My Man Is A Villain, So Am I!

Chapter 80 - 80: Marinette Mortel(1)


Huff huff...

"This stupid body...urgh..." her indecision between killing herself and adapting to the body made her body become more painful.

Diana groaned with her stomach rumbling, she put her hands around the iron rod which was the only thing keeping her inside the prison cell as it banned her from using magic.


"Lady Marinette! Lady Marinette!" a very low voice coming from the owner of the feet which she was staring at as her body was on the cold dirty floor.

She raised her head to look at the man in the knight suit, he smiled at her.

"Who are--"

"I'm here to rescue you." that man didn't listen to her question to the end and persuaded to cut the iron rod with some unique magic he had.

Diana had an indifferent face taking his hand to stand up from the floor.

"Lady Marinette, I'll escort you the capital." that man had a sad look as what he just said wasn't what he truly wanted.

"Hmm...your name is..."

"I thought you already knew my name...I'm Robert."

"Ahh...I see..." her eyes became crescent as he led her way outside, when she was walking, she heard something rustling inside her hidden pocket. She had no idea there was such a pocket inside the stupid dress Marinette wore.

She slid her hand inside the pocket while the man in front of her was completely off guard.

'Robert, she's not the real lady Marinette.'

The phoenix talked to Robert through telepathy, but her words didn't get through since Diana put something inside Robert's pocket to ban any magic from interfering with her plan.

' did I not notice this??' Diana grinned, her eyes slowly turned dark blue as she picked up the sharp torch hung on the wall and clenched it while staring at her savior's back.

'Marinette's ally...huh??'s so thrilling.' she blew off the burning fire on the torch, its heat still remain.

The phoenix inside Robert couldn't wait any longer, she rushed outside when Robert turned himself at the corner making Diana couldn't see the purple phoenix.

It soared its wing in the sky searching everywhere inside the royal palace for the real Marinette but Marinette was nowhere to be found.

'Should I go to master??? But...' it shook its head and continued searching for Marinette before it became too late.

Back to the underground prison,

The situation became extremely tense just only a second after the phoenix Mary left. Robert raised his sword at Marinette's throat. He had the upper hand to kill Diana in that body, but seeing Marinette's face, he didn't have the gut.

"Robert, I'm not your real lady Marinette...but I can give you everything you need. On one condition though."

"I won't listen to any of your nonsense, lady Diana! You're the one who brought tragedy to my lady."

" I thought, you're really valuable to me, Robert. Join my side." Diana still remain calm even though the sword of Robert which he polished every day already reached her neck.

"I won't betray lady Marinette."

"Then kill me. Isn't killing me a big help to her??"

"You're still in my master's body. Do you really think I would fall for your trick??" Robert tossed the chunk of the iron rod out of his body, his magic returned to him immediately after that.

Diana threw the keys which Marinette put inside her pocket inside the prison of a certain someone she whispered to while Robert didn't notice. In Robert's eyes, it was the torch she threw, he didn't get to see the keys along with it.

"Robert, you're so naive. Who would want to stay inside such a painful body?? She always wanted my father...I mean duke Jellal's staying inside my body will be rewarding to her."

Robert chuckled and then his eyes turned cold, "Then give me a reason why you want to die. I might change my mind to kill you right here. Right now."

His eyes turned deadly, so did Diana's. A drop of tears fell off from that glowing blue eyes.



Marinette's POV

If things really go well, I might obtain incredible political power from the northern empire. 

It seemed the first prince, Philip also wanted to rebel after all the time he was silent. Borrowing the army from the neighboring empire was never been a good choice no matter what era it was.

But if it really went well, Richard would lose and the empire will have Philip as the new ruler.

But I didn't really think if he would be a great ruler though, if my judgment was wrong, he might even become worse than Richard.

If we want to defeat Richard, it had to be around this time. He would grow stronger and finally become undefeatable if we ignored him for too long. Richard is a sly fox.

I walked on the lonely street alone under the moonlight after reading all the history books all day long.

Kwack kwack

'Lady Marinette!!!! Lady Marinette!!! Help!!!!' suddenly the purple phoenix descended from the sky landing right on my face making me fall on the street hurting my butt.

"What's wrong???!! Did something happen to Philip???"

'No, no, no...but Robert is in danger."

"Robert?? He's the guy from this morning, isn't he?"

'You...I mean lady Diana in your body wants to do something bad to him!! Please save him...' the phoenix I held in my arm slowly lost her burning light right after she said that.

I took a deep breath then hid Mary somewhere the person who will be in this body won't be able to find. I brought out the antidote which Victor gave to me.

The antidote looked like poison which would kill me when I drink it. But at some point, I would drink it anyway, I drank it in one go.

My fingers were shaking, my heart was throbbing, I fell on the street placing my hand on my chest as it was unbearable. My consciousness was drifting away, as my mind wasn't to the fullest, I didn't even notice the seed inside my soul when I drank the antidote that night.

If I knew what was in that antidote, I would never drink it.

I opened my eyes again with the worse familiar pain I had been through, just like when I first came to Anastasia, the burning fire inside the painful body. One thing was different though. Instead of Anna who welcomed me, I was welcomed by a big man with scars all over his face.

Robert was held inside that giant man's arm as he was resisting in pain, and I who had the sword stuck inside my stomach was sitting there groaning in pain.

"Release me, you bastard!!! I have to save my lady's body..." Robert was knocked unconscious and was thrown up and down against the hard floor till his face became unrecognizable.

My pale hands reached the sword to take it out of my body slowly as I endured the pain biting the pale lip.

That man was three times bigger than Robert, he could be a giant to be compared in size. I glared at him as I finally took the sword out of my stomach. I was still bleeding, the blood was traveling down my thigh and some of them dripped on my feet. It was agonizing, but the arrogance of the giant had no bound.

When I saw the key inside his big hand, I snapped.

"HAHAHA, human...kill human...human is so fragile--" that was his last word.




It was a silence as that bastard was dying from my sword I threw right at his heart. I stepped on his body walking to Robert.

There was no guard or knight coming, which meant Robert must do something to the knight before he came in to rescue Diana who he thought was Marinette.

"You're..." even when his eyes were gonna pop out at any moment, he who on the floor laid down inside the pool of his own blood still mumbled that word to confirm if it was the real Marinette or Diana.

Even though I was neither of them, it was really heartbreaking.

"'re back...lady prince Philip..."

Stupid idiot. You've always been Marinette's ally since her last life. Did you really think Marinette would be happy when she comes back to know that you die??

Light Magic: Blessing of Goddess

I ignored all the pain I was suffering for my light magic to be used to heal Marinette's ally.

"How did you..."

"Don't tell anyone, even Philip...okay??" he was healed with the light magic, when he was still confused and persuaded for any answer from me, I put the hand on my stomach to close the wound with the light magic.

I tried my best not to cough in front of him knowing not a single thing would be good to spit out blood in front of him.

"Lady Marinette, did you do something ridiculous again??"


He was crying, shedding his tears. I thought he would be annoying and kept thanking me but he had that serious look on his face and scolded me instead.

"Last time, you used the memory what's this?? What did you pay for such magic??"

"'re misunderstanding something..."

"I'll tell his highness, I won't let you die in this timeline."

"Robert...shut up." I brushed off the dirt and tore the criminal shirt off the giant guy to make a dress for me to wear. I wore the black and white dress I made myself right in front of Robert.

I tied my hair in a ponytail and then took the sword out of that giant and brought it back to Robert, the sword's owner.

"I don't need anyone's help. Go back to your master, and take care of that phoenix well."

"Lady Marinette--"

"I have something to do...more like someone I have to deal with tonight."

He made the face sulking as I shut him away.

"I have something to tell you about lady Diana." I stopped walking when he said that to me, I raised my right eyebrow expecting what he was going to say.

"Lady Diana has split personalities..."

"I know."

"You have to be careful...she is dangerous...she even stabbed the sword to kill herself a moment ago inside your body..."

Diana's other personality kept getting more dangerous. Even I knew that fact, but I didn't have the time to deal with that. I didn't even get to do my thing when I was in her body.

"You'd better be careful too, Robert. Oy by the way, please tell Cooper and Moana that I really miss them."

I waved my hands goodbye to him and left the prison at once, I didn't regret coming back to Marinette's body even though how much pain I had to suffer, I started getting used to it as if it was my body. More importantly, I'm glad I made it in time to save Robert.


"Cooper and Moana...oh lady Marinette..." Robert kneeled down in the direction Marinette left in tear as he had never felt guilty like that moment when his lip was trembling too much to the point he couldn't tell her the truth about the death of the people she missed.

"Why am I the only one alive...haa...haaa.....??!!"

To be continued....!

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