It was just sealed,” Shen Ying replied. After thinking she added, “The heritage, I mean.”

Lonemoon was stupefied, and after an instant he got it: the dragon clan has its heritage, which naturally still existed in chef’s memory. His body remained an Innate Sword Embodiment just like before, but was not yet fit to bear the dragon clan’s heritage. Therefore, the only way was to seal it first, and unseal it later slowly, probably after a long time. This meant that he still did not have any cultivation at the moment.

Why did I suddenly feel somewhat comforted?

“Wait!” he suddenly realized a problem. “In that case, won’t we have to stay here until he has grown up before going back?”

“That’s right!”

“How the f*ck is that right!” What difference is there between that, and reincarnation? Is it really okay for you, as a Manager, to slack like this?

However, they couldn’t just leave the chef here too. As he was virtually the same as a real mortal, you never know what could happen to him if you leave him here.

“Go and stop him,” Lonemoon gave Shen Ying a push. “You’ve got to recognize your disciple, right?” Although he was the divine race by birth, nobody could know how long it would take before he could receive the assistant seal if he doesn’t practice.


“Go ahead. Get your disciple back.”

Only now did Shen Ying walk slowly towards the child.

The child who was once more stopped, did not immediately walk away from the side this time. He stopped, before lifting his head and looking at the woman in front of him. His eyes were confused, “You...”

Shen Ying bowed down, looked down at the child in front of her, remembered Father Niu’s words, and said with a sincere expression, “Do you... know how to cook?”

The child: “...”

Lonemoon: “...”

Silence fell around them in an instant.


The next moment...

“Oops, he’s run away.”

The child gave her a cautious look, turned around and squinted towards the direction that he came from.

“Of course he has!” Lonemoon felt a pain in his stomach. “I asked you to recognize your disciple. Who told you to ask him about cooking?” It was lucky that he didn’t take her as a mad person.

“Oh.” Shen Ying still looked lazy: that was just what she said in the past.

“Never mind, he should be staying right in this village.” Lonemoon took a deep breath. “Let’s hurry up and find him again. We must let him start practicing as soon as possible, so that he can retrieve his memories sooner.”

Just as Lonemoon was going to drag Shen Ying and go ahead chasing, a sharp sound came from beside his ears. It sounded three times as if an alarm was touched, and the sound was vaguely familiar.

“This is...” Lonemoon was taken aback, unable to react for a moment.

“Plane warning?” Shen Ying said, as she raised the hand caught by Lonemoon, and pointed at the wristband he was wearing, which was lit with red light.

Lonemoon only remembered now that the wristband was among a large pile of things that Shen Jing pressed on Shen Ying. She was in a bad mood, and only said “They will be useful.” And it can actually send a plane warning?

Just as he was thinking, an image suddenly appeared in front of him. The Godfiend looked anxious and said through a voice transmission, “Boss, it’s not good. The karma in Three Realms suddenly started to stir. I can’t control it.”

“What?!” Lonemoon was shocked: Godfiend takes charge of the order of this plane, and karma was the foundation of stability of this world. Stirring of karma proves that something big has happened in the plane. “Shen Ying, do you feel anything?”

“Not yet!” Shen Ying shook her head.

“Then let’s return to Godfiend to take a look.”

“But on chef’s side...” she pointed not far away.

“Keep an eye on the chef! I will be right back.” Lonemoon confessed quickly, before his body shape flashed and he disappeared in place.

Shen Ying was stupefied, put down her hand slowly, before she finished the second half of the sentence.

“... there is something strange.”

Well, never mind, it doesn’t matter anyway.


Yi Qing lived in a dilapidated small hut at the fringe of the village. The house wasn’t big, apparently an abandoned house, only barely fit for living. In front of the house was a big tree, beside which was a half-collapsed house, with some things stored inside.

Yi Qing, who was again a little kid, stood in confusion for a while when he saw Shen Ying standing outside. Then he seemed to remember that she was the one who stopped him on the road just now. His small eyebrows wrinkled, and they just looked at each other for a long while.

Then he ventured to ask, “Are you hungry?”

Shen Ying nodded, “Hmm.” The way one does without breakfast.

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