My Man Is A Villain, So Am I!

Chapter 71 - 71: She's Not Fine(4)

Marinette's POV

The phoenix no longer responded to me soaring into the sky with its purple feather wing, I ran following it throughout the alley even jumping from one roof to one roof just to get a gleam of it.

I shouldn't follow it, but when I turned my back on it, it immediately came to me and bit my ears like telling me to follow it, so I had no other choice.

The sun was starting to rise, and the phoenix finally stopped and sat on an unknown man's head.

Kwack Kwack

The phoenix's voice almost damaged my eardrum, that man closed his ears and turned slowly to me. My eyes started becoming big when the man from Marinette's memories was standing right in front of me.

"Robert??" I said in hesitation to the man with the priest's robe.

"Lady Marinette, you recognize me!! Does that mean you already got all your past life's memories??" he ran and held my hand in happiness, but I pushed him away when I couldn't see his face clearly. All the black and gloomy soul were surrounding him and yelled begging to live.

He gave me a similar vibe to the priest from before.

Was all the priest like that??

But there was no doubt who was in front of me, he was really Robert, Marinette's ally and the man who was killed when Victor invaded the hidden village.

He stared at me looking pitifully but I couldn't bring myself to talk to him with all the noise of all the souls around him like the gum stuck with the pant.

[Don't kill me...]

[I want to live...please have mercy...]


"Mary, is this really lady Marinette??" he asked the phoenix while I was preparing to leave. I didn't know how did he end up in the northern empire either.

And why was he alone?? He should be with Marinette's two other allies which were Cooper and Moana.

The phoenix nodded as if it could see through things, but it was still wrong since I wasn't the real Marinette.

"Lady Marinette, I need you. You're the only one who could talk with your highness...he didn't listen to Mary anymore."

"Who is Mary?? And who is your highness you're talking about??"

"You don't know Mary???"

"Is it that phoenix??" he nodded, looking at his eyes, he wasn't lying. The phonic flew to me sitting on my shoulder as I tried to escape from Robert.

He was a quick wit, he would notice if I wasn't the real Marinette.

"My lady, prince Philip is going to do something dangerous. You need to stop him."

"Prince Philip??"

"Yes. You have to help him. Don't let him execute that plan--" he suddenly stopped speaking and the phoenix Mary turned to the familiar magic energy and went to the roof, to the man with blonde hair glaring at me.

"Robert, mind your own business." his voice was cold, with his words, Robert couldn't continue talking to me and choose to obey his master's order jumping to stand beside that blonde-haired man.


My head hurt...

The first time I met him, I cried without knowing but this time, my head hurt so bad especially when I couldn't remember anything about him from Marinette's memories.

I knew he was a heartless man, but he who danced with me on Tristan's birthday wasn't like that. His eyes glaring at me with nothing called sympathy tore me apart as I couldn't continue to look at him turning my head down.

"Your highness...I beg you, you'll die--"


Even Robert kneel in front of him warning the prince, he slapped Robert right in the face.

"Stop with your nonsense, I'm late because of you. Do you want another punishment??"

My hands were shaking, I held my right hands as I glanced at poor Robert.

"And you, Lady Diana. Please go back to your duchy as soon as possible, your father is worried sick about his daughter. I'll take my leave now." and that was how we depart, the last thing I could see at the last second was his wide back as he left toward the royal palace.

I didn't know anymore. Just who am I really?? I'm Sun-hee with Marinette's memories in Diana's body. Just how did it come to this point?

I fixed my wig and went back to the inn with the slight aching at the right side of my chest.

If they didn't want me to help, then I shouldn't stick my nose in somewhere it didn't belong.


The Royal Palace of The Northern Empire,

"Diana, open the door. I know you're in there!!!" the northern emperor went out his way abandoning all his status to beg the woman with the ugly scar to open the door for him even when he could destroy the door with the little magic coming from his finger.

"Go away, duke Jellal is only my father!!!" Diana from the other side of the door ruffled her white hair and threw all the expensive stuff on the ground breaking it to calm down her anger.

"You must accept the truth. You're my daughter."

"No...I'm Diana Mortel. You must be wrong...this body is Marinette, then Marinette might be your real daughter. It's not's not me..." she yelled at the emperor, the knights who were guarding the door felt the disrespect almost unsheathed their sword and went inside the room but the emperor stopped them.

"Diana...I heard that body was engaged with your loved you want to know how you would get him back?? I can help you."

"I don't love that guy anymore...ahhhhhhh!!! I hate everything!!! Why is everything in my life all a lie???!!! I know...I should kill myself in this body...then two birds with one stone--"


The door was broken, the floor the emperor walked on broke apart as he made his way to the pathetic woman on the floor.


"You're such a disappointment. How dare a royalty like us to choose such thing as su*cide to solve the problem??" he slapped Diana in Marinette's body glaring at her with his cold eyes then took out the dagger and slashed Diana's hands.


Blood dripped on the white glove of his majesty and then the magic started appearing in front of Diana's eyes as her blood started boiling in the hand of the emperor and the white smoke was twirling in front of her.

It was a little tiny piece of her soul.

"See this?? No matter which body you're in, as long as you're the descendant of the northern royalty, this is the true form of your soul."

The white smoke turned to the little dragon with wings and then flew to drink all the blood in its sight and disappeared.

"No...then how do you explain this??!!! I have death roses magic..."

"I don't know why you want to be that pathetic's duke's daughter instead of a princess. But I'll tell you everything." Diana cried when she could no longer deny the fact of her life.

"Your mother is the death roses magic user."

" mother is duchess Catherine..."

"You must accept it. You're my daughter, Diana...the princess of the Northern Empire." the emperor patted Diana's head as she sobbed in his arms.

"Why...why everyone lied to me...why am I always used by everyone...??? I tried so much...I abandoned my true self...for what??? For all the lies???? could I accept that...??? I don't want status...I don't want anything...just for once, just let me live in peace..."

"My poor daughter...don't worry. It's fate that brought you back to me. I'll give you anything you want in this world, even your original body. Let's find your mother together."

"Anything I want...??" she stopped crying when hearing that.

The emperors nodded and kissed his daughter's forehead.

"You could even be my heir, Diana. I could destroy the empire of that man you once loved too if you want."

"..." Diana touched her cheek with the scar as her new father hugged her.

"Your majesty, his highness prince Philip is waiting for you at the throne room."

" looked like destroying that empire didn't take long." the emperor smirked and put Diana back on her bed as she has already fallen asleep.

"What about the two I told you to find, where are they, Oliver??"

"My apology, your majesty.  But we still couldn't find them."

"They're still lurking around our empire, just find them quickly. And don't touch a single strand of hair of that woman."

"As your order, your majesty." the emperor patted his secretary's shoulder and went to the throne room to greet the guest who was personally invited by him.

Sitting on the throne made of dragon's bonne and gold, he looked down at the popular illiterate prince of the center empire and his underling, Robert kneeling on the red carpet.

He sat crossing his legs as he grinned at the gap between him and those pathetic tools.


Prince Philip got up turning his head down at the emperor sitting on the throne.

"It's my honor to be invited by your majesty."

"Let's get to the point."


"I will lend you all my troops, you could use them however you want. But in exchange, you have to give me half of your land when you win."

'Of course, I took it stupid prince.'

"I will give you the land from your border to the capital if we win, that is." the emperor shook his head glaring at the ungrateful brat.

"What do you mean by giving me that land?? Is the land full of bandits covered in the snow?? Do I look like I want that??"

The prince remained calm as he replied, "But you haven't said which land you want yet, I only assumed you want the land next to yours as it is convenient."

'I won't even give you a single dirt, you scum emperor.'

"You seemed to misunderstand...let me make it clear, I want the mine, and the land next to the sea."

"But isn't it a little bit unfair to my side??? How could I lead my empire if you already took two of the main sources of the empire's income??"

"Prince Philip or whatever, your life is in my hand. If I want, I would already expose you to wanting to create the war. Beggar don't choose."

"But you didn't. How about we move on to the main point already?? None of us want to share anything with each other after the victory, so let's compromise."

The emperor laughed out loud at the prince's suggestion.

"Nice, nice!!! It looks like the rumor about you being the illiterate prince is false after all."

"..." prince Philip stared at the arrogant emperor with cold eyes just like the snake wanting to devour the crocodile.

"All right, I won't take any of your lands. But I will need something to make sure you won't betray me later."

"What is it, your majesty??"

"How about"

To be continued....!

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