"UWAHAHA...do you think I'll lose to you brat that easily." the emperor stepped on the long chain which attached to Marinette's neck. Philip took the sword from Marinette to cut the chain but that chain was indestructible, the sword clashed with the chain creating a spark.

Lost Magic: Chain Of Command

The chain became alive, its end came to Philip like a lightning bolt and wrapped itself around Philip's neck. The emperor tore his shirt and wrapped it around his wounded eyes then drew all the chain making it a circle cube trapping Aurora inside it with no way for a little air out.

"Forget me, I can manage!!"

The prince's knees hit the ground, a pointy end of ice stepped his right leg. Seeing that, Marinette came off from Philip's arms and put Philip's arm on her shoulder running from that emperor.

She looked back at the cube made of chain, her heart ached so bad when leaving Aurora there.

'I'll come back for you...my friend.'

They ran back to the palace, the front gate of the royal palace was crowded with the citizen walking in rows with Diana walking in front of them.

"Prince, hang on."

"...I'm fine...ngh..."

The chain kept getting tighter around both of their necks, they couldn't even stay so far from each other. Marinette carried Philip putting his arm on her shoulder to an empty room in the royal palace.

They both panted, their energy won't last long as they were walking like that. And the presence of the emperor kept getting closer and closer.

They hid at the corner waiting for the coast is clear before they continued leaving the blood trail behind the path they walked.

"What should we do, your highness...princess?"

"The emperor won't die easily...tell the citizen at the gate that all of the knights is preparing for the search."

"What if something--"

"Hah?? Did you listen to me?? Go!!! Urgh..." Marinette gasped seeing that personality of Diana rise up again, the knight walked past the two people hiding behind the curtain in front of the big door of the throne room.

Diana was staring at the throne of the emperor with her back facing against Marinette and Philip, if they moved a little bit and Diana turned back, she will notice them right away.

"Ah...I could feel the...power..." Marinette glanced at the blood trail she left behind, she gasped seeing that much blood. It was a miracle the knight didn't walk on that path.

The blood kept dripping from her and Philip's wound making its way slowly into the throne room, the blood was still traveling on the red carpet but the moment it arrived at the white tile, it will be their doom.

Diana sat on the throne of the emperor caressing the throne in pleasure and let out a satisfying laugh.

"I always wanted to sit on this...HAHAHA..." while Diana was distracted with power, Marinette picked up a rock inside the flower pot and threw it to the glass window of the throne room.


"Who dares!!!!!" she got up from the throne shouting in anger rushing to the window, Marinette took that chance carrying Philip to the empty room.

She locked the door immediately, she couldn't even have a second to be relieved.

"Philip...hang on..." she grabbed the curtain of the window tearing to stop his bleeding, it was like she was blind by his wound to the point she forgot she was the one who was in a worse state than him. None of her wounds was completely healed.

"Marinette...you...stop already!! Treat your wound first!!"

"No time for that!!!" Marinette picked up the chain, the long chain gave her a little bit of range for her to reach the door after she helped Philip sit on the bed.

She wiped the blood on the white tiles and then threw all those towels and the curtain with blood in the bathroom then broke the lock of the bathroom.

"Marinette!!!!! Where are you???!!!!!!!!"

"Ack!!" Marinette let out a little scream in fear when hearing the emperor's voice, he was already near, and she knew clearly that hiding the blood by walking on the red carpet won't make it completely disappear from the emperor's sharp nose.

Huff huff

Her hands were shaking when she took the ice which stabbed the prince's leg out of his leg. She climbed on the bed pushing Philip's body under him and then pulled the blanket over her body completely while leaving Philip's body part from his shoulder out of the blanket.

"Show yourself!!!!! I'll make sure I kill you!!!!!!! Ahhh!!!" his voice was getting louder, the floor in the room was shaking by the intense killing intent coming from the furious emperor.

Marinette under the blanket took off her clothes till she was completely naked, she grabbed the bottle of vodka that was prepared for the guest on the bed drawer and poured it all over her clothes to hide the smell of blood.

"What--what are you doing??!?!!!" the prince was startled when his finger touched her naked skin, she ignored him for that one time. She grabbed the blanket hiding her breathe sitting in front of Philip and then poured the leftover vodka all over his body starting from his hair which was stained by her blood.

Philip's hair started to become less red turning into his original blonde hair but his face started getting redder and redder when Marinette started taking off his clothes ripping all the buttons on his shirt.

She threw all of their clothes soaked in vodka under the bed then she quickly hugged Philip's stomach. She closed her eyes completely doing all of that.

"Hug me...hug me like you're hugging a pillow."

The prince clicked his tongue pulling the pillow on Marinette's head and put his leg on his naked waist hugging her like a pillow right on the time the door was unlocked from the inside.

"The smell of blood..."


The chain was suffocating those two, only the blanket was their savior at that time hiding from the emperor.

Marinette's heart was racing wildly, her feeling was mixed unable to react when she made contact with something hard. Her frightening feeling from the emperor who was approaching the bed with each and every step took their breath away.

"Is he already asleep??? What's with this strong scent of alcohol???" the emperor glared at the prince who was forcing his eyes closed pretending to be in a deep sleep.

Marinette didn't dare to move, she bit her lip to calm herself down from shaking. She could feel the emperor's hand was closer and closer to grab the blanket.

Her blood was soaking the prince's underwear.

'Please don't...'

The emperor's hand reached the end of the blanket, Philip grabbed the chain in preparation for the worst thing.

"Your majesty!!! The woman in the paper, lady Marinette!!! We found her!!!"

"Take me to where she is!!!" the knight came in time before the emperor pulled the blanket.

They both didn't have the courage to move for many minutes after the emperor left.

"...your highness...can you...move...a little bit...?"

"Just wait for a minute." the prince replied to her putting his hand stroking Marinette's hair lightly, he couldn't show his face to her. He tried his best to think of something sad to calm himself down.

After a minute,

Marinette grabbed all the blankets to herself hiding her entire body from the embarrassed prince who only had underwear covering his private part.

Marinette tried to walk but with only one step, she fell to the floor on her knees as she already reached her own limit.

Both of them had wounds big and small on their body, and no one among them was capable enough to walk.

"Is your leg alright??"

"I should be the one asking you that." Marinette replied sarcastically even though her legs already went numb from all the running and carrying Philip.

"Let me..."

"No...just stay there...don't come...let me rest for a while..." the atmosphere felt awkward, their body was full of sweat and enveloped with vodka.

"Mary...go back to the cave and make sure Marinette's friend is okay."

'Yes, your highness.' the prince sat on the edge of the bed different from Marinette commanded the purple phoenix.

"You can still use magic...?"

"Mary isn't magic..."

They could only manage to share the short conversation, Marinette was sitting with her back facing Philip's back shivering in coldness.

"I'll go get something for you to wear..." the prince got up from the bed, but he couldn't walk very far due to the chain attached from his neck to Marinette's neck.

He climbed on the bed and carried Marinette immediately, Marinette wrapped her arm around his neck, she became flustered seeing his firm chest and muscles.

"We could only move this way...I ask for your apology..."

"Don't worry about it...just find something useful and lock the door too..." she avoided his eyes pulling the blanket to hide her red face.

Philip walked uncomfortable with one of his legs hurt, he could only walk half a step at a time with Marinette on his arm.

Philip locked the door and then walked to the closet, a little bit of luck was on their side when they saw two bathrobes inside the closet.

The prince made his way back giving the clothes for Marinette to hold back to the bed. Philip put Marinette on the bed carefully with his hand behind her neck.

He was about to put on the bathrobe but Marinette grabbed his hand and pointed at the blood on his leg.


"Let disinfect if first."

"I can do that after putting on clothes." Marinette glared at him and he finally followed her words showing all the wounds and cut on his back.

Marinette grabbed another bottle of vodka pouring it on the blanket and then wiped it on Philip's back.


"Don't make a weird noise."

"Can you do it gentler...ahh...haa..."

"How are you going to win the war if you can't handle this little pain??" Marinette pressed on the wound more to make sure it won't be infected later on.

"...you should mind your own business..."

"Don't make me mad, your highness." she talked with an indifferent face.

"None of this would have happened if you leave when I told you..." she let out a little gigling and replied to him, "Who was the one shaking his head back then refusing to leave without me?"

"Ack...I...only did what I thought was right." Marinette tore the blanket and stretched long enough to wrap it around the prince's back.

"You can treat the wound on your leg yourself. I need to rest for a bit." she gave him the bottle of vodka, even when the prince was about to turn his head to her, she raised her voice at him not to turn to look at her, "It's embarrassing...don't look." she laid on the back with her backs against Philip's warm waist.

Philip was not professional like Marinette in treating his wound, he poured the vodka on his wound and then tied it with the leftover blanket.

He glanced at Marinette in the bathrobe sleeping on the edge of the bed, he kept staring for almost half an hour.

"You're still the same..."

Marinette was awake hiding her pain from Philip, the vodka was all gone and her wound on the stomach which Philip wasn't aware of was the thing keeping her from sleeping.

"What're you talking about??"

"You're still not asleep??"

"How can I sleep if you keep moaning like that??"

"I--I didn't moan. It didn't hurt at all."

"Who was begging me to be gentler a moment ago??"

"Ah...you're so annoying...I want to cut this chain as quickly as possible."

"...you're like two different people...you were so kind when you danced with me back then."

"I don't want to hear that from you...who told me to lick her feet."

"It wasn't me, it was Diana."

"Let's just sleep. We need to rest for at least one hour."




"Seriously..." the prince raised his head a little taking a peek of Marinette sleeping like a baby.


'I wish the person you love isn't him...Marinette...'


Little did he know...she didn't only just sleep.

To be continued....!

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